enpan's Patent & Linux practice
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2023年4月30日 星期日
初步(主動)修正與替代申請案筆記 - MPEP714
2023年4月26日 星期三
A.I.發明人現況 - DABUS / Thaler v. Vidal
2023年4月25日 星期二
A.I.不能是發明人;或說發明人不能是非人類 - Thaler v. Hirshfeld, App No. 21-02347 (Fed. Cir. 2022)
CA or DIV - 筆記
2023年4月14日 星期五
還在討論"a"怎麼解釋?其實有很大的學問 - Salazar v. AT&T Mobility LLC (CAFC 2023)
案件緣起原告Mr. Salazar於2016年向HTC提出侵權告訴,被告產品是當年經典"One"系列的手機,陪審團裁定侵權不成立;到了2019年向電信商AT&T提出告訴,侵權產品還是HTC的"One"系列手機,結果HTC也只好介入,主張基於之前訴訟的裁定的不侵權確認之訴(declaratory judgment),但被駁回。
特別的是,同一案中,同一個專利的另外請求項,並沒有繼續引用"said processor",該項的"a processor"就可解釋為"one or more"。("Claim 9, however, had no subsequent reference to “the” or “said” processor. Because that claim did not reference a single processor, we interpreted “a processor” to mean “one or more processors” in the context of that claim.")
2023年4月10日 星期一
非文字的軟體元件的著作權適用性(copyrightability)- SAS Inst. v. World Programming Ltd. (Fed. Cir. 2023).
2023年4月7日 星期五
「收到警告信怎麼辦?」- 筆記
其中談到專利權人為何會發出警告信?第一,想要進行授權協商,第二,警告競爭者,第三,建立損害賠償開始的時間,第四,要建立蓄意侵權(willful infringement)的議題,藉此建立加倍賠償的合理意圖,第五,建立間接侵權資訊。
文中p.19有個訴訟程序的圖,十分有用:complaint -> answer -> claim construction hearing, including discovery, pre-trial motions -> Trial, Final judgment -> post-judgment proceedings -> appeal。
本篇引用涉及蓄意侵權的案例:Halo v. Pulse,蓄意侵權可能不是加重賠償的必要條件,主要還是"惡意"侵害的行為,主要在於知悉專利權存在後的處置。文章也建議通過無效程序,如IPR,來促成和解,有關IPR程序如p. 36。
- 美國最高法院案例的損害賠償討論 - Halo v. Pulse (June 13, 2016, Supreme Court)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/06/halo-v-pulse-june-13-2016-supreme-court.html)
- 蓄意侵權非加倍賠償的必要條件 - Halo Electronics v. Pulse Electronics (Fed. Cir. 2016)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/08/halo-electronics-v-pulse-electronics.html)
也問了chatGPT:"what should i do if receiving a warning letter concerning patent infringement?",給了很棒的答案:
Receiving a warning letter concerning patent infringement can be a serious matter, and it is important to handle it properly. Here are some steps you can take:
Read the letter carefully: It's essential to understand the allegations of infringement and the claims being made against you. The letter may also include information about the patent in question, such as the patent number and the specific claims being asserted.
Consult with an attorney: Consider consulting with an attorney who specializes in intellectual property law to help you understand the potential consequences of the allegations and to develop a plan for responding to the letter.
Investigate the claims: It's important to conduct an internal investigation to determine if your product or process actually infringes on the patent in question. You may need to engage a technical expert to assist in this process.
Consider your options: Based on your investigation, you may have several options, such as challenging the validity of the patent or negotiating a license with the patent owner.
Respond to the letter: You should respond to the letter in a timely and professional manner. Your response should address the claims of infringement and outline your plan for resolving the matter.
Overall, receiving a warning letter concerning patent infringement can be a complex issue, and it's important to seek professional legal advice to help you navigate the situation.
2023年4月6日 星期四
歐洲「非註冊制設計」爭議 - Ferrari v. Mansory
- 歐洲的設計保護有兩種方式:登記(registered Community design (RCD))與非登記(unregistered Community design (UCD),歐盟會員國境內公開後3年)類型。可以整體設計或是部份設計提出申請。
Mansory的產品是提供超跑車主個人化部件,本次爭議是Mansory個人化修改Ferrari 488 GTB的外觀,使之像Ferrari FXX K的外觀,從Mansory網站看到: