網際網路上的公開資料形成如EPC Art.54(2)規定「新穎性」證據的一部分,並符合PCT Art.33(2)規定的國際檢索相關前案的範圍內
PCT 33.2 Fields to Be Covered by the International Search
(a) The international search shall cover all those technical fields, and shall be carried out on the basis of all those search files, which may contain material pertinent to the invention.
(b) Consequently, not only shall the art in which the invention is classifiable be searched but also analogous arts regardless of where classified.
(c) The question what arts are, in any given case, to be regarded as analogous shall be considered in the light of what appears to be the necessary essential function or use of the invention and not only the specific functions expressly indicated in the international application.
(d) The international search shall embrace all subject matter that is generally recognized as equivalent to the subject matter of the claimed invention for all or certain of its features, even though, in its specifics, the invention as described in the international application is different.
a) 技術期刊(電子式)
b) 資料等同的公開印刷物
c) 非傳統公開,如社群、部落格
d) 沒有日期或是日期不可靠的公開資料
顯然,a)類的資訊通常是最可靠的,技術期刊通常具有可靠的出版日期,也不容易被修改;b)類為印刷物,也具有一定的可靠度;c)類則較困難判斷其可靠度,但由於這些互動式的內容在伺服器端與網頁上會記錄建立日期、更新日期,仍可被視為可信的網路資訊,目前也被EPO審查委員所採信;d)類由於沒有可靠日期,日期是比較難以確認的,但仍可透過一些證據證明公開時間,文件中提及一個"Wayback Machine"的工具(http://www.archive.org),這是個不定期去記錄世界上各網站內容的機器,從其中可以找到一些古老公開的內容,我就試一下自己的網站,結果確實有記載不少曾經寫過的東西(部落格)!

消息來源:EPO, Kador&Partner