Intellectual Ventures (IV)是個有名的NPE,Captial One為美國金融控股公司,2015年曾有爭議,當時系爭專利有3件,其中有2件被認定屬於抽象概念,而留下一件繼續侵權審理,CAFC結論是侵權不成立。
"We affirm the district court’s judgment of invalidity with respect to the claims of the ’137 and ’382 patents and the judgment of non-infringement of the asserted claims of the ’587 patent based on the district court’s claim construction."
本部落格報導:Intellectual Ventures的軟體專利為抽象概念 - IV v. Capital One Bank (CAFC 2015)(
系爭專利:US7,984,081 (’081), US6,546,002 (’002), US 6,715,084 ('084)
本案例緣起IV對Capital One提出侵權告訴,在地方法院時,Capital One提出反壟斷的反訴,另主張系爭專利中'081與'002為不可專利的發明。地院作出'081與'002不具可專利性,以及'084專利在禁反言的阻礙下侵權不成立的決定。IV對此提出上訴。
US7,984,081 (’081)
關於一種管理XML文件的技術,相關系統匯入XML文件,根據商業規則處理這些文件後,根據定義好的資料格式匯出XML文件,請求項21界定一操作XML文件的裝置,有個明確的硬體元件 - 處理器,再以如同功能性用語的撰寫方式描述功能,如"a component that organizes data components of one or more XML documents into data objects; ...a component that detects modification of the data in the dynamic documents via the user interface ..."。

21. An apparatus for manipulating XML documents, comprising:
a processor;
a component that organizes data components of one or more XML documents into data objects;
a component that identifies a plurality of primary record types for the XML documents;
a component that maps the data components of each data object to one of the plurality of primary record types;
a component that organizes the instances of the plurality of primary record types into a hierarchy to form a management record type;
a component that defines a dynamic document for display of an instance of a management record type through a user interface; and
a component that detects modification of the data in the dynamic document via the user interface, and in response thereto modifies a data component in an XML document.
US6,546,002 (’002)關於實現智慧與行動的菜單介面程式,讓使用者可以遠端而動態地存取程式、應用程式、超連結書籤、網路位址、電話號碼、電視頻道、收音機頻道、使用者資料等資料。請求項1界定一個接收到使用者者資源與資訊的方法,主要是能夠以行動介面顯示出使用者資料。

1. A method for retrieving user specific resources and information stored either on a local device or a network server, the method comprising the steps of:
retrieving a mobile interface from the network server to the local device;
displaying the mobile interface on the local device, the mobile interface including a plurality of pointers corresponding to the user specific resources and information; and
retrieving the user specific resources and information using the plurality of pointers displayed on the mobile interface.
US6,715,084 ('084)揭露一種根據侵入偵測的結果建立的防火牆,所述侵入偵測包括分析網路流量、簽章偵測等,相關方法如請求項1,能夠對於偵測到有問題的裝置發出警報,方法包括偵測到侵入異常,並比對各裝置的樣板,能夠對異常的裝置發出警報。

1. A method of alerting at least one device in a networked computer system comprising a plurality of devices to an anomaly, at least one of the plurality of devices having a firewall, comprising:
detecting an anomaly in the networked computer system using network-based intrusion detection techniques comprising analyzing data entering into a plurality of hosts, servers, and computer sites in the networked computer system;
determining which of the plurality of devices are anticipated to be affected by the anomaly by using pattern correlations across the plurality of hosts, servers, and computer sites; and
alerting the devices that are anticipated to be affected by the anomaly.
對於反壟斷的議題,Capital One提出IV擁有近3500件專利,造成壟斷,然而這個事實並非決定是地院是否濫權的因素,兩者並無關係,地院也沒有濫權審理的問題。
IV挑戰地院在"部分"簡易判決中認為因為附帶禁反言(collateral estoppel)而作出不能主張專利權的決定,對此,CAFC認為部分簡易判決確實不符附帶禁反言的要求,但部分簡易判決仍支持附帶禁反言的結論。
"Thus, we conclude that collateral estoppel attaches as a result of the JPMC court’s partial summary judgment order invalidating the ’084 patent."
在2014年Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank判例之後,形成TWO-STEP的可專利性判斷規則,就系爭專利的整體來看,是否是不可專利的自然現象或抽象概念?如果是,還要判斷是否發明元件中的個別元件或其元件組合足夠能轉換為可專利應用?前者涉及抽象概念的判斷,後者則是一種「進步性」的概念。

- 抽象概念若僅以一般目的電腦實現,不可專利 - Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International (2014)(
- 商業方法可專利性?電腦軟體專利的生機 - DDR Holdings v. (Fed. 2014)案例討論(
- 發明是否有實質超越的技術需要更明確的判斷 - Affinity Labs v. DirecTV (Fed. Cir. 2016)(
- 使用自然律的技術可專利性討論 - Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc. 2012)(

最後,CAFC同意地院對於三件系爭專利的處置(101, 禁反言、不侵權),並沒有認為地院有濫權審理與錯物的問題。
Rule 54. Judgment; Costs
(a) Definition; Form. “Judgment” as used in these rules includes a decree and any order from which an appeal lies. A judgment should not include recitals of pleadings, a master's report, or a record of prior proceedings.
(b) Judgment on Multiple Claims or Involving Multiple Parties. When an action presents more than one claim for relief—whether as a claim, counterclaim, crossclaim, or third-party claim—or when multiple parties are involved, the court may direct entry of a final judgment as to one or more, but fewer than all, claims or parties only if the court expressly determines that there is no just reason for delay. Otherwise, any order or other decision, however designated, that adjudicates fewer than all the claims or the rights and liabilities of fewer than all the parties does not end the action as to any of the claims or parties and may be revised at any time before the entry of a judgment adjudicating all the claims and all the parties’ rights and liabilities.
(c) Demand for Judgment; Relief to Be Granted. A default judgment must not differ in kind from, or exceed in amount, what is demanded in the pleadings. Every other final judgment should grant the relief to which each party is entitled, even if the party has not demanded that relief in its pleadings. two cents:

- Enfish案影響電腦相關技術可專利性的案例 - CBM2016-00019(
- 美國專利局提供針對"Enfish"與"TLI"案例的審查方針(
- 改善電腦技術的軟體方法具有可專利性? - Enfish LLC v Microsoft (Fed. Cir. 2016)(