這讓我想到當事人因為破產而無法繼續訴訟導致訴訟終止的案例:申請破產以阻止法律訴訟進行 - 360 Electrical LLC v. Gottrox LLC (E.D. Tex. 2011)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/12/360-electrical-llc-v-gottrox-llc-ed-tex.html)
被告/反訴人:Gust, Inc.
原告/專利權人/反訴被告:Alphacap Ventures, LLC
系爭專利:US7,848,976, US7,908,208, US8,433,630
三件系爭專利為溯及同一臨時申請案(provisional application)的家族專利,以US7,848,976為例,其揭露在私募股權(private equity)和債務融資(debt funding)的操作上,資源提供者定義出一種電子資料收集版模,提供潛在消費者填寫以形成半同質資料檔,所述資源提供者與消費者可以委派自己或第三方存取這些檔案。資源提供者可以辨識出這些檔案加入其投資組合(portfolio),以能進一步管理,包括追蹤所有存取活動與記錄檔案,以便進行審計(audit purposes)。

1. A method of managing resource consumer information, comprising the steps of:
a system of one or more machines providing to a resource provider, a first set of one or more resource-provider-input-regions within a user interface, where processing input received in the first set of one or more resource-provider-input-regions, causes the system to define requirements of, and to name, at least one profile group;
the system providing to the resource provider, a second set of one or more resource-provider-input-regions within a user interface, where processing input received in the second set of one or more resource-provider-input-regions causes the system to define a data collection template of fields for a semi-homogenous profile of desired resource consumer information according to requirements of a selected profile group, data collection templates of fields of different semi-homogeneous profiles need not be uniform for all semi-homogeneous profiles;
the system providing to at least one user, by a computer, a telephone or a Personal Digital Assistant, one or more user fields within a user interface in which the user may input information into the user fields;
storing the information as a semi-homogenous profile record in an electronic database system;
the system providing the resource provider, by a computer, a third set of one or more resource-provider-input-regions within a user interface where processing input received in the third set of one or more resource-provider-input-regions causes the system to associate the profile record with the selected profile group; and
the system providing to at least one authorized party, one or more authorized-party-input-regions within a user interface, where processing input received in the one or more authorized-party-input-regions causes the system to access information stored in the system and associated with a selected profile group.
專利範圍十分典型地界定一個資料管理技術,由一個系統執行管理,就如專利權人Alphacap在訴訟中的認知,Alphacap自己覺得這樣的專利範圍(資訊管理、商業方法)可能無法通過最高法院在Alice v. CLS Bank判例所教示的可專利性檢測,當被告Gust訴求專利無效時,就立約不起訴,然而,預備訴訟的費用都花了,被告Gust即聲請原告Alphacap繳付相關律師相關費用。這裡被告Gust引用美國專利法35 U.S.C. § 285的例外條款,以及在28 U.S.C. 1927在不合理訴訟中要求代理人負責費用的規定。案例可參考:
- 訴訟勝方若符合285條款可以獲得賠償(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/05/285.html)
- (法院引用案例)地方法院有決定律師費誰付的裁量權 - Octane Fitness v. Icon Health (Supreme Court 2014)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/05/octane-fitness-v-icon-health-supreme.html)
Alphacap視為NPE/Patent Troll,原因是不從事生產,卻到處興訟,即便最高法院作出Alice v. CLS Bank判例而認知到自己所擁有的專利權因為涉及「一般電腦作業」無法轉換不可專利的抽象概念為可專利的發明而可能無法通過可專利性檢驗,仍透過訴訟來強迫被告「和解」,從中獲取利益(值得注意的是,NPE也不好當,就訴訟費用而言,每件不超過5萬美元的和解金其實是很少的)。
"the mere recitation of a generic computer cannot transform a patent-ineligible abstract idea into a patent-eligible invention. Stating an abstract idea while adding the words ‘apply it’ is not enough for patent eligibility."
Gust提出6件反訴,提出包括不侵權與專利無效的請願的確認之訴(declaratory judgment)。如此雙方代理律師即尋求和解,Alphacap同意解除訴訟,雙方河水不犯井水("walkaway"),不過Gust律師不同意,不同意對方一走了之,要求將費用轉嫁給Alphacap方。
Alphacap提出探索請願(motion for discovery),在探索期間,可能是不耐冗長的訴訟,Gust律師也提出和解方案:一旦對方解除訴訟,Gust在滿足以下條件之一也撤回反訴:(1)繳付所有律師費用;(2)取得所有Alphacap的專利。
"Gust would consent to AlphaCap’s dismissal of the case with prejudice and Gust would voluntarily dismiss its counterclaims if AlphaCap either:
(1) agreed to pay Gust’s attorneys’ fees; or
(2) assigned full ownership in all of the AlphaCap Patents to Gust so that Gust could prevent the AlphaCap Patents from being used again for frivolous litigation."
法院在決定擔負費用的責任時,考量了最高法院案例Octane Fitness v. Icon Health (Supreme Court 2014)的教示,並作出解釋:







原告律師的責任在於他沒有「good faith」:
"AlphaCap’s Attorneys Did Not Have a Good Faith Basis to Oppose Gust’s Motion to Transfer Venue. "

The court in exceptional cases may award reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party.
28 U.S.C. 1927 counsel's liability for excessive costs
Any attorney or other person admitted to conduct cases in any court of the United States or any Territory thereof who so multiplies the proceedings in any case unreasonably and vexatiously may be required by the court to satisfy personally the excess costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees reasonably incurred because of such conduct.訴訟判決:
my two cents: