本篇涉及著作權中的「分離原則(doctrine of separability)」。根據美國著作權法,在一個著作權標的(artistic work)中,在可以獨立且辨明出來的前提下,可以將當中的文字、圖案等元素被分別出來被著作權所保護。
"Congress has provided copyright protection for original works of art, but not for industrial designs. The line between art and industrial design, however, is often difficult to draw. This is particularly true when an industrial design incorporates artistic elements. Congress has afforded limited protection for these artistic elements by providing that “pictorial, graphic, or sculptural features” of the “design of a useful article” are eligible for copyright protection as artistic works if those features “can be identified separately from, and are capable of existing independently of, the utilitarian aspects of the article.” 17 U. S. C. §101."
著作權101(17 U. S. C. §101):
""Pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works" include two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of fine, graphic, and applied art, photographs, prints and art reproductions, maps, globes, charts, diagrams, models, and technical drawings, including architectural plans. Such works shall include works of artistic craftsmanship insofar as their form but not their mechanical or utilitarian aspects are concerned; the design of a useful article, as defined in this section, shall be considered a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work only if, and only to the extent that, such design incorporates pictorial, graphic, or sculptural features that can be identified separately from, and are capable of existing independently of, the utilitarian aspects of the article."
在地院提出簡易判決的petitioner:STAR ATHLETICA, L.L.C.
對簡易判決提起請願的Respondent:VARSITY BRANDS, INC.
本案緣起,Varsity登記了超過200件用在啦啦隊制服上平面設計的著作權,原在地方法院對Star提起著作權侵權訴訟,Star也是販售啦啦隊制服的公司,於是在地院階段提起簡易判決,地院同意Star請願內容,判決:設計概念上或物理上不能與所依附的啦啦隊制服分別,因此不能被著作權所保護("The District Court granted petitioner summary judgment, holding that the designs could not be conceptually or physically separated from theuniforms and were therefore ineligible for copyright protection.")。
本案經Varsity上訴後,上訴法院(sixth Circuit)判決「圖形」可以被分別而識別("identified separately")出來,因此可以被獨立於制服以外,也就能被著作權保護,符合17 U. S. C. §101標的。
(a)其一為分離性(separability)分析,Varsity主張平面裝飾總是可以被分離的,因為這些平面設計是在物品表面上,不是物品本身的設計("they are “on a useful article” rather than “designs of a useful article.”")。文字上雖有疑慮,但因為制服上的設計屬於二維平面的圖形,似乎沒有爭議。
(b)其二為是否在物品上的設計特徵可被「分別而識別」出來,而能被獨立於物品的實用性("“capable of existing independentlyof,” the article’s “utilitarian aspects”")以主張著作權?
最高法院的意見是,如果判斷的人(可指法官)「從有用的物品上取得其中平面或立體的圖畫、圖形或雕塑」,則是符合17 U. S. C. §101規定的分別而具識別性(separation identification)的要求。也就是,判斷的人如消費者,可以從物品上分離出表面上可識別出的設計圖案(或雕塑),就是可以被著作權保護的標的。如果無法分離而識別出,表示這個設計圖案為物品的一部分,則不能獨立作為著作權的標的。
(c)如此,最高法院認為,本次爭議中的啦啦隊制服的表面裝飾花紋可被辨明為17 U. S. C. §101規定的可著作權標的(圖畫、圖形或雕塑),這是可以分離在制服之外的裝飾花紋,還可應用在別的物品上,因此可以被著作權保護。

(重要)最高法院作出最終決定:有用的物品(useful article)上的設計特徵,如果符合以下兩個條件,是可以單獨被著作權保護:
"A feature incorporated into the design of a useful article is eligible for copyright protection only if the feature (1) can be perceived as a two- or three-dimensional work of art separate from the useful article, and (2) would qualify as a protectable pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work—either on its own or fixed in some other tangible mediumof expression—if it were imagined separately from the useful article into which it is incorporated."
其實這類意見很多樣,顯然設計是否可以自所依附物品分離是case by case,如「椅背後的雕刻」、「餐具上的浮雕」,這些雕刻是否可主張著作權? 參考智慧局頒發的著作權守則,其中描述在有用的物品上的可主張著作權的設計包括:「花瓶上的雕刻」、「T恤上的圖案」、「購物袋上的顏色圖形」、「壁紙上的圖畫」、「把柄上的浮雕」等。這都可以成為你我的參考。

(不可分離案例)判決書列舉反例,梵谷(Van Gogh)的一雙老鞋(a pair of old shoes),是可以被著作權保護的繪畫,卻不能成為鞋子設計的著作權。

my two cents:
我認為,衣服上的花紋本身確實是可以獨立的圖形,但是有些花紋卻是因為所依附物品本身的設計、曲線、外觀而有特色,卻應該是要綁定所依附的物品,這個立體物品也可以是著作權標的。或者,應該是case by case來判定。