2017年10月31日 星期二




- 若申請案的申請專利範圍(1)並不僅有一個發明;以及(2)之間不具有「單一共同的發明概念(single general inventive concept)」時,即不符單一性規定,而此時的檢索報告一般僅針對第一組申請專利範圍的發明(invention first mentioned in the claims),此為部分檢索報告(partial search report)。

- 在特定情況下,即便不符單一性,若"這些"發明在概念上十分接近(conceptually very close),審查委員仍可能不管可能額外的工作而對全部的發明提出完整的檢索報告(complete search),並作出檢索意見。

- 若審查委員在以上情況下作出完整的檢索報告(complete search report),仍會在其檢索意見中說明申請案「缺乏單一性」,並標示出申請專利範圍中的多個發明。

- 在以上審查委員主動對所有發明提出檢索報告的情況下,歐洲檢索部門並不會要求申請人提出額外的檢索費用。

- 針對PCT進入歐洲專利局的申請案,即便PCT也同樣有不符單一性的意見,歐洲專利局並不會簡單依循PCT意見,而執行自己的判斷。

- 如上述議題,即便進入歐洲的申請案為PCT案且在PCT階段檢索時也遇到不符單一性問題時,歐洲專利局提出的補充檢索報告會"獨立地"行使檢索,也可能僅是針對第一組申請專利範圍的"部分"補充歐洲檢索報告(partial supplementary European search report)。

- 如果EP檢索報告同時提出不符單一性的意見,申請人會被"邀請"提出額外檢索費用(additional search fees)。但如果「缺乏單一性」意見是在審查程序中產生(意謂缺乏單一性意見並不一定僅在檢索時產生),就不會"邀請"申請人提出這類額外費用(換句話說,申請人要自己意識到要繳付額外檢索費用)。

- 未被檢索的發明可以提出歐洲分割申請案(主動分割,或"強制"分割)。

- EPO審查指南提出一個範例:一件申請案被認定有A, B, C, D四個發明,初步檢索報告僅針對發明A,申請人額外為發明B與C繳付檢索費用,檢索過程又認為發明B區分為B1, B2, B3三個發明,此次檢索僅針對發明B1,因此到目前為止,已經檢索的發明為A, B1, C,申請人也接獲這三個發明的專利性報告。然而,進入實質審查程序時,申請人會被要求以A, B1或C作為續審的發明,其餘發明可提出分割申請案。

- 額外檢索報告付費後,若審查程序中發現先前缺乏單一性的決定有誤,可以退費。


- 歐洲分割申請案不得超出原母案說明書內容。

- 歐洲分割申請案申請時的母案所指定的歐洲專利合約國,也視為是分割申請案的指定國。

- 歐洲分割申請案申請時,若母案已經撤銷的指定國,分割案也形同撤銷該國指定。

- 歐洲分割申請案可以在母案懸宕(pending,未處分前)時的任何時間提出。

- 歐洲申請案獲准歐洲專利,或是被終駁(finally refused)、撤銷或視為撤銷前,視為懸宕(pending)。

- 歐洲申請案若經終駁,在其訴願期限到期前,仍視為懸宕,此期間仍可提出歐洲分割申請案。

- 慕尼黑、海牙與柏林專利局為受理分割申請案的歐洲專利受理單位。

- 歐洲分割申請案須與母案申請時同一語言送件。

- 歐洲分割申請案申請時,應繳付檢索費用,但是,若其檢索可以基於母案的檢索結果(可能是partial或是complete),則可以部分或全部退費。

- 如果歐洲分割申請案在母案申請日兩年後提出,申請人要繳付「展期費(outstanding renewal fees)」。

- 完成申請的歐洲分割申請案,將視為獨立申請案。

[相關法條,以下摘錄自EPC Guidelines for Examination]
Lack of unity 
Also, when the claims of the application do not relate to one invention only, nor to a group of inventions linked so as to form a single general inventive concept, the search will normally be restricted to the invention or the linked group of inventions first mentioned in the claims (see B‑VII). Restriction of the search for the above reasons will be notified to the applicant in a communication accompanying the partial search report (see B‑VII, 1.2).

Complete search despite of lack of unity 
Exceptionally, in cases of lack of unity, especially "a posteriori", the examiner is able to make a complete search and prepare a search opinion (where applicable - see B‑XI, 7) for all inventions with negligible additional work and cost, in particular when the inventions are conceptually very close. In those cases, the search for the further invention(s) is completed together with that for the invention first mentioned in the claims. All results should then be included in a single search report, which raises the objection of lack of unity and identifies the different inventions. It further indicates that the Search Division did not invite the applicant to pay further search fee(s) because all claims could be searched without effort justifying such a fee. However, the search opinion (if applicable, see B‑XI, 7) still raises the issue of unity of invention (see B‑XI, 5).
Supplementary European search
When in a supplementary European search following an international (PCT) search a problem of unity of invention arises, a partial supplementary European search report is drawn up on the invention or group of inventions first mentioned in the claims serving as basis for the supplementary European search (Rule 164(1)(a)), independently of the findings of the International Searching Authority as regards unity of invention. Together with this partial search report, the applicant receives an invitation to pay further search fees for each invention other than the one first mentioned in the claims (Rule 164(1)(b)), i.e. the same procedure is followed as for the non-unity invitation for EP direct applications under Rule 64(1) (see B‑VII, 1.2).
Cascading non-unity 
If a lack of unity is raised at the search stage for an EP application, a search should be conducted for the invention first mentioned in the claims and the applicant is invited to pay additional search fees. Furthermore, the applicant is warned that, even if a further lack of unity "a posteriori" arises in the procedure, no further invitation to pay additional fees will be issued.
If the applicant pays any additional search fee, a search is carried out for the inventions for which those search fees have been paid.
If the search reveals that one or more of these inventions also lack unity "a posteriori", only the first invention of each of the groups of inventions is searched. No further invitation to pay further additional search fees is issued.
The search opinion is prepared, setting out the reasons for non-unity and giving an opinion on the patentability of the inventions paid for (see B‑XI, 5).
Inventions that have not been searched can be filed as divisional applications in accordance with C‑IX, 1.2.
A lack of unity objection is raised identifying 4 different inventions A, B, C, D. The first invention A is searched and the applicant is invited to pay further search fees for inventions B, C and D. The warning clause mentioned above is used.
The applicant pays two further search fees for inventions B and C. During the additional search, B is found to lack unity "a posteriori" and is divided into groups of inventions B1, B2 and B3.
In this case only B1 and C are searched. In the ESOP, full reasoning must be given as to why the claims of the application were divided into A, B, C and D and why B was further subdivided into B1, B2 and B3. In the ESOP an opinion on patentability must be given for A, B1 and C.
Examination of the application in the European phase will be based on either A, B1 or C (see C‑III, 3.1.2). The claims relating to inventions B2, B3 and D can be filed as divisional applications in accordance with C‑IX, 1.2.
Rule 64
European search report where the invention lacks unity

If the European Patent Office considers that the European patent application does not comply with the requirement of unity of invention, it shall draw up a partial search report on those parts of the application which relate to the invention, or the group of inventions within the meaning of Article 82, first mentioned in the claims. It shall inform the applicant that, for the European search report to cover the other inventions, a further search fee must be paid, in respect of each invention involved, within a period of two months. The European search report shall be drawn up for the parts of the application relating to inventions in respect of which search fees have been paid.
Any fee paid under paragraph 1 shall be refunded if, during the examination of the European patent application, the applicant requests a refund and the Examining Division finds that the communication under paragraph 1 was not justified.

Voluntary and mandatory division 
The applicant may file a divisional application of his own volition (voluntary division). The most common reason, however, for filing a divisional application is to meet an objection under Art. 82 due to lack of unity of invention (mandatory division). If the examiner raises an objection due to lack of unity, the applicant is allowed a period (see C‑VI, 1) in which to limit his application to a single invention. The limitation of the parent application has to be clear and unconditional. The communication inviting the applicant to limit the application due to lack of unity should therefore include a reference to the fact that if the application is not limited within the set time limit the application may be refused.

Divisional applications 
The usual reason for filing a European divisional application is that the parent application does not satisfy the requirements as to unity of invention (see point 69) and the applicant is not content with limiting it.
A divisional application may be filed only for subject-matter which does not extend beyond the content of the parent application as filed. If it complies with this provision and with the formal requirements for according a date of filing (see point 136 et seq.), it is deemed to have the same date of filing and priority date as the parent application.
All the states designated in the parent application at the time of filing of the divisional application are deemed to be designated in the latter. However, contracting states the designations of which have been withdrawn or are deemed to be withdrawn in respect of the parent application at the time of filing the divisional application cannot be designated in respect of the divisional application. The same applies to extension and validation states. 
A divisional application may be filed in respect of any pending earlier European patent application. An application is pending up to (but not including) the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the grant of the European patent or the date on which the application is finally refused, withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn. After an application has been refused, a divisional application may be validly filed untill the expiry of the appeal period, regardless of whether an appeal has been filed or not. 
Divisional applications must be filed direct with the EPO in Munich, The Hague or Berlin. They may also be filed in electronic form (see point 106). They must be filed in the language of the proceedings for the earlier (parent) application. If the parent application was not filed in the language of the proceedings, the divisional application may also be filed in the language of the parent application and a translation must be filed within two months.
For the fees payable in respect of a European divisional application, and also for the time limits for payment and the legal consequences of missing them, see points 119-122.
The search fee is refunded in full or in part, depending on the extent to which the search can be based on the search report for the parent (or, in the case of a sequence of applications, any preceding) application. 
If the divisional application is filed more than two years after the date of filing of the parent application, the applicant must pay outstanding renewal fees (see points 213-216) no more than four months after filing the divisional application. If these are not paid in due time, they may still be validly paid within six months of the due date, provided that the additional fee is paid within the time limit (see point 215).
After filing, each divisional application is treated as an independent patent application.

2017年10月30日 星期一


美國專利臨時申請案(provisional application)為有效在發明形成時搶註申請日的方案,不用等到完成撰寫完整發明說明書、圖式與申請專利範圍,然而,仍有「揭露達可據以實現要件」,可參考過去報導:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2012/11/provisional-application.html

35 U.S.C. 111 Application


本篇源自IPWatchdog網站上報導一篇才公開的Wal-Mart的自發式購物車的專利申請案 - US20160260161(申請案:15/061,801),申請日為Mar. 4, 2016,特別的是,此案引用了37篇臨時申請案優先權,最早的那件頂多是申請日前一年內,為Mar. 6, 2015


1. A system for bringing a shopping container to a customer in a shopping space comprising:
a plurality of sensors;
a plurality of motorized transport units; and
a control circuit communicatively coupled to the plurality of sensors and the plurality of motorized transport units, the control circuit being configured to:
receive a shopping container request from a user interface device associated with the customer;
determine at least one available shopping container among a plurality of shopping containers based on data collected by the plurality of sensors, the at least one available shopping container being empty and not used by another customer;
select an available shopping container from the at least one available shopping container based at least on a location information of the user interface device;
select a motorized transport unit from among the plurality of motorized transport units to transport the available shopping container; and
provide instructions to the motorized transport unit to bring the available shopping container to the customer.

而Wal-Mart因為提出了很多臨時案,顯然不是僅為了提出本篇專利,根據PAIR系統可以連續從continuity data查詢前後關聯的申請案,每個provisional application後面都有很多申請案佈局,Wal-Mart正在大舉佈局無人商店與購物車的專利。



這樣看來,Provisional Application的效果除了取得早一點的有效申請日外,更是創造了後續佈局很大的空間。

my two cents:



2017年10月27日 星期五

CAFC全院聯席決定IPR程序中可以修正 - Prolitec v. Scentair Tech (Fed. Cir. 2017)

在10/18/2017有個兩頁的CAFC判決(Prolitec v. Scentair Tech (Fed. Cir. 2017)),這是一件IPR2013-00179的上訴案,是專利權人Prolitec不服PTAB在其IPR最終決定(final written decision)中拒絕在IPR程序中提出修正請求(motion to amend)的決定,進入CAFC全院聯席時,CAFC法官直接作出撤銷原PTAB處分的決定,並發回重審。

其中引用案例為「Aqua Prod-ucts, Inc. v. Matal, No. 2015-1177, 2017 WL 4399000 (Fed. Cir. Oct. 4, 2017) (en banc)」,也在這裡順便補資料,因為2016年一個CAFC判決(In re Aqua Products (PTAB, CAFC no.2015-1177))後續上訴聯席法官判決,CAFC在2016-08-12同意全院聯席審查(en banc),之後在2017-10-04有了決定,判決文:http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions-orders/15-1177.Opinion.9-28-2017.1.PDF


IPR程序中專利權人應證明修正後專利範圍具有專利性 - In re Aqua Products (PTAB, CAFC no.2015-1177)http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/10/ipr-in-re-aqua-products-ptab-cafc.html

專利權人/上訴人顯然不服,提出聯席上訴,本案尚待CAFC聯席法庭的最終決定:Federal Circuit is In re Aqua Products (Appeal No. 15-1177),留下兩個待解問題:

(a)    When  the  patent  owner  moves  to  amend  its claims under 35 U.S.C. § 316(d), may the PTO require  the  patent  owner  to  bear  the  burden  of  persuasion,  or  a  burden  of  production,  regarding  patentability of the amended claims as a condition of  allowing  them?    Which  burdens  are  permitted  under 35 U.S.C. § 316(e)? 

(b)    When  the  petitioner  does  not  challenge  the patentability of a proposed amended claim, or the Board thinks the challenge is inadequate, may the Board sua sponte raise patentability challenges to such a claim?  If so, where would the burden of persuasion, or a burden of production, lie?

參加人:JOSEPH MATAL, ...etc.
關鍵法條:35 U.S.C. § 316(d)

本案前情溯及PTAB在IPR啟始程序中拒絕專利權人對系爭專利提出修正請求的決定,以下有前案例連結,之後上訴CAFC("In re Aqua Prods., Inc., 823 F.3d 1369, 1373–74 (Fed. Cir. 2016)"),CAFC作出同意PTAB決定的判決,於是專利權人Aqua對此議題提出CAFC全院聯席判決,也被CAFC同意("request for en banc rehearing"),本次討論就是這個全院聯席決定。


"we believe that the Board must consider the entirety of the record before it when assessing the patentability of amended claims under § 318(a) and must justify any conclusions of unpatentability with respect to amended claims based on that record."


上訴理由中,專利權人Aqua主張他並沒有責任證明專利性,因為根據§ 316(e)的文字來解釋,IPR請願人應該擔負不可專利的證明責任。但PTAB根據前例駁回,認為是Aqua需要證明這些新的請求項具有專利性。

這是CAFC全院聯席法官要解決的問題(已揭示於上篇):(a)當專利權人提出修正請求,誰擔負證明專利性的責任?(b)當IPR請願人沒有挑戰修正後的專利範圍,或是PTAB認為沒有必要,是否要由PTAB自發地("sua sponte")擔負此責任?


Cuozzo案可參考先前報導:最高法院同意IPR程序中採用BRI原則 - Cuozzo v. Leehttp://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/06/iprbri-cuozzo-v-lee.html





到底是誰有對修正後專利範圍的專利性判斷的責任?聯席法官表示,PTAB可能濫用了自己拒絕的權力,就是於法無據,其實CAFC也沒有太多正面回應,但是卻影響了本篇最上面提到的以後案例 Prolitec v. Scentair Tech (Fed. Cir. 2017)


"(1) the PTO has not adopted a rule placing the burden of persuasion with respect to the patentability of amended claims on the patent owner that is entitled to deference; and (2) in the absence of anything that might be entitled deference, the PTO may not place that burden on the patentee."

Aqua Prod-ucts, Inc. v. Matal (Oct. 4 2017)判決:




  • (a) FINAL WRITTEN DECISION.—If an inter partes review is instituted and not dismissed under this chapter, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board shall issue a final written decision with respect to the patentability of any patent claim challenged by the petitioner and any new claim added under section 316(d).


  • (1) IN GENERAL.—During an inter partes review instituted under this chapter, the patent owner may file 1 motion to amend the patent in 1 or more of the following ways:
    • (A) Cancel any challenged patent claim.
    • (B) For each challenged claim, propose a reasonable number of substitute claims.
  • (2) ADDITIONAL MOTIONS.—Additional motions to amend may be permitted upon the joint request of the petitioner and the patent owner to materially advance the settlement of a proceeding under section 317, or as permitted by regulations prescribed by the Director.
  • (3) SCOPE OF CLAIMS.—An amendment under this subsection may not enlarge the scope of the claims of the patent or introduce new matter.

(e) EVIDENTIARY STANDARDS.—In an inter partes review instituted under this chapter, the petitioner shall have the burden of proving a proposition of unpatentability by a preponderance of the evidence.



檔案:https://cdn.patentlyo.com/media/2017/10/ProlitecDecision.pdf(Filed: 10/18/2017)


2017年10月24日 星期二


美國專利局延長快捷資訊揭露聲明計畫Quick Path Information Disclosure Statement (QPIDS)的試用期限,看來成效不錯。這是專利獲准後,申請人還可以提出IDS確認專利權的方式,有別於過去需要重啟審查(reopen)的再領證(reissue)與接續審查(RCE)的方式,QPIDS是在專利申請人繳付領證費用後(尚未領證),提出IDS,審查委員會在短時間審視這些IDS文獻後,給予是否需要重啟審查程序的意見,或是發出領證通知。

目前,QPIDS將延長"試用"到September 30, 2018,這天以前的QPIDS申請都會被接受。




這個一延再延的程序有效地降低了RCE的需要與時間,目前公佈也是延長試用到September 30, 2018。

(1) 根據終駁意見而刪除或符合形式規定的請求項修正。
(2) 修正被異議(objected to)請求項為獨立請求項。
(3) 如果有僅需加入一些限制而可以被認定獲准時的請求項,且這些修正僅需要有限的審查與檢索。
(4) 沒有刪除被終駁的專利範圍,僅多了一些有限的限制條件而僅需要有限的審查與檢索。
(5) 加入新的限制而僅須一些審查與檢索的工作。
(6) 回應終駁意見,並有符合條件的宣示而僅需要有限的審查與檢索工作。



AFCP 2.0,與審查委員合作終結申請案(獲准或拋棄)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2013/05/acfp-20.html
AFCP 2.0程序討論(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2013/12/afcp-20.html


2017年10月23日 星期一


既然制定出規則,TWO-STEP TEST流程都有了,雖然仍然有不確定性,但是,總有人可以讓它自動化 - 自動101分析器。



1. A circuit for performing neural network computations for a neural network comprising a plurality of neural network layers, the circuit comprising:
a matrix computation unit configured to, for each of the plurality of neural network layers:
receive a plurality of weight inputs and a plurality of activation inputs for the neural network layer, and
generate a plurality of accumulated values based on the plurality of weight inputs and the plurality of activation inputs,
wherein the matrix computation unit is configured as a two dimensional systolic array comprising a plurality of cells, wherein the plurality of weight inputs is shifted through a first plurality of cells along a first dimension of the systolic array, and wherein the plurality of activation inputs is shifted through a second plurality of cells along a second dimension of the systolic array; and
a vector computation unit communicatively coupled to the matrix computation unit and configured to, for each of the plurality of neural network layers:
apply an activation function to each of the plurality of accumulated values for the neural network layer generated by the matrix computation unit to generate a plurality of activated values for the neural network layer.
測試結果:具有專利適格性(此項範圍標的為"circuit for...",適格性判斷有100%,如果簡單改為"method for...",適格性掉到77%)

範例二:就用網頁下方選項中選出Affinity v. Amazon這個案例來測試,馬上在上面輸入欄中貼上系爭專利(US8,688,085)的Claim 1,測試結果是具有專利適格性(88%),但與實際案例的CAFC結論不同。

範例三:從預設選項中選出Bascom v. AT&T,Claim輸入欄顯示出系爭專利(US5,987,606)的Claim 1,測試結果是適格性(66%),僅低標(黃色),而實際案例是具有適格性沒錯。

範例四:若直接輸入Bascom v. AT&T案例的系爭專利號碼US5,987,606,這個分析器會逐項分析做出適格性分數,有警告的、有通過的,也有不及格的(非常厲害的逐項審查)。

範例五:直接選擇Alice v. CLS Bank案例,測試結果是不及格,不具專利適格性。值得一提的是,十分聰明的(或是因為這是制式選項,可以直接寫到程式中),就貼上系爭專利範圍Claim 33 of US5970479。

33. A method of exchanging obligations as between parties, each party holding a credit record and a debit record with an exchange institution, the credit records and debit records for exchange of predetermined obligations, the method comprising the steps of:
(a) creating a shadow credit record and a shadow debit record for each stakeholder party to be held independently by a supervisory institution from the exchange institutions;
(b) obtaining from each exchange institution a start-of-day balance for each shadow credit record and shadow debit record;
(c) for every transaction resulting in an exchange obligation, the supervisory institution adjusting each respective party's shadow credit record or shadow debit record, allowing only these transactions that do not result in the value of the shadow debit record being less than the value of the shadow credit record at any time, each said adjustment taking place in chronological order; and
(d) at the end-of-day, the supervisory institution instructing ones of the exchange institutions to exchange credits or debits to the credit record and debit record of the respective parties in accordance with the adjustments of the said permitted transactions, the credits and debits being irrevocable, time invariant obligations placed on the exchange institutions.

範例六:用Alice v. CLS Bank系爭專利US5970479拿來測試,慘不忍睹地滿江紅。

範例七:同樣用US5970479來看,其中Claims 16, 17碩果僅存地被認定具有專利適格性,這樣倒是可以一虧究竟。

16. A system to enable the formulation of customized multi-party risk management contracts, the system comprising:
a plurality of main data processing devices interconnected by at least one data communications link, each said data processing device running an operating system and applications software;
one or more data storage devices to which each data processing device has access;
a plurality of data input/output channels providing connection to a plurality of stakeholder locations, each said location having data processing means, and the system being programmed for:
regulating input of data, specifying a risk phenomenon, a range of outcomes for the phenomenon, and a time of maturity;
stakeholders inputting to a said data storage device by ones of the stakeholder data processing locations contract data for an offered contract, specifying an entitlement due at maturity for each outcome in the range of outcomes for a one of the predetermined phenomena, and an amount payable to a seller;
counter-party stakeholders inputting to a data storage device by ones of the stakeholder data processing locations registering data, independent of contract data entered by stakeholders, as to a likelihood of occurrence of each outcome in the range of outcomes for at least one of the predetermined phenomena;
pricing and matching a contract by the main data processing devices for at least one of the offered contracts from the seller registered data by: for an offered contract, selecting the registering data for the respective phenomenon and, in response to entitlements specified for each outcome in the range of outcomes for the phenomenon, calculating a counter-consideration, and, by comparison of the calculated counter-consideration with the consideration, matching an offered contract with at least one counter-party stakeholder.


表情符號動畫商標爭議 Emonster v. Apple Inc.

表情符號emoji😜是個有效表達情緒的貼圖,成為一種溝通的工具,Apple Inc.在iPhone X發佈會上公開其中可以讓表情符號隨著人的臉部表情變化,通過人臉3D辨識後,參考表情符號製作的立體影像模型,可以配合表情變化,經過錄製後,成為傳遞給他人觀看的影音檔案,


iPhone X的表情符號動畫:


此次爭議涉及這個表情符號動畫的商標名稱「“Animoji”」,看來就是一個複合字,為animation的字首與"emoji"的組合。也不是頂大不了的,卻在Apple在iPhone X與往後的機型使用,而Apple會想要收購,或是提出商標無效的措施。






