當時(2018年3月6日 星期二)Christian Louboutin v. Van Haren一些訊息如下:
原告:Christian Louboutin
被告:Van Haren
歐盟最高法院( European Union’s highest court)判決日:02/06/2018
Christian Louboutin的「紅底鞋」的相關商標案:

當時Christian Louboutin於2012年在歐洲法院對荷蘭公司Van Haren提起商標侵權訴訟,主張被告侵權其紅色鞋底的商標。在2013年,布魯塞爾上訴法院(Brussels Court of Appeal)判決侵權成立,禁止被告繼續生產侵權商品。被告Van Haren繼續上訴,主張商標連結了鞋子(外觀與顏色),其中元件(單指Pantone 18 1663TP紅色)並不在歐洲商標法保護下。
Christian Louboutin v. Van Haren 案歐盟法院判決日:12 June 2018
註冊日:6 January 2010
Nice Class: 25

"1. The names, drawings, imprints, stamps, letters, numerals, shapes of goods or packaging and all other signs that can be represented graphically and that serve to distinguish the goods or services of an undertaking shall be considered as being individual trade marks.
2. However, signs consisting solely of a shape which results from the nature of the goods, which gives a substantial value to the goods or which is necessary to obtain a technical result, cannot be considered as being trade marks."
本案緣起商標權人Christian Louboutin對Van Haren提出商標侵權告訴,地方法院判決侵權成立,被告上訴,主張商標無效,認為商標僅為紅色表面的圖形,不是商標保護標的。地院表示系爭商標不是單純的平面顏色,而是連結到鞋子。
被告上訴CJEU,經過本次訴訟過程的答辯與修正(限縮商標保護範圍),系爭商標的最終描述:紅顏色(Pantone 18‑1663TP),與形狀(輪廓)無關,位置在鞋底,並設定在「高跟鞋」。
CJEU表示,當Christian Louboutin第一次將鞋底塗成紅顏色後,此紅色成為鞋子的一部分時,成為消費者決定購買的「重要因子」,符合商標「具有識別性」的要件。
支持系爭商標有效的理由包括:系爭商標不是一個平面標誌,而是標示的位置(可以排除單純的平面顏色,這是根據EU Trade Mark Directive 2015/2436的指示,物品顏色不能成為商標註冊的實質條件),商標說明也表明與形狀無關(可以排除形狀非商標註冊的條件),而是訴諸「紅色的位置」。
"in particular since, according to the description, the shape of the shoe, as illustrated in the graphic representation of the mark at issue, is not intended to reduce the sign to a two-dimensional mark, but is intended rather to show the positioning of that mark."
"As has been observed by the German, French and United Kingdom Governments, as well as by the Commission, the mark at issue does not relate to a specific shape of sole for high-heeled shoes since the description of that mark explicitly states that the contour of the shoe does not form part of the mark and is intended purely to show the positioning of the red colour covered by the registration."
CJEU結論:Christian Louboutin所註冊的紅底鞋商標的「紅」工業編號為:「Pantone 18‑1663TP」。一般認知的「形狀(shape)」包括線條與輪廓,而商標擁有者Louboutin明確表示鞋子的輪廓並非形成商標的成份,而是關於紅色的「位置(position)」,因此此商標保護的不是有此單一顏色的形狀,而是商品的一個特定部分(指鞋底),商標權確立。
Christian Louboutin鞋子的官網:http://us.christianlouboutin.com/ot_en/

「Pantone 18‑1663TP」似乎也稱「中國紅Chinese Red」,https://www.pantone.com/color-finder/18-1663-TPX:

