發明人:Huai-Hung Kao, Syosset, NY (US); Anand R. BaichWal, Wappingers Falls, NY (US); Troy McCall, Smyrna, GA (US); David Lee, Chadds Ford, PA (US)
專利權人/申請人:Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc.
系爭案:11/680,432 ('432)、12/167,859、11/766,740
'432關於一種減輕疼痛用的含有嗎啡/鴉片的藥物方程式,名稱為:嗎啡酮控釋製劑(Oxymorphone controlled release formulations)。但多數這類藥物注入人體後,會被肝臟代謝而降低藥效,因此傳統上需要持續不斷地注入藥物,以維持藥效,不過如此又會產生更多副作用,例如會影響睡眠與精神。

1. An analgesically effective controlled release pharmaceutical composition with a twelve hour dosing interval in the form of a tablet, comprising oxymorphone or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof as the sole active ingredient in the tablet, and a controlled release delivery system comprising at least one pharmaceutical excipient, wherein upon placement of the composition in an in vitro dissolution test comprising USP Paddle Method at 50 rpm in 500 ml media having a pH of 1.2 to 6.8 at 37° C., about 15% to about 50%, by weight, of the oxymorphone or salt thereof is released from the tablet at about 1 hour in the test.
19. An analgesically effective controlled release pharmaceutical composition with a twelve hour dosing interval in the form of a tablet, comprising oxymorphone or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof as the sole active ingredient in the tablet and a controlled release delivery system comprising a hydrophilic material that forms a gel upon exposure to gastrointestinal fluid, wherein upon placement of the composition in an in vitro dissolution test comprising USP Paddle Method at 50 rpm in 500 ml media having a pH of 1.2 to 6.8 at 37° C., about 15% to about 50%, by weight, of the oxymorphone or salt thereof is released from the composition at about 1 hour in the test, about 45% to about 80%, by weight, of the oxymorphone or salt thereof is released from the composition at about 4 hours in the test, and at least about 80%, by weight, of the oxymorphone or salt thereof is released from the composition at about 10 hours in the test.
Endo更提出與系爭案相關產品Opana® ER在商業上的成功。審查委員核駁,理由是商業上成功的相關產品與系爭案請求項範圍的成份不同(或說不等量),以至於不接受以輔助性因素(secondary consideration)答辯103的意見。

雖前案'248揭露了系爭案請求項發明,但也無法完全涵蓋,這就形成申請人答辯的機會。爭議圍繞在是否產品Opana® ER成功?是否這個商業成功可以支持系爭案發明的非顯而易見性?

CAFC指示BPAI,在商業上成功的判斷中一個因素:「不可預期結果(Unexpected Results)」,對此CAFC認為不可預期的結果應該要判斷系爭案發明與商業上成功中的不可預期因素並未見於先前技術,
"On remand, the Board, in considering the evidence of unexpected results, should determine whether there is a nexus between the unexpected in vivo concentration profile and aspects of the claimed invention not already present in the prior art. More specifically, for the unexpected in vivo concentration profile of the applicant’s product to have substantial weight, there must be a nexus to some aspect of the claim not already in the prior art, such as the claimed range of dissolution rates, as against other unclaimed prior-art dissolution rates."
對於Endo提出商業上成功的產品Opana® ER,BPAI認為與系爭案請求項發明並不相稱,但是CAFC認為申請人並不需要販售請求項範圍中的每一個可理解的請求項實施例以支撐商業上成功的證據,只要證明相關請求項範圍是被銷售的產品。特別是本篇系爭案涉及的是一些範圍的藥品成份,而BPAI認為請求項發明中「全部的範圍(溶出率範圍)」與商業上成功並沒有建立關聯並不恰當。
"an applicant “need not sell every conceivable embodiment of the claims in order to rely upon evidence of commercial success, so long as what was sold was within the scope of the claims.”"

"in consider-ing the commercial success argument, should make a factual determination as to whether the commercial success of the embodying product resulted from the merits of the claimed invention as opposed to the prior art or other extrinsic factors"

my two cents:


最後,由於系爭案'432為CA案,自然有先前申請案,審查委員同意申請人回到最初2007年可核准的狀態,也就是可以提出「Terminal Disclaimer」來克服與先前案的簡單差異形成的重複專利問題,最後還是獲准專利。

