專利權人於1993年向Iolab提出侵權告訴,但Iolab提起請願,主張專利無效,理由是Pannu不是系爭專利的唯一發明人,還有William Link,另主張系爭專利並未揭示best mode,違反112規定。
enpan's Patent & Linux practice
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本篇討論:法定禁反言的適用盡然/是否還是要看「被告侵權產品」與主張專利無效的證據(本案為型錄)是否具有實質差異而定,還有更多條件 ... - In re DMF, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2021)。
上訴人/專利權人:DMF, INC.
(侵權被告AMP Plus, Inc.在地院階段提起系爭專利無效的請願。本案判決僅4頁,卻是滿滿的信息(法律知識),本篇理出一些來龍去脈)
本案議題基於"35 U.S.C. § 315(e)(2)"中關於提出專利無效議題所形成的「法定禁反言(statutory estoppel)」規定。起因是在地院審理的專利侵權案被告AMP Plus, Inc., dba ELCO Lighting (“ELCO”)曾於IPR異議程序中提起專利無效的主張,但根據35 U.S.C. § 311(b)規定提起IPR主張專利無效的請願人,在35 U.S.C. § 315(e)(2)規定中是不能在民事訴訟(如侵權訴訟)或是在ITC程序中再次提起專利無效的請願。這就是這裡講的「法定禁反言」的相關規定。
然而,本案在地方法院階段判決ELCO在審理期間提起系爭專利無效的主張並未牴觸上述「法定禁反言」的規定,因此原告對此判決DMF提起上訴,提起petitions for a writ of mandamus挑戰地院關於法定禁反言的決定。
35 U.S. Code § 315 - Relation to other proceedings or actions(35 U.S.C. § 315(e)(2))
(1)Proceedings before the office.— The petitioner in an inter partes review of a claim in a patent under this chapter that results in a final written decision under section 318(a), or the real party in interest or privy of the petitioner, may not request or maintain a proceeding before the Office with respect to that claim on any ground that the petitioner raised or reasonably could have raised during that inter partes review.
(2)Civil actions and other proceedings.— The petitioner in an inter partes review of a claim in a patent under this chapter that results in a final written decision under section 318(a), or the real party in interest or privy of the petitioner, may not assert either in a civil action arising in whole or in part under section 1338 of title 28 or in a proceeding before the International Trade Commission under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 that the claim is invalid on any ground that the petitioner raised or reasonably could have raised during that inter partes review.
35 U.S. Code § 311 - Inter partes review(35 U.S.C. § 311(b))
A petitioner in an inter partes review may request to cancel as unpatentable 1 or more claims of a patent only on a ground that could be raised under section 102 or 103 and only on the basis of prior art consisting of patents or printed publications.
系爭專利US9,964,266關於一種小型嵌入式燈具,DMF以此對ELCO提起侵權告訴,ELCO在地院提起多項專利範圍無效的主張,證據主要是船隻照明公司"Imtra Marine Lighting"的型錄。
然而,被告ELCO在May 2019已經對系爭專利提起IPR異議程序,PTAB也啟始(institute)IPR(表示起初PTAB認同ELCO提出的證據(如上述型錄)可以有效挑戰專利權),但最終判定是ELCO並未證明專利無效。
據此,在本案侵權訴訟中,DMF可以更有信心地提起告訴,但卻被地院判決澆了一盆冷水,即便根據35 U.S.C. § 315(e)(2)主張ELCO不能基於相同證據提起專利無效(法定禁反言),但仍被法院否決。地院判決理由是,35 U.S.C. § 315(e)(2)的適用是基於被告侵權產品與型錄是否有實質差異,然而,因為被告侵權產品與無效證據(型錄)有實質差異("there be some substantive difference between the product and the printed prior art that is germane to the invalidity dispute at hand."),因此此階段主張專利無效並未牴觸法定禁反言(未符合法定禁反言的條件!)。
(1) 主張法定禁反言請願的一方(本案為DMP)需要證明沒有其他方法可以救濟;
(2) 證明提出此請願是明確而無可爭辯法律權利;以及
(3) 說服法院執行"writ of mandamus"(法定禁反言令)適用當下情況。
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