這件訴願案有關Mr. Bernard L. Bilski與Mr. Rand A.Warsaw所提出降低日常必需品(比如能源)價格變動的風險的方法,由於並無符合專利要件,這件申請案同時被USPTO與訴願委員會核駁,故才上訴到CAFCCAFC根據美國專利法第101條的規定,並根據美國最高法院判例而採用machine-or-transformation test(機械或轉換測試),認為發明專利應在請求項中關聯特定機械或是物品,故判定此商業方法不具專利性。
這個案子是揭露「Capped bill systems, methods and products 」,有關於能將費率限制在一個預設值內的方法,以防止變動,內容果然沒有與硬體相關,也果然不像一般具有技術特徵的專利案:
1. A method of providing one of a good or a service to at least one entity at one of a payment, rate, or price that is capped at a pre-determined amount, comprising:
producing an offer for the entity, wherein the offer represents at least one of a capped maximum payment, a capped maximum rate, a capped maximum usage, a capped maximum consumption, or a capped maximum price amount; and
providing the good or service to the entity at one of a payment, rate, or price that may fluctuate, wherein the payment, rate, or price cannot exceed the capped maximum payment, capped maximum rate, capped maximum usage, capped maximum consumption, or capped maximum price amount.
為了統一歐洲專利合約(EPC)會員國對軟體的審查判斷,歐洲專利局長將此問題交由擴大訴願委員會(Enlarged Board of Appeal,EPO最高的決策機關),此爭議是有關EPC中第52條第2項與第3項中『禁止電腦程式本身(computer programs in themselves)』的專利的規定,這並非是指可專利的發明中的電腦程式,而是其中細節狀況的設定。電腦程式有關的專利案應指出各程式特徵對發明技術的貢獻。