以下為引證案,主要引證案為Wilson(US2011/0279383)與Anderson(US2004/0109096),經審查委員發出審查意見認定Claims 1-15不具專利性的理由後,除了專利權人提出回應外,更有其他第三方意見(third parties in this inter partes re-examination),最後審查委員仍作出核駁意見。
專利為US 8044942
1. A touch screen protector for a hand held electronic device having a front face that includes a touch screen portion and an outer perimeter comprising:
a plastic film having front and back sides, an outer perimeter that corresponds to that of the device, and a transparent window that corresponds in size to the touch screen portion; and
a spacer provided along the outer perimeter of the plastic film continuously surrounding the transparent window, having a thickness sufficient to space the plastic film near but not in contact with the touch screen portion, and an exposed adhesive for removably mounting the protector upon the outer perimeter of the front face to form an enclosed air space between the transparent window of the plastic film, the spacer and the touch screen portion of the device;
wherein the window can be pressed against the touch screen portion for operation of the electronic device while preventing direct contact of a user's fingers with the touch screen portion and without producing visible interference patterns during use.
在此階段系爭專利(non-final OA)不具進步性,不過專利權人仍可提出申復與修正,尚不能上訴,因為還未進入final OA。
目前狀態是「ACTION CLOSING PROSECUTION (ACP)」,專利權人可以於期限(發出closing prosecution後30天內)內提出在Re-Examination程序所啟始的議題作出回應,包括可提出權利範圍修正意見(限於刪除權利範圍、改寫);當專利權人提出回應與/或修正後,各方(third party)請求人亦可於30天內作出回應。最後才會作出Final Office Action。