2013年5月9日 星期四





"Without Prejudice"表示沒有拋棄權利主張、權利,沒有暗示任何承諾!
.當"without prejudice" 使用在文件或信中,表示這文件不能為法院的證據(這很重要);該文件不能視為決定性用途;不能有法律用途。其實就是文件不能用在法院,但私下的行為則不限!(翻譯可能有誤,請參看以下英文)
.當訴訟案被駁回或是作出判決,這時使用"without prejudice",表示會有新的訴訟、或根據相同證據作出新的判決、或為採用原判決等的可能。也就是法院不排除會有不同的後續動作。

Law phrase: Without abandonment of a claim, privilege, or right, and without implying an admission of liability.

(1) When used in a document or letter, without prejudice means that what follows (a) cannot be used as evidence in a court case, (b) cannot be taken as the signatory's last word on the subject matter, and (c) cannot be used as a precedent. Contents of such documents normally cannot be disclosed to the courts but, when a party proposes to settle a dispute out-of-court, it is the genuineness of the effort that determines whether the proposal can disclosed or not, and not whether the words without prejudice were used.

(2) When a court case is dismissed, or a court order is issued without prejudice, it means that a new case may be brought or a new order issued on the same basis as the dismissed case or the original order. See also with prejudice.
