看到部落格側欄中「七天內熱門文章」突然竄上來的2013年案例 - 「Google街景服務侵權案討論(Vederi v. Google (Fed. Cir. 2013))(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/03/googlevederi-v-google-fed-cir-2013.html),就忍不住找一下後續發展。當時部落格文章算是很清楚地分析其中向Google提告的系爭專利,當年CAFC發回重審是因為系爭專利不當"太窄"解釋,系爭專利中用語「substantially elevations」有解釋爭議,CAFC參考系爭專利說明書(內部證據)認為"substantially"有解釋空間,而不僅是"elevations"(建築正視圖),因此有可能涵蓋「Google街景」形成的方式(呈現建築物的球形與曲線的透視技術)。
尋找CAFC案例時,看到此案在今年5月有個判決 - VEDERI, LLC v. GOOGLE LLC (CAFC 2020),案件資訊:
上訴人/專利權人:VEDERI, LLC
判決日:May 14, 2020
根據今年(2020年)5月的判決,可知系爭專利在前次判決後進入「複審/這裡有時也翻為"再審"(inter partes reexamination)」(95/000,681, 95/000,682, 95/000,683, 95/000,684)程序,PTAB決定對專利權人不利,因此上訴CAFC,同時Google交叉上訴,應該是Google也不服複審決定。
其中爭議仍在「解釋專利範圍(claim construction)」,特別是系爭專利請求項中「composite image」用語、「moving」以及「web page for the retail establishment」等。
參考系爭專利'760的claim 19、20:
19. In a system including an image source and a user terminal having a screen and an input device, a method for enabling visual navigation of a geographic area from the user terminal, the method comprising:
accessing a plurality of images from the image source, the images representing objects within the geographic area;
identifying a current location in the geographic area;
retrieving from the image source an image corresponding to the current location;
monitoring a change of the current location in the geographic area; and
retrieving from the image source an image corresponding to the changed location, wherein each retrieved image is a composite image created by processing a plurality of image frames acquired from an image recording device moving through the geographic area.
20. A system for enabling visual navigation of a geographic area from a user terminal, the system comprising:
means for accessing an image source providing a plurality of images depicting views of objects in the geographic area, the views being substantially elevations of the objects in the geographic area, wherein the images are associated with image frames acquired by an image recording device moving along a trajectory;
means for receiving a first user input specifying a first location in the geographic area;
means for retrieving from the image source a first image associated with the first location;
means for receiving a second user input specifying a navigation direction relative to the first location in the geographic area;
means for determining a second location based on the user specified navigation direction; and
means for retrieving from the image source a second image associated with the second location.
'025案claim 21、28:
21. A method for enabling visual navigation of a geographic area via a computer system coupled to an image source, the computer system including one or more computer devices, at least one of the computer devices having a display screen, the method comprising:
providing by the image source a plurality of images depicting views of objects in the geographic area, the views being substantially elevations of the objects in the geographic area, wherein the images are associated with image frames acquired by an image recording device moving along a trajectory;
receiving by the computer system a first user input specifying a first location in the geographic area;
retrieving by the computer system a first image associated with the first location, the first image being one of the plurality of images provided by the image source;
providing by the computer system the retrieved first image for displaying on a first display area of the display screen;
invoking by the computer system a display of a direction identifier for indicating the viewing direction depicted in the first image;
receiving by the computer system a second user input specifying a navigation direction relative to the first location in the geographic area;
determining by the computer system a second location based on the user specified navigation direction;
retrieving by the computer system a second image associated with the second location, the second image being one of the plurality of images provided by the image source; and
providing by the computer system the retrieved second image for updating the first image with the second image.
28. The method of claim 27, wherein the particular one of the objects is a retail establishment, the method further comprising:
accessing a web page for the retail establishment; and
invoking by the computer system a display of the web page on the display screen.
(1) “composite image”
對侵權可能產生影響的用語「composite image」而言,PTAB解釋"composite image"為「“a single image created by combining different image data or by uniting image data”」,法院認為這個解釋符合說明書的描述,認為"composite image"解釋為從影像幀中選擇影像,經組合後形成組合影像。(編按,也就是錄製影片後,從中取得影像資料後組合成呈現給使用者看的畫面。)

(2) “moving” in the claim limitation “image frames acquired by an image recording device moving along a trajectory”

(3) “web page for the retail establishment”
PTAB將"web page"限定為由零售商(編按,這應該是指如google map或街景上的商店興趣點)運作的網頁。經考量說明書內容,事實上僅一處提到"web page",其中描述在網頁上零售商形成超連結(hyperlink),法院認為這裡的「web page」並非意謂有任何人擁有或控制,並沒有限定在零售商自己的網頁。
結論,本案中,法院再次強調,解釋專利範圍時,應以「內部證據(intrinsic evidence)」為首要考量,其中第一是申請專利範圍文字(claim language),第二為說明書(specification)與審查歷史(prosecution history),並以最廣而合理的解釋(broadest reasonable interpretation)為標準。
