enpan's Patent & Linux practice
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2023年9月28日 星期四
取得歐洲專利的指導方針 - 涉及人類手術、治療、診斷方法

2023年9月26日 星期二
使用數學概念的非習知方法並非抽象概念 - Thales Visionix Inc. v. United States (Fed. Cir. 2017)
要獲得專利前提需要符合35U.S.C.101規範的幾種發明樣態:process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter。符合後,才會進到Step 2A, 2B的判斷。
採用經過合約約束的平台架構的軟體侵權議題 - Caddo Systems, Inc. v. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (AG) (Fed. Cir. 2023)
侵權被告產品是「Siemens Industry’s Desigo CC software and Siemens AG’s website」。
2023年9月25日 星期一
專利答辯歷史影響形成"不會被勸阻結合先前技術"的結論 - Elekta Ltd. v. Zap Surgical Systems, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2023)
2019年,ZAP對系爭專利'648提起IPR程序,案件啟始後,PTAB判定系爭專利部分被挑戰請求項不具非顯而易見,引用前案為:US4,649,560 (“Grady”); a publication, K.J. Ruchala et al., Megavoltage CT image reconstruction during tomotherapy treatments, PHYS. MED. BIOL. 45, 3545–3362 (2000) (“Ruchala”); and US4,998,268 (“Winter”)。
2023年9月12日 星期二
日本自April 1, 2022後不再接受多項依附多項附屬項(補充資料)
The draft revision of the Examination Guidelines for Patent and Utility Model in Japan (hereinafter, simply referred to as the “Examination Guidelines”) has been prepared based on the discussions at the 16th meeting of the Working Group on the Patent Examination Standards supervised by the Patent System Subcommittee under the Intellectual Property Committee of the Industrial Structure Council. The public comments were invited from February 10 to March 11, 2022.
The Examination Guidelines related to Multi-Multi Claim Restriction is revised in light of the public comments.
(Note) The term "Multi-Multi Claim" as restricted by the revised Ministerial Ordinance means "any dependent claim that refers to more than one other claim in the alternative ("multiple dependent claim") which depends from any other multiple dependent claim."
The revised Examination Guidelines is applied to examination of the applications filed on or after April 1, 2022.
Types of Designs and Modified Forms
An ornamental design may be embodied in an entire article or only a portion of an article, or may be ornamentation applied to an article. If a design is directed to just surface ornamentation, it must be shown applied to an article in the drawings, and the article must be shown in broken lines, as it forms no part of the claimed design.
A design patent application may only have a single claim (37 CFR § 1.153). Designs that are independent and distinct must be filed in separate applications since they cannot be supported by a single claim. Designs are independent if there is no apparent relationship between two or more articles. For example, a pair of eyeglasses and a door handle are independent articles and must be claimed in separate applications. Designs are considered distinct if they have different shapes and appearances even though they are related articles. For example, two vases having different surface ornamentation creating distinct appearances must be claimed in separate applications. However, modified forms, or embodiments of a single design concept may be filed in one application. For example, vases with only minimal configuration differences may be considered a single design concept and both embodiments may be included in a single application.
關於「真實欺騙(actual deception)」判斷,設計專利的侵權判斷時,有個要件就是普通消費者視覺上是否造成混淆或欺騙為購買某物時以為是另一有設計專利的產品,如果是,侵權成立。