2008年12月31日 星期三

obvious to try!!!

最近處理了個美國核駁案,使引用KSR判例,認為本申請案是「obvious to try」,即使並無找到直接對應的引證案,卻可以判斷其中的部份元件是簡單嘗試的!

在KSR判例產生前,長久以來採用TSM(teaching, suggestion, motivation)測試,針對進步性不足的核駁理由,實務上是需要引用/結合兩件或以上的引證案,一一比對本申請案中請求項的元件,證明前案有教示(teaching)、建議(suggestion)或是與本案有相同或可產生相同的動機(motivation),以證明申請案的請求項範圍為「顯而易見」,主要原因是為了要避免審查委員有後見之明(hindsight bias)。

但是,從KSR的判例來看,美國最高法院(Supreme Court)認為聯邦巡迴法院(Federal Circuit)在一直以來形式化地使用的TSM測試是錯的,這也影響到審查委員提出的引證資料是否確實,或是僅憑主觀判斷進步性。然而,最高法院仍提出幾項判斷「Obviousness」的規則:
  1. The combination of familiar elements according to known methods is likely to be obvious when it does no more than yield predictable results.
  2. If a person of ordinary skill can implement a predictable variation, 103 likely bars its patentability.
  3. One of the ways in which a patent's subject matter can be proved obvious is by noting that there existed at the time of invention a known problem for which there was an obvious solution encompassed by the patent's claims.
最高法院認為,聯邦巡迴法院斷定不能僅認定一些元件的組合為簡單嘗試(obvious to try)來證明專利範圍為顯而易見的方式是錯的。然根據最高法院的裁定,證明顯而易見的條件變得比較寬鬆:
When there is a design need or market pressure to solve a problem and there are finite number of identified, predictable solutions, a preson of ordinary skill has good reason to pursue the known options within his or her technical grasp. If this leads to the anticipated success, it is likely the product not of innovation but of ordinary skill and common sense. In that instance the fact that a combination was obvious to try might show that it was obvious under 103.

所以,不同於聯邦巡迴法院的認定,只要有「obvious to try」的事實,已足夠證明顯而易見。(另外,可引用「secondary considerations」克服obvious to try的問題)

以下為引用KSR判例,認為該發明之於一般技術人員為「obvious to try」:


2008年12月30日 星期二


日本新型專利(Utility Model)特色:(資料來源:jpo.go.jp)
  1. 相對於發明專利並未要求附帶圖式,但新型專利申請則強制要求附帶圖式,申請時另須申請費、前三年的註冊費
  2. 無實際審查
  3. 僅進行以下幾點的形式審查
    - 該發明為物品的形狀、結構,或其組合
    - 該發明是否違反公眾秩序與道德
    - 申請專利範圍格式是否符合規定
    - 說明書與圖式是否有明顯錯誤
  4. 若新型申請案沒有符合全部要求,將限期修正,否則將遭撤回
  5. 符合上述基本條件後,將核准新型專利,並公開於公報上
  6. 任何人在任何時間可提出前案檢索的新型技術報告(Registrability Report)
  7. 新型專利的修正僅能刪除申請專利範圍
  8. 新型申請程序如下:



  1. 先申請系統(first-to-file system)
  2. 提出專利說明書後,先進行形式審查(formality examination),判斷文件是否齊備
  3. 申請日後18個月會公開未經審查的申請案(publication of unexamined application)
  4. 申請人或其他第三方可提出實際審查要求
  5. 申請日後三年內若未提出實際審查要求,則視同撤回(withdrawal)
  6. 實際審查中,將考量以下要求:
    - 是否該發明是依照自然法則的技術思考為基礎
    - 是否具有產業利用性
    - 該發明是否在申請前已存在(新穎性Act.29(1))
    - 該發明是否為同領域中技術人員能輕易達成(進步性Act.29(2))
    - 是否該申請案是第一次提出申請
    - 是否該發明違反公眾秩序與道德
    - 是否說明書的描述符合專利性要求(明確記載Act.36)
  7. 申請程序大致如下:
    - 提出申請
    - 經實際審查後,若審查人員找到核駁理由,將發出核駁通知
    - 收到核駁通知後,申請人應以書面提出答辯與修正
    - 若無核駁理由,將通知核准決定
    - 若審查人員判斷原核駁理由沒有被消滅,將發出核駁決定
    - 申請人若不滿核駁決定,可提出訴願(Appeal against decision of refusal)
    - 訴願審查由三或五個審查委員執行,發出訴願決定(Appeal decision)
    - 若該發明核准專利,經繳專利費用(patent fee),專利權生效並註冊(patent register),獲得一專利號
    - 公開於專利公報
  8. 任何人可對已核准專利提出舉發訴願(appeal for invalidation)
  9. 舉發訴願將由三或五名訴願審查委員審理,並做出無效與否的決定
  10. 針對訴願決定,相關人可於高等智財法院(Intellectual Property High court)提出上訴
  11. 下圖為發明專利申請流程,與世界大部分國家相差不多,其中舉發制度(Invalidation)是由多位審查委員審理,並為歸為訴願制度(台灣是針對舉發審查結果不滿時,再提出訴願):


2008年12月29日 星期一

Support Freedom


但是,畢竟在開發過程中也使用到別人或說是很多人貢獻的程式碼,在GNU GPL(General Public License)的規範下,也要把自己的程式公開,才是符合開放原始碼的精神!

最近,自由軟體基金會(FSF)這個打著「自由(free,非免費)」、「開放(open)」旗幟的單位,竟然告了Cisco Systems,原因就是因為Cisco產品使用了開放原始碼,卻沒有履行公開程式碼的義務,這也確認了我應該要回覆那位朋友為要開放的答案。


[原文] http://www.istockanalyst.com/article/viewiStockNews/articleid/2880376
(Source: Datamonitor)trackingThe Free Software Foundation has filed a lawsuit against Cisco Systems in the US District Court of New York because it claims it not has met its obligation to provide source code for the open source software used in its Linksys routers.

The FSF said most of the programs under scrutiny are licensed under the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License, which encourage companies to modify the software and then share it with others. One of the conditions states that anyone who redistributes the software must also provide the source code. FSF says Cisco has distributed it without providing the corresponding source code.

Brett Smith, licensing compliance engineer at the FSF, said: "We began working with Cisco in 2003 to help them establish a process for complying with our software licenses, and the initial changes were very promising. Unfortunately, they never put in the effort to finish the process for compliance. As a result, we believe that legal action is the best way to restore the rights we grant to all users of our software."



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新穎性 Art 29(1)
進步性 Art 29(2)
說明書/請求項內容 Art 36

Any person who has made an invention which is industrially applicable may obtain a patent therefor, execept in the case of the following inventions:
(i)inventions which were publicy known in Japan prior to the filing of the patent application;
(ii)inventions which were publicy worked in Japan prior to the filing of the patent application;
(iii)inventions which were described in a distributed publication in Japan or elsewhere prior to the filing of the patent application.
  • (i)該發明在專利申請前已於日本國內被大眾所知;
  • (ii)該發明在專利申請前已實施於日本國內;
  • (iii)該發明在專利申請前已於日本國內,或其他地區公開散佈。


Where an invention could easily have been made, prior to the filing of the patent application, by a person which ordinary skill in the art to which the invention pertains, on the basis of an invention or inventions referred to in any of the paragraphs of Subsection (1), a patent shall not be granted for such an invention notwithstanding Subsection (1).


Article 36(Patent applications)
  • (1) A person requesting the grant of a patent shall submit an application to the Commissioner of the Patent Office stating the following:
    (i) the name and domicile or residence of the applicant(s) for the patent; and
    (ii) the name and domicile or residence of the inventor(s).
  • (2) The description, scope of claims, drawings (where required), and abstract shall be attached to the application.
  • (3) The description as provided in the preceding paragraph shall state the following:
    (i) the title of the invention;
    (ii) a brief explanation of the drawing(s); and
    (iii) a detailed explanation of the invention.
  • (4) The statement of the detailed explanation of the invention as provided in item (iii) of the preceding Paragraph shall comply with each of the following items:
    (i) in accordance with Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the statement shall be clear and sufficient as to enable any person ordinarily skilled in the art to which the invention pertains to work the invention; and
    (ii) where the person requesting the grant of a patent has knowledge of any invention(s) (inventions as provided in Article 29(1)(iii), hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) related to the said invention, that has been known to the public through publication at the time of filing of the patent application, the statement shall provide the source of the information concerning the invention(s) known to the public through publication such as the name of the publicationand others.
  • (5) The scope of claims as provided in paragraph (2) shall state a claim or claims and state for each claim all matters necessary to specify the invention for which the applicant requests the grant of a patent. In such case, an invention specified by a statement in one claim may be the same invention specified by a statement in another claim.
  • (6) The statement of the scope of claims as provided in paragraph (2) shall comply with each of the following items:
    (i) the invention for which a patent is sought is stated in the detailed explanation of the invention;
    (ii) the invention for which a patent is sought is clear;
    (iii) the statement for each claim is concise; and
    (iv) the statement is composed in accordance with Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
  • (7) The abstract as provided in paragraph (2) shall state a summary of the invention disclosed in the description, scope of claims or drawings, and any other matters as provided by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
資料來於:日本特許廳 http://www.jpo.go.jp/

2008年12月24日 星期三


消息來源:參考Betten & Resch、EPO

  1. 根據在倫敦上訴法院(London Appeal Court)最近的Symbian決定與美國CAFC做出的Bilski判決,歐洲專利局局長修改了最近(2008年10月22日)才做出的軟體專利決定。
  2. 其中,EPO局長引用了四個「擴大上訴委員會(Enlarged Board of Appeal)」判決的法律問題,其中三個皆排除不符歐洲專利法EPC 52(2)規定的電腦程式發明。
  3. 根據歐洲專利法52(2),(3)的規定,明確地被排除電腦軟體本身(歐洲專利局講法是:as such;美國專利局講法是:per se),法條如下:

    Art.52: (1) European patents shall be granted for any inventions, in all fields of technology, provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are susceptible of industrial application. (2) The following in particular shall not be regarded as inventions within the meaning of paragraph 1: (a) discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods; (b) aesthetic creations; (c) schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts, playing games or doing business, and programs for computers; (d) presentations of information. (3) Paragraph 2 shall exclude the patentability of the subject-matter or activities referred to therein only to the extent to which a European patent application or European patent relates to such subject-matter or activities as such.
  4. 再根據「技術上訴委員會(Technical Boards of Appeal)」對電腦軟體專利的判例,未具有技術特徵的電腦軟體不能專利,但對有技術特徵的電腦軟體則可專利。
  5. 根據之前歐洲專利局對HITACHI的拍賣方法的判例,審查委員與EPO上訴委員會則提出一個對電腦軟體實現的發明的「二步驟測試(two-step test)」,其中:

    (1)判斷該發明「本身」是否就是電腦軟體(包括商業方法或是智力活動)發明,根據判例,其中應具有的技術特徵是由『具有實體特徵(physical features of an entity)』或『行為本質(nature of an activity)』或『使用技術手段(use of technical means)』所隱含的特徵,文中認為,要符合此測試,僅需在「裝置」專利範圍中引用硬體特徵,或是在「方法」專利範圍中描述硬體特徵的用途,這連結兩種態樣的電腦軟體發明或是儲存於媒體中的程式皆可獲准專利 (2)判斷電腦軟體發明是否具有技術特徵並同時有進步性(inventive step),為了符合此測試,發明需要解決特定技術(電腦軟體)問題,而不用如之前提到的倫敦上訴法院的判例而需要對電腦以外的事物有影響。
  6. 以上「二步驟測試(two-step test)」中的第一測試應該是很容易克服/符合,但第二測試相對就比較難以克服
  7. 另一問題是,文中提出是否程式人員算是相關技術領域的人,如果是,將會導致較難符合「進步性」的要求


2008年12月23日 星期二

最終核駁(Final OA)之後措施


After Final Office Action:
  1. 於Final Office Action發出後兩個月內提出完整的答辯書,以期獲得諮詢意見(Advisory Action),審查委員將於一個月內提出諮詢意見,屆時可初步得知申請案是否獲准或是如何獲准,或是無獲准可能,據此申請人仍有一次回覆(答辯)機會;但此程序中,如果權利範圍的修正造成審查委員要執行新的檢索,審查委員發出的AA並非有任何意見,且不接受修正(not entered),有時也為延遲到接下來的後續程序,並產生延期費;
  2. 提出書面答覆,然此方案需視申請案中是否有經簡單修正即可核准的部份,若有,本方案可行;若沒有,本方案除非有收到諮詢意見(Advisory Action),否則將被最終拋棄;
  3. 若本案在技術上的區隔需要與審查委員當面討論,可提出面詢(interview),然此方案仍需要提出完整的答辯方向與審查委員溝通,通常是透過美國代理人執行;
  4. 提出接續審查(RCE),提出新的答辯意見,並建議修正適當的申請專利範圍,盡量能與引證案區隔;
  5. 提出部份接續案(CIP),取代母案,可加入未公開卻可與引證案區隔的技術特徵,由於新增的部份是新事物(new matter),故以CIP為之;
  6. 提出接續案(CA),取代母案,此舉不同於CIP,申請案可經改寫,重新描繪本案技術內容,與全新的範圍,但仍不可超過目前的說明書內容;
  7. 提出另案申請,如同CA,由於申請案可能具有可核准與不可核准的部份,但是如果執著於不可核准的部份的答辯,反而失去可核准的部份的權利,故建議可利用將可核准或是不可核准的部份另案申請,同時兩個案子繼續審查,而可核准的部份則應可順利獲得專利;
  8. 提出先前訴願(Pre-Appeal),配合Notice of Appeal提出,此舉係適用申請人認為審查意見有明顯錯誤時,如法條錯誤、明顯沒有核駁基礎、專利範圍解釋錯誤、前案引用錯誤等,可在提出訴願Appeal Brief前提出Pre-Appeal,由多位審查委員組成的專門小組(panel)審閱本案審查內容,判斷審查委員的疏失,然並非所有案子都適用;
  9. 提出訴願(Appeal),需提出新的答辯意見,於本申請案尚未拋棄前先提出Notice of Appeal,接著提出Brief on Appeal後,由訴願衝突委員會(Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences)執行審理。
  10. (updated in 2014) AFCP(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2013/05/acfp-20.html

Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Pilot Program

Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Pilot Program

  1. Pre-Appeal(先前訴願)方案提供美國專利申請人在進入訴願階段前(發出Appeal Brief之前)的可選擇的方案之一,由多位審查委員組成的專門小組(panel)先行審閱核駁理由中的法條規定與認定事實
  2. 若此專門小組判斷該申請案尚未到需要進入訴願階段的程度時,此方案能節省申請人準備Appeal Brief的時間與費用
  3. 雖此方案並不見得適用每一件要進入訴願階段的案子,但在適當地情況下,此方案確實可以節省很多申請人與專利局的資源
  4. 申請人仍可繼續執行一般在進入訴願委員會前有關訴願的規定(37 CFR 41)的程序
This new program offers applicants an avenue to request that a panel of examiners formally review the legal and factual basis of the rejections in their application prior to the filing of an appeal brief. Effective immediately, the USPTO is offering applicants an optional procedure to
review the examiner's rejection prior to the actual filing of an appeal brief. The program is intended to spare applicants the added time and expense of preparing an appeal brief if a panel review determines an application is not in condition for appeal. Although this procedure will not be appropriate in every appealed application, in the proper situations it can save both the resources of the applicant and the Office. Applicants continue to have available to them the normal practice and procedures already in effect under Part 41 of the Title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations relating to appeals and practice before the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences.

  1. 目前通常是經過兩次核駁(1st OA, Final OA)之後,可進入訴願階段
  2. 申請人通常先遞交notice of appeal
  3. 兩個月內,申請人應提出appeal brief與費用
  4. 此階段時間可延展
  5. Pre-Appeal即提供申請人在提出Appeal brief之前,先由審查委員組成的專門小組(the panel)進行審閱
  6. 目的是:
  7. 如果申請人認為核駁理由中有明顯不適當或是缺少基礎的審查意見,可提出Pre-Appeal,包括引用法條錯誤、明顯沒有核駁基礎、專利範圍解釋錯誤、前案引用錯誤
  8. 於此專門小組審視審查意見後,將回應一書面答覆
  9. 此Pre-Appeal應伴隨著Notice of Appeal提出,可於提出後兩個月內再提出Appeal Brief
  10. 如果提出pre-appeal期間又遞交以下申請,此Pre-Appeal程序將終止
    - an appeal brief
    - a request for continued examination (RCE)
    - an after-final amendment
    - an affidavit or other evidence
    - an express abandonment
  11. 提出「Pre-Appeal Brief Request for Review」,格式如PTO/SB/33
  12. 五頁以下的內容
  13. 此程序不能伴隨提出專利說明書、範圍的修正
  14. 內容應該清楚表明審查意見錯誤之處,還有審查委員缺少提出核駁的該有的元件
    . clear errors in the examiner's rejections; or
    . the examiner's omissions of one or more essential elements needed for a prima facie rejection.
  15. 當申請人提出Pre-Appeal後,USPTO將會:
    . 技術中心指導人(Technology Center Art Unit supervisor)將會指派相關技術審查人員成立專門小組
    . 專門小組包括一位指導人(supervisor)與審查委員
    . 申請人無法加入,也無法要求面詢
    . 審閱申請人的議論與審查委員的核駁理由(包括提出的證據)
    . 專門小組將決定是否有訴願的必要
    . 45天內寄出決定
    . 寄出的決定有結論:維持原核駁理由、撤回核駁理由、駁回或是核准專利範圍
  16. 寄出的決定可能有:
    . 其中至少有個確實符合訴願的正確事實
    . 重啟爭議程序(prosecution),此時,可能有個修正建議也隨著決定寄出,甚至發出可准予專利的指示
    . 目前有的範圍可核准,則此爭議程序即關閉
    . 有不符要求的地方,此Pre-Appeal請求消失
  17. 其他規定:
    . 申請人需自行確認準時送達
    . 不能提出補充理由
    . Notice of Appeal不能退費
    . Pre-Appeal的請求若於notice of appeal之後發出,不受理
    . 不能提出請願(petition)
    . 專門小組的決定不能被請願(not petitionable)
    . 若申請人不滿決定內容,則應繼續訴願程序
    . 在提出Pre-Appeal之後,並出appeal brief之後,如有新的爭點或證據,審查委員保留重啟爭議程序或是核准申請案的選擇

2008年12月20日 星期六








K2E-PAT service

一般可透過一些電子翻譯軟體或是Google Translate的工具來翻譯韓文也是個方法





2008年12月18日 星期四








MPEP 609 - Information Disclosure Statement

Information Disclosure Statement(IDS)通常是在提出美國專利申請案時提出,發明人有義務提出發明的相關資料,包括檢索到的前案、公開資料,甚至不相關的內容,審查委員都會納入審查考慮,如果在審查過程中發現到有些相關的前案(比該案申請日或是優先權日早的案子),包括別的國家的相對申請案的審查意見或是引證案,都要誠實遞交給美國專利局,否則可能會產生申請的瑕疵。

MPEP 609 規範了Information Disclosure Statement(IDS)的申請與內容

其中引用37 CFR 1.97的規定-Filing of information disclosure statement.
  1. (a) In order for an applicant for a patent or for a reissue of a patent to have an information disclosure statement in compliance with § 1.98 considered by the Office during the pendency of the application, the information disclosure statement must satisfy one of paragraphs (b), (c), or (d) of this section.
    (a) 在專利申請案審查中,申請人有義務提出information disclosure statement(IDS),IDS應符合本段(b), (c), (d)的規定

  2. (b) An information disclosure statement shall be considered by the Office if filed by the applicant within any one of the following time periods:
    (b) 申請人在以下幾種時間內提出IDS,專利局應須於審查中考慮IDS
    (1) 自美國國內申請案申請日後3個月內 (2) 國際申請案進入美國國家階段的時間後3個月內 (3) 在專利局提出第一次審查意見(first Office Action)前 (4) 在RCE的程序中,發出RCE後第一次審查意見前

  3. (c) An information disclosure statement shall be considered by the Office if filed after the period specified in paragraph (b) of this section, provided that the information disclosure statement is filed before the mailing date of any of a final action under § 1.113, a notice of allowance under § 1.311, or an action that otherwise closes prosecution in the application, and it is accompanied by one of:
    (c) 如果在上述(b)中所規定時間後,申請人才提出IDS,仍應考慮IDS,只要在最終審定書(Final Office Action)發出之前,或是核准通知之前(notice of allowance),或是其他關閉爭議程序(close prosecution)的動作之前,但要伴隨如本段(e)的聲明,並產生費用

  4. (d) An information disclosure statement shall be considered by the Office if filed by the applicant after the period specified in paragraph (c) of this section, provided that the information disclosure statement is filed on or before payment of the issue fee and is accompanied by:
    (d) 如果申請人在如上述(c)所規定的時間之後提出IDS,要在繳領證費當時,或是之前提出,但也要伴隨有如本段(e)的聲明,還有費用

  5. (e) A statement under this section must state either:
    (e) 上述聲明應要提出以下內容之一:
    (1) 內容包括,在提出IDS前三個月內,提出第一次在國外專利局所提出該相對申請案的引證案
    (2) 包括告知在國外專利局並無提出相對此美國申請案的引證案

  6. (f) No extensions of time for filing an information disclosure statement are permitted under § 1.136. If a bona fide attempt is made to comply with § 1.98, but part of the required content is inadvertently omitted, additional time may be given to enable full compliance.
    (f) IDS提出的時機並不能延期,但是針對非故意的事件(誠實的要求下),仍是可以要求額外的時間

  7. (g) An information disclosure statement filed in accordance with section shall not be construed as a representation that a search has been made.
    (g) 符合上述條件所提出IDS的動作並不能解釋為已作了檢索

  8. (h) The filing of an information disclosure statement shall not be construed to be an admission that the information cited in the statement is, or is considered to be, material to patentability as defined in § 1.56(b).
    (h) 提出IDS並不能解釋所採用的引證內容,或是於審查時已考慮,而作為可專利性的依據

  9. (i) If an information disclosure statement does not comply with either this section or § 1.98, it will be placed in the file but will not be considered by the Office.
    (i) 若IDS並無符合上述各規定,則不會被專利局列入審查時的考慮

再引用37 CFR 1.98的規定-Content of information disclosure statement.,有關IDS的內容

  1. (a) Any information disclosure statement filed under § 1.97 shall include the items listed in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section.
    (a) 提出的IDS需包括本段(a)(1),(a)(2)與(a)(3)所規定的內容
    (1) A list of all patents, publications, applications, or other information submitted for consideration by the Office. U.S. patents and U.S. patent application publications must be listed in a section separately from citations of other documents. Each page of the list must include:
    (a)(1) 提出列出所有專利、公開資料、申請案或是其他訊息給美國專利局,若是提出美國專利申請公開案,則以另一文件列舉,每一頁需包括有:
    (i) 申請號
    (ii) 文件中,各行有間隔
    (iii) 標示各IDS的標題
    (a)(2) A legible copy of:
    (a)(2) 應提出各國外專利、公開案(或其一部份)、未公開的美國申請案(或其一部份,包括claims、圖示),或是其他資訊(或其一部份)等清楚易讀的副本
    (i) 以英文簡要解釋IDS(包括專利案、公開案或是其他資料)資料中與申請案的相關性
    (ii) 針對非英文的文件提出英文翻譯,或是部份翻譯
    (i) A concise explanation of the relevance, as it is presently understood by the individual designated in § 1.56(c) most knowledgeable about the content of the information, of each patent, publication, or other information listed that is not in the English language. The concise explanation may be either separate from applicant's specification or incorporated therein.
    (ii) A copy of the translation if a written English-language translation of a non-English-language document, or portion thereof, is within the possession, custody, or control of, or is readily available to any individual designated in § 1.56(c).
  2. (b)
    (b)(1) 每一個列於IDS的美國專利應詳列發明人、專利號與公告日
    (1) Each U.S. patent listed in an information disclosure statement must be identified by inventor, patent number, and issue date.
    (b)(2) 每個列於IDS的美國專利公開案應詳列申請人、專利公開號與公開日
    (2) Each U.S. patent application publication listed in an information disclosure statement shall be identified by applicant, patent application publication number, and publication date.
    (b)(3) 每個列於IDS的美國申請案應詳列發明人、申請號與申請日
    (3) Each U.S. application listed in an information disclosure statement must be identified by the inventor, application number, and filing date.
    (b)(4) 每一個列於IDS的國外專利或是公開的國外專利申請案應詳列國家或是專利局、文件號碼、公開日等
    (4) Each foreign patent or published foreign patent application listed in an information disclosure statement must be identified by the country or patent office which issued the patent or published the application, an appropriate document number, and the publication date indicated on the patent or published application.
    (b)(5) 每一個列於IDS的公開資料應列出公開者、作者、名稱、公開資料中的有關頁面、日期、與公開地點
    (5) Each publication listed in an information disclosure statement must be identified by publisher, author (if any), title, relevant pages of the publication, date, and place of publication.
  • 在不需經過實際審查的臨時申請案(Provisional application)中,不需提出IDS
  • 在非臨時申請案的申請案中,申請人有義務提出有關專利性的相關資訊,以作為該案審查的準備與日後的爭議上(prosecution)
  • 除了申請人以外的第三人並不能提出IDS,但可向專利局提出公開的專利與申請案
  • 有關未公開申請案的第三人亦可提交未公開專利申請案給專利局
  • 任何在核准通知前提出的資料會被審查委員列入考慮
  • 可提出多次IDS
Information Disclosure Statements (IDSs) are not permitted in provisional applications filed under 35 U.S.C. 111(b). See 37 CFR 1.51(d). Since no substantive examination is given in provisional applications, a disclosure of information is unnecessary. Any such statement filed in a provisional application will be returned or destroyed at the option of the Office.

In nonprovisional applications filed under 35 U.S.C. 111(a), applicants and other individuals substantively involved with the preparation and/or prosecution of the application have a duty to submit to the Office information which is material to patentability as defined in 37 CFR 1.56. The provisions of 37 CFR 1.97 and 37 CFR 1.98 provide a mechanism by which patent applicants may comply with the duty of disclosure provided in 37 CFR 1.56. Applicants and other individuals substantively involved with the preparation and/or prosecution of the patent application also may want the Office to consider information for a variety of other reasons; e.g., to make sure that the examiner has an opportunity to consider the same information that was considered by these individuals, or by another patent office in a counterpart or related patent application filed in another country.

Third parties (individuals not covered by 37 CFR 1.56(c)) cannot file information disclosure statements under 37 CFR 1.97 and 37 CFR 1.98. Third parties may only submit patents and publications in compliance with 37 CFR 1.99 in applications published under 35 U.S.C. 122(b). See MPEP § 1134.01. For unpublished, pending applications, any member of the public, including private persons, corporate entities, and government agencies, may file a protest under 37 CFR 1.291 prior to the mailing of a notice of allowance under 37 CFR 1.311. See MPEP Chapter 1900. Alternatively, third parties may provide information to the applicant who may submit the information to the Office in an IDS. See 37 CFR 1.56(d). The Office will review any improper IDS filed by a third party to determine whether the submission is in compliance with 37 CFR 1.99. The Office will discard any submission that is not in compliance with 37 CFR 1.99, before the application is forwarded to the examiner for examination.

An information disclosure statement filed in accordance with the provisions of 37 CFR 1.97 and 37 CFR 1.98 will be considered by the examiner assigned to the application. Individuals associated in a substantive way with the filing and prosecution of a patent application are encouraged to submit information to the Office so the examiner can evaluate its relevance to the claimed invention. The procedures for submitting an information disclosure statement under the rules are designed to encourage individuals to submit information to the Office promptly and in a uniform manner. These rules provide certainty for the public by defining the requirements for submitting information disclosure statements to the Office so that the Office will consider information contained therein before a patent is granted.

當提出IDS後,審查委員將會依循以上規定判斷適法與否?或可利用以下顯示的check list判斷


2008年12月17日 星期三


德國專利局消息,消息來源:BETTEN & RESCH

  1. 加速無效的程序

    在原本的無效程序上,是由聯邦專利法院(Federal Patents Court)與最高法院(Federal Supreme Court)決定專利是否無效。

    在原先程序中,專利法院應明確指出所作的決定的相關實質問題,但並不會對無效申請人提出意見有足夠細節的討論,而且無效申請人需隨時注意專利法院的動作,再提出意見,在進行口頭審理(oral proceedings)前如有新的意見則不會被採用,這些細節都會延長無效程序的時間(可能會長到4年)。



  2. 簡化職務上發明的程序






2008年12月16日 星期二

美國專利法第251條 - Reissue


§251. Reissue of defective patents Whenever any patent is, through error without any deceptive intention, deemed wholly or partly inoperative or invalid, by reason of a defective specification or drawing, or by reason of the patentee claiming more or less than he had a right to claim in the patent, the Director shall, on the surrender of such patent and the payment of the fee required by law, reissue the patent for the invention disclosed in the original patent, and in accordance with a new and amended application, for the unexpired part of the term of the original patent. No new matter shall be introduced into the application for reissue.
若已領證專利有瑕疵、或是想要修正/新增較大或較小的專利範圍,在沒有new matter的原則下可以提出reissue申請案

The Director may issue several reissued patents for distinct and separate parts of the thing patented, upon demand of the applicant, and upon payment of the required fee for a reissue for each of such reissued patents.

The provisions of this title relating to applications for patent shall be applicable to applications for reissue of a patent, except that application for reissue may be made and sworn to by the assignee of the entire interest if the application does not seek to enlarge the scope of the claims of the original patent. No reissued patent shall be granted enlarging the scope of the claims of the original patent unless applied for within two years from the grant of the original patent.

Multi-touch system and method for emulating modifier keys via fingertip chords



1. A multi-touch surface apparatus that interprets 4-finger chords performed concurrently with other input activity as modifiers of that input activity, thereby avoiding awkward thumb or pinky reaches for conventional modifier keys, reducing hand strain and reducing the tendency of hands to drift off of home row, the apparatus comprising:
multiple-touch sensing means that reports the locations and times of finger contacts with a surface;
modifier configuration means that establishes modifier zones as horizontal bands across the surface and associates each modifier zone with one or more modifier types;
synchronization detection means that scans for modifier chord touchdowns consisting of substantially simultaneous touches by four and no more than four digits of a hand;
modifier zone selection means that selects modifier types for the chord according to which modifier zones said simultaneous touches fall within;
chord cancellation means that cancels a modifier chord if the remaining unsynchronized digit from its hand touches before other modifiable input activity commits the chord;
modifier applicability search means that commits the modifier chord and sends modifier press signals corresponding to the chord's selected modifier types to a host computer upon detection of
modifiable input activity that occurs substantially between touchdown and liftoff of the modifier chord; and,
chord liftoff detection means that reports when none of the digits originally constituting the modifier chord are touching the surface and sends modifier release signals to the host computer accordingly.

相對的Reissue申請案則增加了不少範圍,先是增加了Claims 12-24的申請範圍,之後又增加到46
項,之後USPTO有發出一個Final Rejection,聲明Claims 1-11,13-21,23-37,39-41,43-46可核准,其他的並未符合112的規定,最後經提出Notice of Appeal,附帶修正與刪除,順利獲得專利

12.A method of controlling a modifier on a multi-touch surface having a key layout thereon, the method comprising:
activating the modifier by simultaneously dropping a plurality of fingertips of a hand into a modifier zone on or near a home row of the key layout; and
maintaining activation of the modifier by leaving at least one of the plurality of fingertips in contact with the modifier zone.

17. A multi-touch surface having embodied thereon a key layout, the key layout comprising
at least one modifier zone on or near a home row of the key layout wherein a modifier will be activated by the simultaneous touchdown of a plurality of fingertips within the at least one modifier zone and maintained by leaving at least one of the plurality of fingertips in contact with the modifier zone.

20. A method of processing incoming signals from a multi-touch surface, the method comprising:
detecting modifier chords by monitoring the incoming touch sequence for simultaneous touchdowns of a plurality of fingertips of a hand within one or more predetermined modifier zones; and,
if a new modifier chord is detected: allocating a corresponding modifier state data structure; and appending the modifier state data structure to a modifier chord state chain; and
checking for cancellation of a modifier chord; and,
if cancellation of a modifier chord is detected: recording either a modifier chord liftoff time or modifier chord cancellation.

22. A multi-touch surface apparatus comprising:
a multi-touch surface that reports the locations and times of finger contacts with a surface;
a synchronization detector that scans for modifier chord touchdowns consisting of substantially simultaneous touches by a plurality of digits of a hand in a pre-defined modifier zone on the multi-touch surface and sends modifier signals accordingly; and
a chord liftoff detector that reports when none of the digits originally constituting the modifier chord are touching the surface and sends modifier release signals accordingly.

40. A multi-touch surface apparatus comprising:
a multi-touch surface that reports the locations and times of finger contacts with a surface;
a synchronization detector that scans for modifier chord touchdowns consisting of substantially simultaneous touches by a predetermined combination of digits of a hand in a predetermined arrangement;
finger arrangement matcher that selects a modifier corresponding to the modifier chord and sends modifier signals accordingly; and
a chord liftoff detector that reports when none of the digits originally constituting the modifier chord are touching the surface and sends modifier release signals accordingly.

  1. 美國的reissue給專利權人極大的保障
  2. reissue雖有風險(應又會經過另一次實際審查,有被核駁的風險),但仍是十分有用,尤其是能夠「擴大」核准後的申請專利範圍
  3. 原說明書應要寫得完整,即使申請時不確定是否有價值,但是經過幾年後,會發現可核准的範圍應該是怎樣的
  4. 只有美國有reissue的方案,花錢就有
  1. 原母案將被放棄
  2. reissued的案子如有與母案實質相同的專利範圍,在法律上有相同效果的保護效果,相同的專利權期限
  3. reissued內核准的範圍不能限制或是影響在reissue核准前已經進行相關技術的製造、提供販賣、美國境內使用、進口的行為
  4. 但以上行為仍會被判斷侵害reissued案中已經在母案核准的範圍
  5. 在reissue核准之後仍從事相關技術的製造、使用、販賣、進口核准前已有的商品,仍會產生侵權的問題,但法院為了公平起見,會給予適當保護




Apparatus and method of manipulating a region on a wireless device screen for viewing, zooming and scrolling internet content
Claim 1:
1. A method of navigating the Internet, comprising:
displaying on-line content accessed via the Internet, the on-line content reformatted from a webpage in a hypertext markup language (HTML) format into an extensible markup language (XML) format to generate a sister site, the sister site including a portion or a whole of content of the web page reformatted to be displayed and navigable through a simplified navigation interface on any one of a television, web appliance, console device, handheld device, wireless device or cellular phone, the simplified navigation interface displayed in a form of a two-dimensional layer of cells from a plurality of layers and a plurality of cells, the two-dimensional layer in a form of a navigation matrix, each cell is a division of a screen and exclusive to a separate single navigation option associated with a specific unique input, the on-line content formatted to be displayed in one or more of the plurality of cells and formatted to be selected for navigation by one or more of the unique inputs, navigation options to change between layers of the simplified navigation interface from general to more specific in each deeper layer;
receiving a user selection of one of the navigation options;
forwarding the selected navigation option across the internet to a server providing the simplified navigation interface;
receiving a next deeper navigation layer of the simplified navigation interface corresponding to the selected navigation option; and
manipulating a region of the screen for viewing and zooming and/or scrolling of the displayed on-line content.



58. A machine readable medium having instructions stored therein, which when executed cause a machine to perform a set of operations comprising:
displaying on-line content accessed via the Internet, the on-line content reformatted from a webpage in a hypertext markup language (HTML) format into an extensible markup language (XML) format to generate a sister site, the sister site including a portion or a whole of content of the web page reformatted to be displayed and navigable through a simplified navigation interface on any one of a television, web appliance, console device, handheld device, wireless device or cellular phone, the simplified navigation interface displayed in a form of a two-dimensional layer of cells from a plurality of layers and a plurality of cells, the two-dimensional layer in a form of a navigation matrix, each cell is a division of a screen and exclusive to a separate single navigation option associated with a specific unique input, the on-line content formatted to be displayed in one or more of the plurality of cells and formatted to be selected for navigation by one or more of the unique inputs, navigation options to change between layers of the simplified navigation interface from general to more specific in each deeper layer;
receiving a user selection of one of the navigation options;
forwarding the selected navigation option across the internet to a server providing the simplified navigation interface;
receiving a next deeper navigation layer of the simplified navigation interface corresponding to the selected navigation option; and
manipulating a region of the screen for viewing and zooming and/or scrolling of the displayed on-line content.



2008年12月10日 星期三

歐洲專利簡介V - London Agreement

倫敦協議(London Agreement)重點整理

London Agreement
  1. 2008年5月1日生效
  2. Article 65, paragraph 1
    目前適用14國具有官方語言的國家:France,Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Sweden
  3. 目前適用兩國沒有官方語言的國家,不必翻譯:Latvia, Slovenia
  4. 目前適用接受英文的國家:Croatia, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands
  5. Article 65, paragraph 2
    • Croatia (Croatian)
    • Denmark (Danish)
    • Iceland (Icelandic)
    • Latvia (Latvian)
    • Netherlands (Dutch)
    • Slovenia (Slovene)

其他EPC 2000的改變:
  1. 可以任何語言送件,獲得申請日
  2. 若有引用前案的好處,如優先權,僅需提出申請日、申請號、專利局名稱即可
  3. 申請日後兩個月內提出翻譯與經認證的副本,可另請求兩個月延展
  4. 為提早獲得申請日,專利說明書可先不需提出申請專利範圍
  5. 承認WTO會員國的優先權日,如承認台灣的優先權日
  6. 優先權文件不需翻譯,直到歐洲專利局提出需求
  7. 可延到申請日後16月內主張優先權(歐洲申請日仍需在第一申請日的一年內)
  8. 如果有主張優先權,該申請案可在優先權文件揭露的範圍內修正
  9. 可針對遺忘的期限提出額外程序(further processing)
  10. 專利權人在歐洲專利局即可提出修正範圍限制、撤回等程序
  11. 針對訴願決定,可對擴大訴願委員會(enlarged Board of Appeal)提出請願

歐洲專利簡介IV - Re-establishment of rights

EPC 第122條規範「重建權利」(Re-establishment of rights)

  1. 有鑑於專利申請人或是企業主因為特定原因無法注意到歐洲專利的期限,透過申請,歐洲專利局願意提供「重建」的權利
  2. 歐洲專利局會准許上項(1)的請求,同樣也要符合一些其他的實施細則
  3. 如果EPO准許上述請求,上述疏於注意的事項將視為沒有發生
  4. 上述「重建權利」同樣也有時間限制(規範於實施細則)
  5. 歐洲專利會員國中的任何人,在歐洲公開專利申請案或是歐洲專利權利遺失至公開「重建權利」訊息之期間,可不用繳付權利金
  6. 此法條中並無限制會員國行使同意「重建權利」的規定
但此「重建權利」仍有不適用的地方,如請求「重建權利」本身的期限不能再「重建權利」,並且,已提出的額外程序(further processing,請參閱http://enpan.blogspot.com/2008/11/iii-further-processing.html)並不能再行使「重建權利」

Art 52(1) EPC 2000
只要是新的, 具進步性與產業利用性, 任何發明可在歐洲獲得專利
EPO的申請案皆為可引用的前案, 對習知技術的判斷並不限制於各指定會員國的申請案

Art 52(2) EPC 2000

Art 52(3) EPC 2000


2008年12月5日 星期五



這件訴願案有關Mr. Bernard L. Bilski與Mr. Rand A.Warsaw所提出降低日常必需品(比如能源)價格變動的風險的方法,由於並無符合專利要件,這件申請案同時被USPTO與訴願委員會核駁,故才上訴到CAFCCAFC根據美國專利法第101條的規定,並根據美國最高法院判例而採用machine-or-transformation test(機械或轉換測試),認為發明專利應在請求項中關聯特定機械或是物品,故判定此商業方法不具專利性。

這個案子是揭露「Capped bill systems, methods and products 」,有關於能將費率限制在一個預設值內的方法,以防止變動,內容果然沒有與硬體相關,也果然不像一般具有技術特徵的專利案:
1. A method of providing one of a good or a service to at least one entity at one of a payment, rate, or price that is capped at a pre-determined amount, comprising:
producing an offer for the entity, wherein the offer represents at least one of a capped maximum payment, a capped maximum rate, a capped maximum usage, a capped maximum consumption, or a capped maximum price amount; and
providing the good or service to the entity at one of a payment, rate, or price that may fluctuate, wherein the payment, rate, or price cannot exceed the capped maximum payment, capped maximum rate, capped maximum usage, capped maximum consumption, or capped maximum price amount.

為了統一歐洲專利合約(EPC)會員國對軟體的審查判斷,歐洲專利局長將此問題交由擴大訴願委員會(Enlarged Board of Appeal,EPO最高的決策機關),此爭議是有關EPC中第52條第2項與第3項中『禁止電腦程式本身(computer programs in themselves)』的專利的規定,這並非是指可專利的發明中的電腦程式,而是其中細節狀況的設定。電腦程式有關的專利案應指出各程式特徵對發明技術的貢獻。


2008年12月2日 星期二

Provisional Application for Patent(臨時專利申請案)

Provisional Application for Patent(臨時專利申請案)


自1995年6月8日起,USPTO提供一種臨時申請案的措施,即Provisional Patent Application (PPA),此措施的優點是能用較低的價錢拿到較早的申請日,而同一申請人能於PPA申請日後一年內提出正式的申請案,即Regular Patent Application (RPA),並能同時在臨時案優先權(USC 119(e))的規定下,有三個提出正式申請案的優點:
  1. 以臨時申請案申請日為專利性的判斷基準日
  2. 正式案的公開日由臨時案申請日起算,亦能作為以申請日為新穎性基準點的USC 102(e)的判斷參考
  3. 有上述優點外,正式案的專利有效期限仍由正式申請案申請日起算
  1. 臨時申請案不能主張美國國內或是國外申請案的優先權
  2. 臨時申請案仍需符合USC 112第二段所規定的揭露方式(但可不用提出申請專利範圍),才能有效具有優先權的優勢
  3. 臨時申請案內容仍需充分揭露支持該項發明技術特徵的內容(包含圖示),且讓熟悉該項技術者能據以實施,並提出最佳實施態樣(best mode),USC 112第一段
  4. 主張該臨時申請案優先權的正式申請案(RPA)應提出至少一項申請專利範圍,且這項範圍需要被臨時申請案的內容所支援(無需一致),才能主張優先權
  5. 臨時申請案無需提交申請專利範圍、宣誓書、習知技術(IDS)
  6. 臨時申請案後12個月內需提出正式申請案,否則將被拋棄,且不會被公開
  7. 小心,可能有些國家不會承認臨時申請案的有效申請日(這尚待確認)
  8. 臨時申請案不適用設計發明(新式樣)
  9. 臨時申請案並不會受理審查
  10. 提出後不能修正
  1. 經提出請求後,正式申請案可於12個月內經由轉換(convert)成為正式申請案
  2. 但經轉換的正式案,其專利有效期限係由臨時申請案申請日起算
  3. 主張臨時申請案優先權的正式申請案的專利期限則由正式案申請日起算
  1. 申請書
  2. 發明名稱
  3. 發明人名字、地址
  4. 代理人註冊號與聯絡資料
  5. 費用(遲繳將有多餘費用)
  6. 其他政府官方資訊
  1. 由於官方對於Provisional Patent Application拿到有效申請日的條件中並未要求翻譯為英文,故可以英文以外的語言提出臨時申請案,以利獲取較早申請日
  2. 可於提出正式案時,提出此臨時申請案的譯本(如果正式與臨時案的內容大多相似,此舉應可減少翻譯費),如果是日後審查委員要求提出的話,則有額外費用
  3. 臨時申請案因為通常是為了獲得較早申請日,故可以英文以外的語言送件,雖然遲早要翻譯,但亦可等到需要用到時(提出相對正式案)才需提出譯本,若沒有用到,自然被拋棄,亦無需翻譯
  4. 同樣,正式案亦可為非英文內容(但會影響有效申請日),但須在期限內提出譯本
  5. 一件正式案可同時請求多個臨時案的優先權

資料來源:USPTO, bitlaw

2008年12月1日 星期一

摘要 - MPEP 608.01(b)

摘要 - MPEP 608.01(b)


「原文」A brief abstract of the technical disclosure in the specification must commence on a separate sheet, preferably following the claims, under the heading "Abstract" or "Abstract of the Disclosure." The sheet or sheets presenting the abstract may not include other parts of the application or other material. The abstract in an application filed under 35 U.S.C. 111 may not exceed 150 words in length. The purpose of the abstract is to enable the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the public generally to determine quickly from a cursory inspection the nature and gist of the technical disclosure.


  1. 摘要應是清楚、簡潔地介紹該發明的技術特徵
  2. 摘要揭露的技術應具有新穎性、進步性
  3. 如果該發明是針對習知裝置、方法、產品、或是成份的改善,即應揭露改善的部份
  4. 如果該發明包括了修改、或是提出另一方案,都應要列舉這些修改或是所提出的作法
  5. 摘要不用描述所參考的前案
  6. 摘要不用說明與習知技術的比對差異

「原文」(摘自MPEP 608.01(b))
(1) if a machine or apparatus, its organization and operation;
(2) if an article, its method of making;
(3) if a chemical compound, its identity and use;
(4) if a mixture, its ingredients;
(5) if a process, the steps.

  1. 摘要應該是敘述式的,而非斷斷續續地描述技術特徵(這多半是因為將申請專利範圍複製上來而已),應該就像一篇正常的文章
  2. 摘要最好限制於50至150字(這主要是因應美國專利公報的排版方便)
  3. 不要使用法律用語,比如means, said等字
  4. 摘要的主要目的是讓讀者可以在這些文字中瞭解整篇發明精神
  5. 摘要不要包括有隱含/含糊的意思,比如"The disclosure concerns...","The disclosure defined by this invention...", "The disclosuredescribes..."等


消息來源:KIPO, 韓國專利事務所網站, 與韓國代理人的對話

美國專利局與韓國專利局間建立電子優先權文件交換計畫(Electronic Priority Document Exchange Project),不論在韓國、或是美國提出的第一申請案,申請時,都可用簡單的表格(據代理人說明,只要在申請文件中打個勾而已,填寫申請號)表示要主張另一國家的優先權,不用提交副本。


韓國專利局算是這幾年動作最積極的專利局,包括與日本建立的審查高速公路、加速審查制度、IP5、與USPTO, EPO, JPO之間簽訂審查交換計畫等,目的都是要增加審查效率



2008年11月27日 星期四

About Claims XVI - 附屬項

附屬項形式(雜項),參考資料:Landis on Mechanics of Patent Claim Drafting

"如申請專利範圍第1項所述之...,其中該 ..."

The acticle of claim 1, wherein ...
The article according to claim 1, wherein ...
The article as claimed in claim 1, wherein ...
The article as in claim 1, wherein ...
這些只是書上的例子,實際上大約也不會差太多,我自己就幾乎用最簡單的寫法 "the method/apparatus of claim 1, wherein ..."

另MPEP 608.01(n)規範了附屬項的形式,請參考:

  1. 附屬項不能減少被依附項的範圍,比如用without的表示方式。
  2. 附屬項有附加式的寫法,如further including...;有詳述式的寫法,如wherein...;也有兩者綜合的寫法。如果獨立項規範較廣的範圍,附屬項經層層條件通常就會限縮到發明本身,再小意義就不大了,不要最後連阻止他人製造販賣都沒辦法。
  3. 在審查時,若主要項已符合新穎性與進步性,通常就不會針對附屬項審查新穎性與進步性,僅針對是否符合112的規定審查而已。這種觀念看似一般常識,卻也是經過一些案例留下的『智慧』,當初的案例是申請人提出訴願,為何審查委員核駁了一個附屬項,卻核准了其主要項,結果訴願委員會決定這是錯誤的判斷,而還給該申請人一個公道
  4. 在審查時,若主要項被核駁,仍應先假設其附屬項有效,而應進行逐項審查,不能以偏概全
  5. 附屬項與其被依附項最好是落於同一子類別中(statutory class),但如product by process的寫法就可能不是了

  1. 若被依附項(preceding claim)描述一個產品,而其附屬項(dependent claim)則描述製作該產品的方法
  2. 若被依附項描述製作一產品的方法,而由該方法製作的產品可為該項的附屬項
  3. 相反地,若被依附項描述製作一產品的方法時,如果該產品可以由別的方法製作,其附屬項就不適合寫成該方法製作的產品
  4. 僅用方法作為一個產品的附屬項,或是附屬項是被依附項中的技術特徵所執行的功能或是操作流程,這是不恰當的,也就是僅用功能去限縮一個東西是不好的

The typical dependent claim further defines the earlier claim rather than being defined by it. 


歐洲專利簡介III - further processing

歐洲專利簡介III - further processing

EPC2000實施後,給了申請人不少方便之門,有些程序都可以延期或是重建,這叫做Further Processing (或許可翻為額外程序,Art 121 EPC 2000)

  1. 若申請人忘記了期限,可請求further processing
  2. EPO可根據規定准予進行額外程序,可參考下列各種期限規定
  3. 如果核准請求,則可執行further processing
  4. 此程序仍被Art 87第一段(簽署巴黎公約與WTO會員國可提出EPO申請案),108(訴願程序的時間),112a第四段(請願期限)所規範


  • 優先權的期限(priority period,如要主張優先權,最早申請日後一年內應遞交EP申請案)
  • 訴願通知(notice of appeal)
  • 檢視請願的通知(notice of petition for review,比如閱卷、複查)
  • 此額外程序的請求(request for further processing)
  • 重建程序的請求(request for reestablishment)
  • 申請案的翻譯期限
  • 賦予權利決定(decision as to entitlement)
  • 生物寄存(deposit of biological materials)
  • 年費繳交期限
  • 主張或更正優先權的期限
  • 申請補件的期限
  • 非單一性時所繳的額外費用
  • 專利權無效的決定

以上這些程序都不能請求further processing






各申請案的首頁內容豐富,Designated States涵蓋了所有的PCT會員國,倒不是因為該案指定所有的國家,而是當有指定一個國家後,其他各國當然也為指定國,只不過申請人會於得到檢索報告後(申請時可指定一會員國為檢索機構),再考慮實際進入的國家



以下內容顯示一個申請案所指定要進入國家階段(national phase)的國家,還有各國該申請案的狀態,包括撤回,核准,公開等訊息


2008年11月25日 星期二


如果用root進入系統,即執行crontab -e (edit)可以直接用vi的指令編輯crontab

其中格式會像是 * * * * * root /sbin/.....
各個*表示不同的時間,分別表示 分, 時, 日, 月, 星期,之後可以顯示執行帳號(root,也可不用寫),接著則是要執行的命令或是shell script


設定好可用crontab -l (list)來檢查
[root@www bin]# crontab -l

20 23 * * * root /root/bin/backup_www.sh (這表示要在每天23:20執行back_www.sh的命令)
30 23 * * * root /root/bin/backup_phpbb2.sh (這表示要在每天23:30執行back_phpbb2.sh的命令)
39 3 * * * root /etc/webmin/cron/tempdelete.pl (這表示要在每天3:39執行tempdelete.pl的命令)
0 * * * * root /etc/webmin/bandwidth/rotate.pl (這表示要在每天每小時整點要執行rotate.pl的命令)
* 15 * * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/net_install.sh (這表示要在每星期一至五的15:00執行net_install.sh的命令)
*/5 * * * * root /bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg (這表示要在每5分鐘執行一次mrtg.cfg的命令)
1,31 * * * * /root/bin/mail_ip.sh (這表示在每個小時的1分與31分各執行一次mail_ip.sh的命令)

另外,後面的指令不一定要是完整的shell script,也可以直接把指令寫上去
比如 mail enpan@msn.com < /etc/....
比如 mail enpan@msn.com < `find ./ -name`
或加入一些時間的tag,如在檔名後面加上date +%m%d%h%m 等等

Ron 這只是給自己做筆記而已!

the USPTO organization

USPTO歷史於美國商務部(Department of Commerce, DOC),也就像是我國的經濟部與智財局的關係,根據USPTO公開文件,這個代理機關由該部門負責智慧財產權的副秘書長(under secretary)與USPTO中負責專利商標公共諮詢委員會的局長(director)領導,目前總部位於Alexandria, Virginia,另在Virginia與Pennsylvania設有資料儲存機構。


USPTO的員工約有9518人,其中各類審查委員的比例如下,最多人的當然是專利審查委員,專利審查共分為有8個技術中心(technology centers),每個中心約有3-4個主任審查官(Director),每個技術中心再細分有20-40的技術單位(Art Unit),所以每個審查委員其實審查的範圍很小,有人可能一輩子就是在看一個特定領域,對該項領域的習知技術瞭若指掌,這樣可以增進審查效率,檢索的前案也比較精準

各單位審查委員再依序細分有Supervisory Primary Examiner(SPE), Primary Examiner(PE),與Examiner,其中SPE負責配案並檢閱Examiner的審查內容與各人審查效率,還要負責訓練新進的審查委員,Primary Examiner應該就是輔佐審查委員進行審查,並具名在專利公報上,以示負責





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2008年11月21日 星期五

Real VNC

vnc是open source中很有名的遠端桌面移控軟體
分為server端的程式(vnc server)與使用者端的程式(vnc viewer)

其中Real VNC (http://www.realvnc.com/)分為商用的,個人使用,與免費版

下載了免費版, 由於是binary版, 所以可以直接執行(在正確的Linux版本下)
執行過程會要求輸入密碼, 供遠端登入使用

免費版功能最陽春, 企業版與個人版則加強了保密機制, 還有防火牆的機制, 傳檔案, 聊天室...免費更新的功能

執行完./vncserver之後, 伺服器會預設會開啟幾個service port, 如果使用者直接使用瀏覽器JAVA程式登入vnc server, 預設使用5801埠, 如以下範例, 使用者電腦瀏覽器應安裝java VM, 可直接開啟圖形使用者介面

鍵入設好得密碼, 免費版似乎只能設定一組, 付錢的版本可支援多人上線, 多人的帳號密碼

如果伺服器端並未安裝任何桌面環境(Desktop Environment), 就顯示這最陽春的遠端伺服器的圖形介面
