2020年12月30日 星期三

眾多前例指出:編解碼技術不符專利適格性 - Adaptive Streaming Inc. v. Netflix, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2020)

本案例中,法官引用多個前例支持作出「串流技術中編解碼技術不符專利適格性」的結論, 這會使得著重在編解碼技術的專利都被認定是「抽象概念」且沒有可以轉換為可專利的「進步特徵」,這對很多發明人來說,是值得注意的情況!

判決日:December 14, 2020


本案例涉及35U.S.C.101議題,系爭專利Claim 1如下,系統包括有「至少一影像擷取裝置」,以取得影像資訊,將影像封包化為特定格式的串流信息,再傳送出去;包括有「網路閘道」,過程中壓縮並輸出;包括「至少一顯示裝置」,用以接收影像以顯示出來。Claim 39則是比較概括地包括處理器、廣播伺服器,其中有影像取得、資料夾夠與轉碼模組

1. A system for transferring real time video information from a source device to one of a plurality of output devices, the system comprising:
at least one image capturing device to acquire video information, the image capturing device including a processor, a graphics module coupled to the processor, a browsing device coupled to the processor, a packetizing portion coupled to the processor, the packetizing portion being adapted to convert the video information into a single packetized stream of video information, the single packetized stream of video information being in a first format, and an output device coupled to the processor to transfer the single packetized stream of video information to a network;
a network gateway coupled to the image capturing device through the network, the network gateway being coupled to a worldwide network of computers, the network gateway including a gateway transcoding device to transcode the single packetized stream of video information from the first format into multiple compressed output streams of video information having different second compression formats, the network gateway also including a packetizing portion to transfer the compressed output streams of video information in the second compression formats to the network; and
at least one display device coupled to the network gateway through the world wide network of computers to convert one of the compressed output streams of video information that it receives into video information for display, the display device having a display for displaying the video information on the display device;
wherein the first format is selected from compressed and uncompressed audiovideo formats; and
wherein the network gateway can provide the multiple compressed output streams of video information, having the different second compression formats and which were transcoded from the single packetized stream of video information having the first format, with unique sets of audiovisual characteristics, from which at least one compressed output stream can be selected to be displayed on the display.

39. A system to broadcast to at least one client device, the system comprising:
a processor; and
a broadcasting server coupled to the processor, the broadcasting server including:
an image retrieval portion to retrieve at least one incoming video signal having a first format;
a data structure usable to determine parameters for second compression formats for the at least one incoming video signal; and
at least one transcoding module coupled to the image retrieval portion and which has access to the data structure, the transcoding module being capable to transcode the at least one incoming video signal from the first format into multiple compressed output video signals having respective second compression formats based at least in part on the parameters;
wherein at least one of the second compression formats is more suitable for the at least one client device than the first format; and
wherein the multiple compressed output video signals having the at least one second compression format more suitable for the at least one client device can be provided by the broadcasting server, wherein any one of the multiple compressed output video signals can be selected to be presented at the at least one client device.

40. The system of claim 39 wherein the at least one client device can select which of the compressed output video signals to present and may access the selected compressed video signals from multiple devices, including access of compressed output video signals having different second compression formats from different devices.

42. The system of claim 39 wherein a different compressed output video signal can be dynamically selected to be presented at the at least one client device, instead of a current compressed output video signal, in response to a change in a bandwidth condition.

本案緣起Adaptive向Netflix, Inc.提出侵權告訴,而地院判決系爭專利不符35 U.S.C. § 101,案件上訴到CAFC。


專利權人Adaptive主張系爭專利包括了可專利的進步特徵/發明概念(inventive concept,符合101的主要技術特徵)。

CAFC就事實來審理101議題,基於Alice v. CLS Bank案例形成的TWO-STEP專利適格性檢驗規則(編按,每次法官的講法多少都有些差異,但精神不變!包括我自己論述101的"套路"都會有所不同,就常常看相關案例"練習"這方面論述。)

根據以上規則,首先,CAFC法官判定系爭專「資料收集、轉碼為多種格式」屬於抽象概念;接著解釋專利範圍時,判決文特別提到系爭專利範圍的用語「at least one client device」,這句話表示可以傳送到「一個裝置」,而專利範圍中的「broadcast」表示是可以傳送到多個裝置。

這時引用案例「Solutran, Inc. v. Elavon, Inc., 931 F.3d 1161, 1168 (Fed. Cir. 2019)」,以及此案例判決中所引用的案例「Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC v. DIRECTV, LLC, 838 F.3d 1253, 1257 (Fed. Cir. 2016))」,也就是,法官在審理101時,考量了專利技術特徵是否屬於已知、常規與習知的技術

在本次審理中,法官認為系爭專利的專利範圍說明書清楚地涉及「轉換格式以提供不同終端裝置影像數據」的技術,若對照前例Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC v. DIRECTV, LLC, 838 F.3d 1253, 1257 (Fed. Cir. 2016))」,簡直是相同概念下的發明,使得法官認為系爭專利在編碼或其他技術上並沒有特別的地方。


其中案例摘錄:發明是否有實質超越的技術需要更明確的判斷 - Affinity Labs v. DirecTV (Fed. Cir. 2016)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/09/affinity-labs-v-directv-fed-cir-2016.html):

"系爭專利的特徵之一是透過網路傳遞串流內容,但太多這樣的專利,顯得這樣的特徵就是一般的環境(generic environment),綜合來看,功能為一般、環境為一般,相關應用並不足以克服101的問題well-known, routine, and conventional functions" did not transform the abstract idea into a patentable invention,使得系爭專利範圍被判為沒有實質超越的不可專利的抽象概念。"

INVENTIVE CONCEPT的意思不是新穎與進步性 - Two-Way Media v. Comcast (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/11/inventive-concept-two-way-media-v.html

關於編解碼的可專利性專利適格性 (updated on Aug. 3, 2023) - Recognicorp v. Nintendo (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/recognicorp-v-nintendo-fed-cir-2017.html


Twitter傳訊服務的專利侵權爭議與101 - EasyWeb v. Twitter (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/05/twitter101-easyweb-v-twitter-fed-cir.html

"在CAFC法官判斷中,認為系爭專利僅引述了一些常見概念,包括接收、認證與訊息發布等步驟,且是應用了一般目的電腦(generic computer)執行資料收集、分析與發布,沒有足以轉換不可專利範圍為可專利的進步概念,沒有改善電腦技術(TLI案例)。"

下一個步驟(step two)是檢驗系爭專利是否具備可以轉換抽象概念為可專利標的的任何實質超越抽象概念的進步特徵,這時,法官如前例一般,認定本案採用的為一般目的電腦。也就表示,系爭專利中有關編解碼、格式轉換等技術不容易說服法官不是使用一般目的電腦、網路的技術。

本案CAFC法官再次強調:滿足新穎性、非顯而意見性(102, 103,本案系爭專利獲准的理由)並非意味(imply)具有專利適格性(101),也就是,即便發明具有新穎性、非顯而意見性(進步性),仍可能是抽象的!

"We have explained that satisfying the requirements of novelty and non-obviousness does not imply eligibility under § 101, including under the second step of the Alice inquiry, because what may be novel and non-obvious may still be abstract."


my two cents:




2020年12月25日 星期五








  1. 適格申請人本方案應由新創公司提出申請,「新創公司」應為發明專利申請案申請時之申請人。
  2. 本方案所適用之「新創公司」的條件:
  3. 適格專利申請案與提交資料:
  4. 相關程序:
    (3)主動於提出申請後 1 個月內提供申請人面詢資料,「面詢資料」包含涉及新穎性、進步性之檢索報告與其他可能之不予專利事由意見簡述
    (5)申請人收到面詢資料後 1 個月內辦理積極型面詢;(面詢時除告知不予專利事由外,尚會積極 給予正面建議修正方式)
    (6)申請人應於積極型面詢後 1 個月內決定提出申復說明或修正;(逾期未提出者,將依現有資料續行審查,並且回到一般審查程序)
    (7)若申請人申復說明或修正符合本方案指定期間,本局原則上將於收到修正後 1 個月內發給審查結果通知


  1. 這個辦法是針對「新創產業」相關公司提出的專利申請案「積極審查」,包括「優先審查」以及「智慧局主動辦理積極型面詢」,藉由現場詳細告知申請案不予專利之事由並依個案情況給予修正建議,縮短審查時程
  2. 申請本方案者,無須繳納申請費
  3. 本方案中所舉行之積極型面詢為審查人員依職權通知到局面詢,亦無須繳納面詢申請費
  4. 提出「新創積極審查的時點」:申請人必須於接到本局通知即將進行實體審查後,才可提出新創積極審查申請
  5. 面詢以一次為原則。
  6. 本方案要求發明專利申請案申請時之申請人至少一位為新創公司
  7. 發明專利申請時,若申請人非為新創公司,即不適用本方案。



2020年12月23日 星期三



回應在「37 CFR 1.137復權規定筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/05/37-cfr-1137.html)」中網友AA提出的問題:提復權的期限是多久呢?真是有點慢回應(編按,若有人在文章文後提問或是提醒或是更錯,編者並不會主動被提醒,不好意思!也不見得會每次都回,這是我自己的怠慢!),但仍在此筆記。

還是回到37 CFR 1.137,有復權的規定,表示之前權利已經被拋棄(abandonment),而拋棄的情況可以參考以下內容。

根據MPEP 711.03(c)引用37 C.F.R. 1.135內容,專利申請案被拋棄的主要原銀是「沒有在期限內回覆官方意見,即視為拋棄(情況一)37 C.F.R. 1.135 ABANDONMENT FOR FAILURE TO REPLY WITHIN TIME PERIOD),其他細節可以參考MPEP 711 Abandonment of Patent Application(https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/s711.html)。

根據MPEP 711引用37 CFR 1.138內容,申請人仍可通過拋棄聲明(written declaration of abandonment)(37 CFR 1.138  Express abandonment),主動表明拋棄(express abandonment)可針對專利申請案以及獲准專利(繳領證費前)(情況二),所述「拋棄聲明」應由申請人簽署,若希望申請案(或獲准專利)不要被公開,聲明拋棄需要在USPTO預備公開申請案程序前提出拋棄聲明,並完成付費等動作,文中提到的期限是公開日(早期公開是在最早申請日後18個月)前4週之前。

A petition under 37 CFR 1.138(c) will not stop publication of the application unless it is recognized and acted on by the Pre-Grant Publication Division in sufficient time to avoid publication. The petition will be granted when it is recognized in sufficient time to avoid publication of the application. The petition will be denied when it is not recognized in time to avoid publication. Generally, a petition under 37 CFR 1.138(c) will not be granted and the application will be published in regular course unless such declaration of express abandonment and petition are received by the appropriate officials more than four weeks prior to the projected date of publication. It is unlikely that a petition filed within four weeks of the projected date of publication will be effective to avoid publication. Also note that withdrawal of an application from issue after payment of the issue fee may not be effective to avoid publication of an application under 35 U.S.C. 122(b). See 37 CFR 1.313(d).


A petition under 37 CFR 1.138(d) may not be effective to stop publication of an application unless the petition under 37 CFR 1.138(d) is granted and the abandonment processed before technical preparations for publication of the application has begun. Technical preparations for publication of an application generally begin four months prior to the projected date of publication.




其他表格可以參考MPEP 711其餘內容,還有請求「退費」。

除以上兩種主要拋棄樣態外,專利申請案被拋棄的理由還有:未完整回覆官方意見(insufficiency of reply)
(情況三),也就是申請人有及時回應官方意見,但是卻不完整。其他申請案被拋棄的理由可參考MPEP 711.02(b) Special Situations Involving Abandonment,包括:

- 隨便回應的內容不算是正式的回應(如回覆中將非審查委員建議的專利範圍複製貼上)(情況四)
- 專利申請案會被拋棄,是因為專利範圍被撤回(withdrawal)、未回應審查意見、未及時提出訴願等,綜合來說,就是沒有及時回應官方意見(OA)。
- 撤回上訴(如CAFC,這應該是針對專利性的訴訟),也將導致相關申請案被拋棄(情況五)
- 申請案申請專利範圍遭遇「衝突程序(interference)」,但沒有被解決。(情況六)
- 沒有正確執行RCE,也將導致申請案被拋棄(情況七)
- 即便專利申請案獲准,但沒有及時繳交領證費,申請案被拋棄(情況八)

37 CFR 1.137 Revival of abandoned application, or terminated or limited reexamination prosecution.


復權理由主要是「非蓄意延遲(unintentional delay)」,申請人可以提出復權請願(petition)時表明非蓄意延遲,並提出終權聲明(terminal disclaimer),也就是同意放棄在被拋棄時期的權利。


綜合以上各種資訊,其實提出復權是沒有設定明確期限的,只是,復權理由要有說服力的話,當然是愈早愈好,要不然提出復權理由的要求會更高、更多。根據MPEP 711規定,有以下內容,若復權請願並沒有在申請案被拋棄日期後一年內提出(這裡指出,拋棄日期是法律規定的時間,而不是發出拋棄通知的時間),USPTO可以要求:

(A) 申請人何時發現申請案被拋棄?
(B) 延遲發現申請案被拋棄的理由?


Where a petition pursuant to 37 CFR 1.137 is not filed within 1 year of the date of abandonment of the application (note that abandonment takes place by operation of law, rather than by the mailing of a Notice of Abandonment), the Office may require:

(A) further information as to when the applicant (or the applicant’s representative) first became aware of the abandonment of the application; and
(B) a showing as to how the delay in discovering the abandoned status of the application occurred.
To avoid delay in the consideration of the merits of a petition under 37 CFR 1.137 in instances in which such petition was not filed within 1 year of the date of abandonment of the application, applicants should include:

(A) the date that the applicant first became aware of the abandonment of the application; and
(B) a showing as to how the delay in discovering the abandoned status of the application occurred.
Applicant’s failure to carry the burden of proof to establish that the "entire" delay was "unintentional" may lead to the denial of a petition under 37 CFR 1.137, regardless of the circumstances that originally resulted in the abandonment of the application.


2020年12月22日 星期二

修正但表示沒有放棄等效範圍讓均等論適用的案例 - Eli Lilly and Co v. Apotex, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2020)

本案「Eli Lilly and Co v. Apotex, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2020)」標題為「修正但表示沒有放棄等效範圍的均等論適用」,答辯歷史的修正都可能形成禁反言,但是修正理由中強烈地表達這個修正並未放棄與其功能相同的藥品,使得法院判斷均等論仍適用!

被告/上訴人:APOTEX, INC
判決文:December 21, 2020

本案緣起專利權人Eli Lilly於地方法院向被告Apotex提起侵權訴訟,地院同意原告Lilly提起簡易判決請求,認為侵權成立,其中涉及「系爭專利的答辯歷史是否阻卻均等論的適用」議題,被告上訴CAFC。

Eli Lilly專利的藥品是:ALIMTA®,用於治療某些類型的肺癌

系爭專利'209關於一種抗葉酸聯合療法(Antifolate combination therapies),其中抗葉酸會阻止葉酸途徑中某些酶的功能,從而影響癌細胞的生長(Google翻譯)。這類專利範圍就這樣!將下藥的方法寫出來:適量的成份,其中成份用選擇式表達。

1. A method for administering pemetrexed disodium to a patient in need thereof comprising administering an effective amount of folic acid and an effective amount of a methylmalonic acid lowering agent followed by administering an effective amount of pemetrexed disodium, wherein

the methylmalonic acid lowering agent is selected from the group consisting of vitamin B12, hydroxycobalamin, cyano-10-chlorocobalamin, aquocobalamin perchlorate, aquo-10-cobalamin perchlorate, azidocobalamin, cobalamin, cyanocobalamin, or chlorocobalamin.

對此案的理解可以從判決文得到,因為需要解釋專利範圍,並探討系爭專利的答辯歷史。特別的是,系爭專利的「附屬項」在審查過程中曾經因為「模糊與不明確的描述(使用'ALIMTA'商標用語)」而被核駁(112),之後修正刪除使用'ALIMTA'的附屬項,獨立項通過修正克服103的核駁意見,同時也將獨立項中的'antifolate'改為"pemetrexed disodium"。

本案爭議的是,被告Apotex向美國食物與藥品管理局(FDA)提出新藥申請,新藥的成份包括「pemetrexed dipotassium(培美曲塞二)」,與系爭專利「pemetrexed disodium(培美曲塞二」的salt不同。

因為成份有些差異,因此侵權主張是基於「均等論」適用,均等論適用就看答辯歷史產生了禁反言(estoppel),禁反言的產生多半都是答辯過程的修正與答辯內容,系爭專利曾在答辯過程中修正了專利範圍,例如將"antifolate”修改為“pemetrexed disodium”,不過就法院的判斷來說,這並未形成禁反言,也就因為均等論適用判定侵權成立

法院的解釋是,系爭專利的修正僅為"輕微"(tangential)的修正,且系爭專利'209在答辯中"強烈地"指出這個修正並未放棄其他功能相同的藥品(pemetrexed salts 。

"This court held that “Lilly’s amendment was merely tangential to pemetrexed ditromethamine be-cause the prosecution history, in view of the ’209 patent it-self, strongly indicates that the reason for the amendment was not to cede other, functionally identical, pemetrexed salts.”"

這個「宣告」讓地方法院判斷修正並未形成禁反言,且表示系爭專利修正以"pemetrexed disodium"取代"ALIMTA"(編按僅針對112理由,且說明書可理解ALIMTA為"pemetrexed"),並不是「限縮」的修正,因此因為適用均等論而判決侵權成立。(並禁止FDA核准侵權藥物



"The intrinsic record demonstrates that Lilly did not narrow the scope of its claims when it amended the claims reciting the administration of “ALIMTA” to instead recite the administration of “pemetrexed disodium.”"

除了申請人的宣告外,也因為答辯過程的修正並非針對「專利性(patentability)」,而是針對112明確性的問題,引用案例:Festo Corp. v. Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki Co., 344 F.3d 1359, 1366–67 (Fed. Cir. 2003)

CAFC認為內部證據支持地院解釋"ALIMTA"同義於"pemetrexed disodium"。

CAFC討論很多關於Eli Lilly的內部證據,包括公司標章的意義,以及修正是針對112議題等。

"Nothing in the prosecution history sug-gests that Lilly’s amendment narrowed the claims, that the Examiner understood Lilly to be narrowing the claims, or that either Lilly or the Examiner understood “ALIMTA” to mean anything other than pemetrexed disodium."


my two cents:


1. 說明書明確表示其中用語的意思相同,相互取代沒有形成限縮。

2. 答辯內容強調這個修正並非限縮範圍,且仍涵蓋功能相同的物品/藥品。

3. 修正並非針對「專利性」答辯。(如本案修正的目的之一是克服使用了商標名稱的問題)

4. 週邊的證據(系爭專利優先權基礎案)都支持以上說法。



2020年12月16日 星期三

關於誤導言論以及初步禁令的判斷 - Myco Industries v. BlephEx, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2020)


Myco Industries v. BlephEx, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2020)案件資訊:

原告/反被告被上訴人("Plaintiff/Counter Defendant-Appellee"):MYCO INDUSTRIES, INC.
反被告被上訴人:JOHN R. CHOATE
被告/反原告上訴人/專利權人("Defendant/Counter Plaintiff-Appellant"):BLEPHEX, LLC
判決日:April 3, 2020

本案緣起專利權人Blephex向Myco提出侵權告訴,但特別的是,Myco(在此案為原告)反告Blephex對其產品與是否侵權的議題作出錯誤而誤導的言論,結果地院作出決定是「禁止BlephEx宣稱Myco侵權以及以侵權訴訟來脅迫Myco的潛在客戶」的初步禁止令(preliminary injunction),BlephEx提出上訴。


Claim 1:

1. A method of treating an eye for an ocular disorder with a swab operably connected to an electromechanical device, wherein the eye has an eyelid margin and includes a removable debris, the method comprising;
effecting movement of the swab relative to the electromechanical device, the swab having at least a portion thereof configured to access an inner edge portion of the eyelid margin;
while the swab is being moved by the electromechanical device, contacting a portion of the eye between the eyelashes and the inner edge of the eyelid margin that includes the removable debris with the swab thereby impacting the debris with the swab to remove debris from the eye.


關於眼瞼邊緣(eyelid margin),有兩個部份:眼瞼後緣(posterior eyelid margin),以及眼瞼前緣(anterior eyelid margin)。

侵權訴訟最重要的步驟之一就是解釋專利範圍,其中之一爭議就是「inner edge(
inner edge of the eyelid margin)」的解釋,關於系爭專利宣稱可以治療眼睛疾病的方法。在習知方法中,當診斷出有眼瞼的疾病時,主要是以抗生素與類固醇來治療,而病人自己用藥物塗抹在眼瞼時,最重要的步驟是清潔,系爭專利就是提出連結到機電裝置的海綿(Swab)移除在眼瞼上的細屑,專利內容就是描述以此機電控制的海綿接觸內眼瞼以清潔內眼瞼內的細屑。

本案討論的是系爭專利在答辯歷史中產生的誤導言論,當審查委員引述先前技術(Grenon)已經有使用海綿連接機電裝置清潔眼瞼的技術,申請人BlephEx在面詢中聲明與前案不同的是,系爭專利是通過接觸眼瞼邊緣的內表面,審委同意這個主張,因為不會有人使用前案的技術來接觸眼瞼邊緣內表面。根據申請人提出的修正方案("contacting at least an inner edge portion of the eyelid margin"),審查委員又發起一次面詢,要討論「接觸眼瞼邊緣內表面」特徵,申請人不同意審委提出的建議,但修正引入特徵「"contacting a portion of the eye between the eye lashes and the inner edge of the eyelid margin"」(接觸眼睫毛與眼瞼內邊緣之間的部位),獲准專利。

侵權議題始自系爭專利發明人Rynerson與Choate合夥開發如系爭專利的產品,產品名稱為"BlephEx"(本案被告),後來Rynerson與Choate拆夥,Choate創立Myco公司(本案原告),Myco於2019年推出產品"AB Max",FDA核可此用於治療前瞼緣炎(anterior blepharitis)的裝置。

(侵權告訴之前)在一次展覽會上,Myco展示"AB Max",但僅說明用於治療"前"瞼緣炎(anterior blepharitis),而沒有提到"後"瞼緣炎posterior blepharitis)。並且,依照Choate聲明,Rynerson公開宣稱"AB Max"侵害系爭專利,並說要採取行動,甚至威脅Myco的潛在客戶,但Rynerson否認有此行為。

之後仍可能致使侵權訴訟,但(本案)於2019年3月,Myco主動對BlephEx提起確認之訴(declaratory judgment),聲明其產品並未直接、間接或共同侵害系爭專利'718,並主張系爭專利不符102, 103, 112規定,反過來主張Rynerson提起的侵權訴訟出於惡意、不公平競爭。


(1) likelihood of success on the merits; 
(2) irreparable injury without the injunction; 
(3) substantial harm to others; and 
(4) public interest.


CAFC審理地院基於原告的"惡意(bad faith)"發出初步禁令的決定時,同樣也以上述四個發出禁令的判斷因素為準。

首先,CAFC認為,即便專利權人(BlephEx)有不當言論,並不構成其惡意而需要發出初步禁令。這關於「不公平競爭」與「通知疑似侵權對象」的平衡,法律與前例都允許專利權人可以宣告自己的專利權,包括有權通知潛在侵權對象,並提供和解授權的辦法,因此這個行為出於善意(good faith),因此否決地院的決定。

接著,地院根據專利權人宣稱其專利權並威脅Myco潛在客戶的理由而發出初步禁制令,但這是基於Myco宣稱自己並未侵權的"確認之訴",但CAFC認為根據section 287(c)並沒有禁止專利權人宣稱其專利權被侵害的聲明,這個宣告並未證明專利權人出於惡意。("Section 287(c) Does Not Mean That Allegations of Infringement Directed to Medical Practitioners Are Made in Bad Faith")

Section 287(c) recites: 
"With respect to a medical practitioner’s performance of a medical activity that constitutes an infringement under section 271(a) or (b), the provisions of sections 281, 283, 284, and 285 shall not apply against the medical practitioner or against a related health care entity with respect to such medical activity."


最後,討論Myco是否證明不侵權的可能性,CAFC否決,這個判斷與解釋專利範圍有關,這裡就涉及系爭專利的答辯歷史,這時CAFC給予系爭專利較大的解釋範圍,因為是否有誤導言論、是否專利說明書如何描述,都沒有證明系爭專利受限於無法讀入疑似侵權產品的範圍(Myco宣稱的範圍),地院不應輕率地發出初步禁令。("The District Court’s Conclusion that Myco Has a “Strong Likelihood of Success on the Merits” of its Non-Infringement Claim Must Be Vacated.")


CAFC判決:認為地院根據Myco提出的確認之訴即發出初步禁制令的判決為濫權(這是基於假設),因此撤銷地院發出的初步禁制令(preliminary injunction)。

2020年12月15日 星期二

利用電玩學習的方法需要多一些東西才可專利 - Ubisoft v. Yousician (Fed. Cir. 2020)

本篇討論關於一種音樂課程軟體的專利適格性 - Ubisoft v. Yousician (Fed. Cir. 2020)

其中討論的內容算是提醒寫軟體專利時應該小心的地方,若專利說明書描述功能步驟時,而沒有描述實現這些功能的流程或機器("The specification describes these steps in functional terms and not by what process or machinery is required to achieve those functions."),專利範圍可能就會被認為沒有超越一般目的電腦執行的軟體步驟。

判決日:June 11, 2020

案件緣起原告向Yousician提起侵權訴訟,被告UBISOFT在地院提起系爭專利不符35U.S.C.101規定的無效請求,即便原告主張專利已經改善電腦技術,符合101規定(two-step rule的其中之一專利適格性檢驗),地院同意判決專利無效,UBISOFT提起上訴。


'852的Claim 1關於一種電腦可讀取媒體,其中儲存的電腦程式用以執行彈撥吉他互動。專利權人的網頁上表示這是讓誰都可以學吉他的遊戲。

Ubisoft主張地院把專利範圍看得"過於概括("overgeneralized")了"(編按,專利權人認為法官把專利看得太普通了),並認為專利範圍涉及的發明改善了電腦能力("specific asserted improvement in computer capabilities"),但地院不同意。

在地院判決中,法官認為系爭專利通過評量使用者彈奏以進行改善的方法學習吉他涉及(directed to)抽象概念,其中也沒有進步概念(inventive concept),法院認為系爭專利沒有超越音樂老師可提供的學習方法,並沒有超越抽象概念的進步概念/進步特徵。系爭專利不符101規定。



(重要)雖說如果專利範圍中包括可以轉換專利本質(抽象概念的發明)為可專利的應用的進步概念(inventive concept),其中條件之一就是改善電腦能力,就符合101規定,若專利範圍中的電腦僅是工具(tool),電腦本身是一般目的電腦,就判斷為沒有進步概念

這裡引用的前例為「Finjan, Inc. v. BlueCoat Sys., Inc., 879 F.3d 1299, 1303 (Fed. Cir. 2018)」,法院認為系爭專利範圍僅描述了屬於抽象概念的流程,沒有描述特定程式或設計軟體的方法專利說明書描述功能用語步驟,而並沒有描述實現這些功能的流程或機器("The specification describes these steps in functional terms and not by what process or machinery is required to achieve those functions.")。這裡引用的前例為「McRO, Inc. v. Bandai Namco Games Am. Inc., 837 F.3d 1299, 1312 (Fed. Cir. 2016)」。


不能過份簡單地看待一個可專利性專利適格性議題 - McRO v. Bandai Namco, et al. (Fed. Cir. 2016)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/09/mcro-v-bandai-namco-et-al-fed-cir-2016.html

(在此更正較佳為“專利適格性”,指是否為可被專利保護的標的,clarified, updated on Aug. 3, 2023)

my two cents:
本案本質是一件普通的101案例,但判決中可以看到不少重要的資訊,例如,專利內容需要有超越習知方法的改良特徵("technological improvement over conventional methods"),也提醒常常寫軟體專利的人,在撰寫一些功能步驟時,需要"額外"描述用何流程或機器(電腦、手機、伺服器...)實現這些功能步驟,才有可能"脫困"克服不可專利的核駁意見。


2020年12月10日 星期四

判斷IPR合併審理的General Plastic factors討論 - IPR2020-00854

本篇討論USPTO標註案例「Apple Inc. v. Uniloc 2017 LLC, IPR2020-00854, Paper 9 (Oct. 28, 2020) (precedential)」,案件關於在前例General Plastic提出「合併審理請求(joinder motion)」的適用因子,本案的情況是異議人在第一次IPR被拒絕啟始後再提出第二次IPR異議,是否適用合併審理?

Apple Inc. v. Uniloc 2017 LLC, IPR2020-00854, Paper 9 (Oct. 28, 2020) (precedential)

This decision denying institution and the petitioner’s joinder motion applies the factors set forth in General Plastic to a copycat petition that the petitioner filed against the challenged patent after its first petition was denied institution.


- 對相同專利權提出多次IPR程序的考量因素,以及潛在不公平的議題(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/09/ipr.html

General factors:

考量因素三:是否提出第二次請願時已經接獲專利權人對第一次請願的初步答辯書(preliminary response),或是已經接獲PTAB作出是否啟始IPR的決定;

- 適用Fintiv因子判斷是否拒絕起始IPR的討論 - Sand Revolution v. Continental Intermodal Group, IPR2019-01393(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/07/fintivipr-sand-revolution-v-continental.html

- 有平行案時判斷是否啟始IPR的因素 - Apple Inc. v. Fintiv, Inc., IPR2020-00019(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/05/ipr-apple-inc-v-fintiv-inc-ipr2020-00019.html

Fintiv factors:





專利權人:UNILOC 2017 LLC



本案涉及的IPR合併審理(joinder)議題規定在35 U.S.C. § 315(c):

"If the Director institutes an inter partes review, the Director, in his or her discretion, may join as a party to that inter partes review any person who properly files a petition under section 311 that the Director, after receiving a preliminary response under section 313 or the expiration of the time for filing such a response, determines warrants the institution of an inter partes review under section 314."

本案緣起Apple對系爭專利提出IPR異議,異議人Apple請求與另一平行案「Microsoft Corp. v. Uniloc 2017 LLC, IPR2020-00023」合併審理,專利權人Uniloc 2017 LLC提出反對意見,異議人回應此反對意見,在IPR程序中,PTAB審查官將根據是否異議人有提出可以成功挑戰至少一項專利範圍的可能性以判斷是否啟始IPR程序(35 U.S.C. § 314(a))。

系爭專利'088遭受多件IPR異議,包括上述IPR2020-00023 ('023)Apple Inc. v. Uniloc 2017 LLC, IPR2019- 00056 ('056),還有本次的IPR2020-00854 ('854)。其中,PTAB同意啟始'023審理,但拒絕啟始'056案。


本案中,Apple想搭上這個'023案便車,請求合併審理,主張有實質相同的異議理由,PTAB據此同意異議人已經提出可以成功挑戰至少一項專利範圍的可能性("...reasonable likelihood of prevailing on the challenge of at least one claim of the ’088 patent."),但專利權人反對,引用前例FintivGeneral Plastic,但Apple認為本案不適用上述Fintiv或General Plastic factors。

PTAB考量General Plastic案(上文有提供連結),加上Apple的前一次IPR異議案'056,此案被駁回的理由是,因為異議理由不足以可以成功異議其中任一項範圍。這樣,PTAB考量General Plastic案例產生的General Plastic factors,因為Apple的第一次IPR被駁回,因此不同意起始第二次IPR,也超過一年,也就無法與'023合併!

PTAB考量的General Plastic factors

1. “whether the same petitioner previously filed a petition directed to the same claims of the same patent”


2. “whether at the time of filing of the first petition the petitioner knew of the prior art asserted in the second petition or should have known of it”


3. “whether at the time of filing of the second petition the petitioner already received the patent owner’s preliminary response to the first petition or received the Board’s decision on whether to institute review in the first petition”


4. “the length of time that elapsed between the time the petitioner learned of the prior art asserted in the second petition and the filing of the second petition”


5. “whether the petitioner provides adequate explanation for the time elapsed between the filings of multiple petitions directed to the same claims of the same patent”


6. “the finite resources of the Board”


7. “the requirement under 35 U.S.C. § 316(a)(11) to issue a final determination not later than 1 year after the date on which the Director notices institution of review”



