2022年12月29日 星期四

著作權登記的安全港(safe harbor)- Unicolors, Inc. v. H&M Hennes & Mauritz, L.P. (Supreme Court 2021)

最高法院於Feb. 24, 2022針對美國聯邦第九巡迴上訴法院(United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit)「UNICOLORS, INC. v. H&M HENNES & MAURITZ, L. P.」的判決作出審判。

請願人/原告/著作權人:Unicolors, Inc.
被告侵權者:H&M Hennes & Mauritz (H&M)

關於美國著作權/版權,在美國完成的著作的著作人自動擁有著作權,因此登記/註冊/registration並非必要,但是要主張/執行著作權,例如提起訴訟,登記就是要件了。在本次最高法院Syllabus一開始也提醒我們關於"著作權註冊(copyright registration)"對於法律上的優勢是重要的,即包括提起民事侵權訴訟。

相關規範在"17 U. S. C. §411(a)":
17 U.S. Code § 411 - Registration and civil infringement actions
(a)Except for an action brought for a violation of the rights of the author under section 106A(a), and subject to the provisions of subsection (b), no civil action for infringement of the copyright in any United States work shall be instituted until preregistration or registration of the copyright claim has been made in accordance with this title. In any case, however, where the deposit, application, and fee required for registration have been delivered to the Copyright Office in proper form and registration has been refused, the applicant is entitled to institute a civil action for infringement if notice thereof, with a copy of the complaint, is served on the Register of Copyrights. The Register may, at his or her option, become a party to the action with respect to the issue of registrability of the copyright claim by entering an appearance within sixty days after such service, but the Register’s failure to become a party shall not deprive the court of jurisdiction to determine that issue.

本案著作關於織物設計(fabric designs),著作權人Unicolors對H&M提起著作權侵權訴訟,地方法院陪審團認為侵權成立,H&M主張Unicolors故意在其註冊的內容中包括錯誤資訊,因此所述著作權註冊應不成立。

H&M所稱的"錯誤資訊"是指Unicolors以一申請案註冊31個分開的著作(work),儘管當有多個著作包括在一個公開文件中,一個著作權登記(登記在copyright office)確實是可以涵蓋多個著作的 (即“single unit of publication” requirement)。但是H&M認為Unicolors有錯是因為Unicolors使31個設計的部分專屬販售給特定人,再把其餘一部分賣給公眾,並非上述所說一個公開文件中的多個設計,因此不符合「single unit of publication」的要求。


地方法院判斷Unicolors並不知道所述著作權登記案並不滿足「“single unit of publication” requirement」,基於"17 U. S. C. §411(b)(1)(A)"「安全港條款(safe harbor provision)」,因此著作權註冊是有效的。


17 U. S. C. §411(b)(1)(A)
(b) (1) A certificate of registration satisfies the requirements of this section and section 412, regardless of whether the certificate contains any inaccurate information, unless— 
(A)the inaccurate information was included on the application for copyright registration with knowledge that it was inaccurate; 


H&M上訴第九上訴法院,第九上訴法院判定是,不論Unicolors是否知道該著作權登記不滿足「“single unit of publication” requirement」,所述「safe harbor」僅適用善意錯誤(good-faith mistakes)的事實,而不是法律提供了安全港(編按,這裡的意思應該是法律規定的安全港不是適用所有情況,並非一種規定,更不是錯誤的藉口)。在本案中,上訴法院的意見是,Unicolors是知道相關事實(關於一個註冊涵蓋多個著作的事實),而無關於是否有法律的了解或缺乏。

"On appeal, the Ninth Circuit determined that it did not matter whether Unicolors was aware that it had failed to satisfy the single unit of publication requirement, because the safe harbor excuses only good-faith mistakes of fact, not law. Uni-colors had known the relevant facts, so its knowledge of the law (or lack thereof ) was irrelevant."

如此,第九上訴法院判定,不論Unicolors是否知道所申請的著作權登記不滿足「“single unit of publication” requirement」,法院認為相關安全港條款僅適用「善意的錯誤」的事實,而Unicolors確實知道相關事實,也就是著作權登記中的部分著作僅提供給特定人的事實,因此判決Unicolors上訴無理由。


案件進入最高法院,對於上述17 U. S. C. §411(b)的規定,並非區隔法律上規定的錯誤或是事實的錯誤,缺乏對事實或法律的了解可以成為"在著作權登記中提供了錯誤資訊"的藉口

"Section 411(b) does not distinguish between a mistake of law and a mistake of fact; lack of either factual or legal knowledge can excuse an inaccuracy in a copyright registration under §411(b)(1)(A)’s safe harbor."

- 當著作權人缺乏著作權登記申請案是否涵蓋錯誤資訊的理解,著作權法/版權法仍提供有效的註冊認證。
- 在著作權法17 U. S. C. §411(b)(1)(A)的「安全港條款」的適用並沒有區分是法律的錯誤(對法律的無知)或是事實的錯誤(有錯誤資訊的事實)。
- 因此,如果Unicolors並不知道著作權登記因為法律的規定而有錯誤的資訊,基於其錯誤資訊的理解,就沒有包括錯誤資訊。(編按,應該就是「不知者不罪」的概念)

- 著作權登記中的錯誤資訊可以是對法律的無知,或是有錯誤資訊的事實,但沒有法規是要原諒申請人(可能缺乏法律訓練)事實上的錯誤,而不是對法律的無知。(立法者是想要規定相關要求,而非要大眾都有正確的知識。)
- 根據本節著作權法,著作權登記中的無心的錯誤,多半是因為對法律的無知,並不會讓著作權登記失效,也不是用於駁回侵權行為("neither invalidated copyright registrations nor disallowed infringement actions.")。

- 法律都有立法的歷史因素。
- 這裡提到「法律的漏洞(loopholes)」,著作權法17 U. S. C. §411(b)中的安全港條款是讓非法律人有效註冊著作權,有一部分理由是排除法律漏洞:侵權者以著作權申請的錯誤為由排除著作權人的主張。

- 最高法院認為,以上相關法條的解釋並非讓著作權人可以用無知來迴避其著作權登記有錯誤資訊的後果。也就是說,法院並不總是接受著作權人以不知道法律規定來迴避責任。
- 反之,這些判斷是基於事實,這裡有一句話:有意的"眼瞎/無知"反而會支持其已經理解的事實("Willful blindness may support a finding of actual knowledge.")。
- 證據會證明申請人是真的知道、有意無知這些錯誤資訊。
- 忽略法律並不是藉口。



"在創作保護主義之下,美國著作權法雖規定著作人於著作完成即受著作權保護,但仍定有著作權登記制度。不過,為了避免產生「有登記才有權利」之誤解,第408條第(a)項後段特別明定,「著作權登記制度並不是取得著作權保護之要件(Such registration is not a condition of copyright protection.)」"

"Copyright is automatically granted to the author of an original work (that otherwise meets the basic copyright requirements, discussed above). Registration is not necessary. However, registration amplifies a copyright holder's rights in a number of ways. Registration is required before a lawsuit can be filed, and registration creates the possibility for enhanced "statutory" damages."

"A safe harbor is a provision of a statute or a regulation that specifies that certain conduct will be deemed not to violate a given rule. A safe harbor is a provision of a statute or a regulation that specifies that certain conduct will be deemed not to violate a given rule."


2022年12月23日 星期五

獨立請求項之間的矛盾(化學成分) - 歐洲訴願案T 0528/06

本篇討論獨立請求項之間的矛盾(contradiction between independent claims),案例為歐洲訴願案 - T 0528/06。

訴願決定日:Dec. 03, 2008


1. A particulate detergent composition having a bulk density of at least 650 g/l, characterised in that it comprises:
(a) from 15 to 50 wt% of a surfactant system consisting essentially of:
(i) 60 to 100 wt% of ethoxylated nonionic surfactant which is a primary C8-C18 alcohol having an average degree of ethoxylation not exceeding 6.5 based on the total weight of the surfactant system,
(ii) 0 to 40 wt% of primary C8-C18 alkyl sulphate based on the total weight of the surfactant system;
(b) from 20 to 60 wt% of zeolite;
(c) optionally other detergent ingredients to 100 wt%; 
the composition being prepared by a wholly non-tower route by granulating the zeolite and surfactants in a high speed mixer/granulator.

1. A particulate detergent composition having a bulk density of at least 650 g/l, characterised in that it comprises:
(a) from 15 to 50 wt% of a surfactant system consisting essentially of:
(i) 60 to 95 wt% of ethoxylated nonionic surfactant which is a primary C8-C18 alcohol having an average degree of ethoxylation not exceeding 6.5 based upon the total weight of the surfactant system, and
(ii) 5 to 40 wt% of primary C8-C18 alkyl sulphate based upon the total weight of the surfactant system;
(b) from 25 to 48 wt% of zeolite,
(c) from 1 to 5 wt% of fatty acid soap,
(d) from 1 to 40 wt% of sodium carbonate,
(e) optionally other detergent ingredients to 100 wt%;
the composition being prepared by a wholly non-tower route by granulating the zeolite, surfactants and a fatty acid and an alkali or a fatty acid soap in a high speed mixer/granulator.

Claim 9描述的是備製claim 1的物品的方法:
9. A process for the preparation of a particulate detergent composition as claimed in claim 1, characterised in that it comprises
(i) preparing a surfactant system comprising the ethoxylated alcohol and the primary alkyl sulphate in acid or salt form in the form of a homogeneous liquid
blend, which also comprises the fatty acid and the alkali, or the fatty acid soap, and
(ii) agglomerating the homogeneous liquid surfactant blend with the zeolite and optionally other compatible ingredients in the high-speed mixer/granulator.



例如,本案系爭專利是在討論物品中的成分重量百分比(wt%),審查時就認為修正後claim 9加入的"surfactant system(表面活性劑)"生產時在所依附的claim 1中"5 wt%的primary C8-C18 alkyl sulphate"就無法含有95 wt%的"ethoxylated alcohol(乙氧基化的酒精)"。(換句話說,就是化學成分比例前後有矛盾,成分有上下限,後續依附的成分需要合理地符合此上限或下限,至少在極端情況下不能超過重量百分比100%,否則產生無法實施的問題。)


訴願委員會認為,修正後專利範圍確實產生了前後比例矛盾的問題,且專利權人解釋的成分,如soap,產生問題,... "While Claim 1 requires that the composition contains 15 to 50 wt% of the surfactant system and 1 to 5 wt% of the soap, thus leaving 45 to 84 wt% to other ingredients, Claim 9 suggests that the soap is included in the 15 to 50 wt% of the surfactant system which allows the presence of 50 to 85 wt% of other ingredients."... 

也就是說,修正後專利範圍在所描述的成分重量百分比前後不一致,... "it is doubtful what amounts of soap are to be added in accordance with Claim 9 if the system contains the maximum amounts covered by Claim 1 of either 95 wt% of the nonionic surfactant or 40 wt% of the PAS, since Claim 1 also requires a minimum amount of 5 wt% of PAS and 60 wt% of the nonionic surfactant, respectively."...;"Nonetheless, the clarity problem remains the same due to the fact that according to Claim 1 the soap is mentioned separately, not as part of the surfactant system, whereas Claim 9 requires the contrary." ...

這時,有個小插曲,專利權人搬出了申請專利範圍使用的轉接用語"consisting essentially of"解釋其中成分重量百分比的合理性。然而,訴願委員會的回應是,說明書並未明確定義"consisting essentially of"用語,這是是模糊而沒有定義的轉接詞,主要是因為這個用語並沒有數量的涵義,也沒有排除以上關於前後成分矛盾的論述,也就是說,即便搬出這個"consisting essentially of"也無法合理化成分比例矛盾的問題,反倒還讓相關領域的人產生模糊不清的疑慮。


my two cents:


2022年12月15日 星期四

專利審查基準第四篇新型專利「第一章形式審查」 - 筆記


- 形式審查:主要是「判斷新型專利申請案」是否「屬物品形狀、構造或組合者」,再是「說明書、申請專利範圍、摘要及圖式之揭露方式是否合於規定:揭露必要事項、明確性」,還要考量是否具有單一性。

- 申請專利之新型必須:(1)利用自然法則之技術思想;(2)範疇為物品;(3)具體表現於形狀、構造或組合。

- 物品之形狀、構造或組合者:請求項前言部分應記載一物品(有確定形狀且占據一定空間者),主體部分所載之技術特徵必須有一結構特徵(形狀、構造或組合,且只要有一結構特徵就OK)。

- 新型所指物品須具有確定之形狀。

- 構造:指物品內部或其整體之構成,實質表現上大多為各組成元件間的安排、配置及相互關係,且此構造之各組成元件並非以其本身原有的機能獨立運作者(物質之分子結構或組成物之組成並不屬於新型專利所稱物品之構造)。

- 組合:指為達到某一特定目的,將二個以上具有單獨使用機能之物品予以結合裝設,於使用時彼此在機能上互相關連而能產生使用功效者。

- (這段我最常來引用答辯屬於新型保護標的的創作)符合物品之形狀、構造或組合的規定的案例:

- 關於說明書、申請專利範圍、摘要與圖式的揭露方式,只要符合專利法及細則中關於說明書、申請專利範圍、摘要及圖式之撰寫格式規定即可,其他實體內容,例如:有無相關前案資料、是否具有新穎性及進步性,則不在形式審查之列。至於是否明確且充分揭露,亦非形式審查的範疇,但可作日後舉發事由

- 說明書:記載規定與發明專利申請案一致。

- 申請專利範圍:撰寫規定與發明一致,只是專利標的應為「物品之形狀、構造或組合者」。

- 摘要:應簡要敘明新型所揭露之內容,並以所欲解決之問題、解決 問題之技術手段及主要用途為限

- 圖式:說明書中代表圖應指定最能代表該新型技術特徵之圖。申請專利之新型為物品之形狀、構造或組合,為達到明確且充分揭露之目的,新型應備具至少一個圖式,揭露其新型物品之形狀、構造或組合

- 單一性,因為新型專利形式審查不進行前案檢索,因此單一性判斷僅形式上判斷。

- 形式審查下,說明書、申請專利範圍或圖式是否揭露必要事項,或其揭露是否明確,判斷順序:(1)各獨立項是否記載必要之構件及其連結關係;(2)說明書及圖式中是否記載前述構件及連結關係;(3)申請專利範圍所敘述之形狀、構造或組合和說明書及圖式中之記載是否無明顯矛盾之處。(所以新型形式審查的圖式超重要


my two cents:









2022年12月8日 星期四

涉及非技術性特徵的進步性答辯案例 - 歐洲訴願案T643/00


系爭案為Canon申請案,技術為影像處理裝置與方法,在歐洲審查部門審查時,判定是標準教科書的知識,並有先前技術US5159468,案件經核駁後進入口審階段(oral proceeding),主要專利性議題是進步性。

系爭申請案涉及搜尋階段編碼的影像數據,審查部分提出的先前技術僅為"A"文件(屬於背景技術),但認為系爭案發明是標準教科書的知識,如此,即便案件打到口審(oral proceeding)並且檢索得到的先前技術僅屬於背景技術,仍認為系爭案發明不具進步性(lack of inventive step)。

進入口審的專利範圍Claim 1如下,幾乎有三頁內容,應該是答辯過程修正的(1993年申請案Claim 1僅半頁)!!!





可專利性(Examination for patentability)議題:本案涉及人為操作,以及不同解析度的影像是否僅是資訊的表示(presentation of information)。




進步性議題(inventive step):

訴願委員會採用「problem-and-solution approach」,也就是基於相關領域技術人員評估相關領域的現有技術,去理解系爭案發明解決技術問題(technical problem)的技術方案(technical solution)。


訴願決定也明講,若提供使用者介面以視覺方式呈現資訊,並非技術特徵,而系爭案發明雖利用使用者介面顯示一張張相鄰排列的影像選單,其中提供的內容是技術考量。進一步地,發明提供更有效率與快速的特性其實是人為選擇的步驟,訴願委員也同意這不屬於"發明"的意義(Art. 52 EPC),但認為人為活動(mental activities)並非一定是非技術特徵("the mere fact that mental activities are involved does not necessarily qualify subject matter as non-technical,理由是,系爭案發明最終目的是提供協助或取代人為活動的工具,屬於技術解決方案



my two cents:


2022年12月7日 星期三

判斷是否移轉審理法院或管轄地的因素 - Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. (CAFC 2022)

被告/請願人:Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.
原告/專利權人:Bel Power Solutions Inc.

本案緣起專利權人Bel Power Solutions Inc.於西德州地方法院對Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.提起專利侵權訴訟,被告侵權產品是被告所販售的電源模組(OEM),被告Monolithic隨即根據28 U.S.C. § 1406(a)以缺乏管轄權為由提起撤銷或是移轉審理法院的請求,其中主要理由是被告公司並未設於西德州地院的管轄範圍內,沒有任何擁有或是租賃資產在其中,還有該地區的四位全職員工也未建立管轄地的要求 - 常規運作的營業地點(“regular and established place of business)。

經過法院調查,認為Monolithic在西德州維護的事業曾有招募員工以實作OEM的記錄,即便沒有要求員工一定要住在當地,還有,Monolithic也曾提供實驗設備給派駐當地的員工,並有使用產品與散布的責任。根據前例意旨 - In re Cray Inc., 871 F.3d 1355 (Fed. Cir. 2017)判定已經滿足管轄地的要求

這裡提到的Cray案(In re Cray, Inc., 871 F.3d 1355, 1360 (Fed. Cir. 2017))產生判斷被告是否屬於「regular and established place of business」的要素,形成Cray Factors:

- 放部電腦不足以形成犯罪地點(venue)- In re Google (Fed. Cir. 2020)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/08/venue-in-re-google-fed-cir-2020.html
- 線上侵權行為不見得滿足犯罪地點的條件 - Andra Group v. Victoria’s Secret Stores (Fed. Cir. Aug 3, 2021)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/08/andra-group-v-victorias-secret-stores.html
- 原告有責任在適當地點提出訴訟 - In re ZTE (Fed. Cir. May 14, 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/06/in-re-zte-fed-cir-may-14-2018.html

除了上述以regular and established place of business」為判斷是否可以移轉審理法院的依據外,法院還會參考訴訟雙方與證人的方便性以及公平的理由等因素綜合判斷是否可以移轉審理法院。

結果,因為被告無法證明北加州地院符合上述因素,西德州地方法院"拒絕"申請人將訴訟案移轉到北加州地方法院的請求,訴訟原告Bel Power Solutions Inc.也反對,被告提起"On Petition for Writ of Mandamus",案件進入CAFC。


基於上述案例Cray建立的判斷可否移轉審理法院的要素,根據聘任員工以及提供設備與產品維護的記錄,被告已經滿足設立營業場所(place of business)的條件(編按,判決文中提出各種產品與設備的證據:two oscilloscopes, four to five power supplies, two electric loads, a logic analyzer, ...)。

根據判決文,表示判斷管轄地/營業場所是個繁瑣的議題,當被告提起"Petition for Writ of Mandamus",上級法院也不見得會依照特定規則判定是否同意移轉或否決移轉審理法院,例如派駐員工工作的形式就有很多樣態,沒有太精準的判斷規則,當然,法院還是看請願者是否有足以讓上級法院否決下級法院決定的明確而不可否決的證據。



補充LOURIE, Circuit Judge對上述判決的反對意見。

Lourie法官是由被告的營業場所認定來看判決,因為Monolithic公司並未在審理法院管轄地駐點,其中4位員工不足以認定那是被告常規運作的營業地點(“regular and established place of business),並且種種證據(如被告是否實質控制受雇員工的工作方式、廣告、商品倉儲、相關設備 ... 等)顯示,西德州地方法院不能否決被告轉移審理法院的請求。


2022年11月30日 星期三

審查歷程棄權原則並非天條,仍關乎審理層級與當下專利範圍的解釋 - CUPP COMPUTING AS v. TREND MICRO INC. (Fed. Cir. 2022)

本篇案例涉及「doctrine of prosecution disclaimer(審查歷程棄權原則)」,其實就如常說的審查歷史禁反言原則,只是這裡用disclaimer表示,卻有多層意思。常見有作者在特定平台發布言論或文章,平台會在文後補上一段「免責聲明(disclaimer)」,目的是要避免平台被該作者的言論責任波及。專利制度中的「disclaimer」發生在幾個程序中,如專利權有衝突時,可以通過disclaimer拋棄不當延長的專利權期限,或是專利權重複的問題,還有在專利審查過程形成的disclaimer是避免專利權重新取得曾經拋棄(disclaim)的專利範圍

(其中案例"MIT v. SHIRE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (2016)"判決:https://cafc.uscourts.gov/opinions-orders/15-1881.opinion.10-11-2016.1.pdf,所述"doctrine of prosecution disclaimer"源自案例:Omega Eng’g, Inc. v. Raytek Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2003)

系爭專利:US8,631,488 ('488), US9,106,683 ('683), US9,843,595 ('595)(IPR2019- 00764, IPR2019-00765, IPR2019-00767
判決日:November 16, 2022

本案緣起上述三件系爭專利分別在三件IPR程序中被判不具非顯而易見性(引證案:US7,818,803 (“Gordon”)與US2010/0218012 (“Joseph”)),專利權被撤銷,專利權人CUPP上訴CAFC。


在專利範圍的解釋時,如'488案Claim 10,爭點之一是「[mobile] security system processor」,中文為安全系統處理器,顯然是一個自定義用語。在2019年3月,Trend Micro對系爭專利提起IPR異議程序,在其顯而易見的主張中,特別針對「[mobile] security system processor」的解釋,專利權人CUPP主張這個安全系統處理器是行動裝置以外"遠距/remote"的安全系統,而行動裝置內的是個代理程式"security agent"('595案),而不同的是,先前技術Gordon, Joseph都是在行動裝置內的安全系統。

10. A mobile security system, comprising:
a mobile security system processor;
a connection mechanism for connecting to a data port of a mobile device and for communicating with the mobile device;
security instructions; and
a security engine configured to:
detect using the mobile security system processor a wake event;
provide a wake signal to the mobile device, the mobile device having a mobile device
processor different than the mobile security system processor, the wake signal being
in response to the wake event and adapted to wake at least a portion of the mobile device from a power management mode; and
after providing the wake signal to the mobile device, executing the security instructions
using the mobile security system processor to manage security services configured
to protect the mobile device.

審理的PTAB判定專利範圍並未界定所述安全系統處理是為遠端的,即便如'595提到"security agent",在先前技術的教示下,仍是顯而易見的。系爭專利經IPR程序判定不具專利性,案件上訴至CAFC,主要議題涉及申請專利範圍的解釋以及針對'595案的非顯而易知性。

這時,CAFC依循2021年最高法院在案件"United States v. Arthrex, Inc., 141 S. Ct. 1970 (2021)"中的意旨(https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/20pdf/19-1434_ancf.pdf,此案中,專利權人對於PTAB作出最終決定的APJ們提出異議,認為他們可以作出不可挑戰的意見的權利,但其任命基礎是錯的...),讓CUPP有機會針對IPR的最終決定(final written decision)要求重審,但此請求被PTAB的acting director否決,CUPP更改訴狀後繼續上訴CAFC。


針對顯而易見性(35  U.S.C.  § 103(a))判斷,先解釋專利範圍(Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed.  Cir.  2005)),本案中幾個重要的用語,如「security  system  processor」,專利權人CUPP主張這是分離於行動裝置之外的處理器,也就是行動裝置內具有處理器,但與此外部的「security  system  processor」不同。

相對地,PTAB的解釋是,即便「security  system  processor」不同於行動裝置內的「mobile device processor」,但這也不代表是兩個分開的處理器。

其中說是"different",但法院認為這是不相同(dissimilar),或是部分或全部不像(partly or totally unalike),認為專利權人CUPP沒有理由用更限定的方式解釋。基於說明書、請求項與審查歷史,法院解釋這兩個處理器可以不同,但卻是內嵌於單一裝置中

security  system  processor」會傳送訊號到行動裝置,並提到安全系統通過「資料通訊埠」與行動裝置通訊,並設有通訊介面,因此主張行動裝置是在與外部裝置通訊。

法院反駁,認為即便「security  system  processor」有上述行為,但如傳送電子郵件來看,可以傳送給寄件者本人,裝置內不同元件也可相互通訊與傳送訊號,甚至在特定家族專利有提到「security  system  processor」可以內部外部通訊埠(communication interface)進行通訊。

再看系爭專利'683審查歷史,案件經審查不具非顯而易見性,因為先前技術(Priestley, "Trusted  Platform  Module"(TPM),可以是軟體或硬體)如同系爭專利的「security  system  processor」,且也不同於行動裝置原本的處理器,表示先前技術Priestley已經揭示兩個"分離"的處理器。對此,CUPP答辯內容反映出"prosecution disclaimer"基本原則,根據CUPP的答辯,認為先前技術Priestley中的TPM是連接在主機板的晶片,仍是行動裝置的一部分而不是分離的兩個處理器,不同於系爭專利不同("different from")的兩個處理器。(編按,這句話也寫在專利範圍中"having a mobile device processor different than the mobile security system processor"。)


看來,基於審查歷史棄權原則,CUPP似乎毫無疑慮地否認(disavowal)了某個專利範圍,CUPP的主張是系爭專利中行動裝置採用分開的兩個處理器 - security  system  processor」與「mobile device processor」。

("“The  doctrine  of  prosecution  disclaimer  precludes  patentees from recapturing through claim interpretation specific meanings disclaimed during prosecution.”Mass. Inst. of Tech. v. Shire Pharms., Inc. (Fed. Cir.  2016)")

但是,法院仍有不同意見,根據前例"Avid Tech., Inc. v. Harmonic, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2016)",專利權人所宣稱的否認(disavowal)是不夠明確的,或是甚至可以被修改為多種合理的解釋上,因此否決了上述審查歷史棄權的部分。

"Thus, where “the alleged disavowal is ambiguous, or even amenable to multiple reasonable interpretations, we have declined to find prosecution disclaimer.” Avid Tech., Inc. v. Harmonic, Inc., 812 F.3d 1040, 1045 (Fed. Cir. 2016)"

法院的說明是,同意IPR階段PTAB的判決,CUPP的聲明並沒有明確放棄可以在行動裝置中嵌入爭議的security  system  processor」。依照CUPP的答辯意見,先前技術的TPM可能是行動裝置主機板的一部分,但先前技術中並未揭露其TPM不同於(different than)行動裝置的處理器,CUPP主張的是Priestley並未教示有不同的處理器,理由是TPM不是分別的處理器。在此解釋下,如果TPM是在主機板上的獨立晶片,TPM卻是需要主機板上原本的處理器,並未擁有自己的處理器而這個合理的解釋"打敗了"CUPP自己的棄權宣告("reasonable interpretation defeats CUPP's assertion of prosecutorial disclaimer")。

CUPP的回應是,在USPTO的disclaimer已經拋棄了「security system processor」在行動裝置主機板上的範圍,並引用前例Aylus Networks, Inc. v. Apple Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2017),認為在IPR階段的disclaimer已經有效限縮專利範圍,但PTAB卻忽略了這個disclaimer。(一般的認知是,IPR階段的PTAB所述prosecution disclaimer(審查歷史棄權聲明)應該是從USPTO、PTAB到法院都影響專利範圍的解釋。)

- 專利權人在IPR的回應影響專利範圍解釋 - Aylus Networks v. Apple (Fed. Cir. 2017)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/06/ipr-aylus-networks-v-apple-fed-cir-2017.html



基於上述內部證據合理地推導專利範圍,系爭專利並未排除內部通訊埠連線的方式,因此,所有證據顯示,security  system  processor」與另一行動裝置處理器並非一定是分開的兩個電路元件



轉移審理法院的限制 - Hoffman v. Blaski, 363 U.S. 335 (1960)

美國最高法院於1960年作出「Hoffman v. Blaski, 363 U.S. 335 (1960)」(https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/363/335/)決定,其中針對管轄地變更的限制提出意見。

28 U.S. Code § 1404 轉移案件到原告沒有權利提起告訴的地區?("The instant cases present the question whether a District Court, in which a civil action has been properly brought, is empowered by § 1404 (a) to transfer the action, on the motion of the defendant, to a district in which the plaintiff did not have a right to bring it.")
判決日:June 13, 1960

28 U.S.C. § 1404 - Change of venue
(a)For the convenience of parties and witnesses, in the interest of justice, a district court may transfer any civil action to any other district or division where it might have been brought or to any district or division to which all parties have consented.

美國最高法院在"Hoffman v. Blaski, 363 U.S. 335 (1960)"案中,指出,根據28 U.S.C. § 1404(a),一件在地方法院審理的民事案件,即便基於被告提出的請求,仍不被允許轉移案件到原告無權提起告訴的地方法院

這裡提到,(a) 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a)規定的"where it might have been brought"並不能解釋為在被告同意下可以重新提起(rebrought)訴訟的地區;(b) 在相同法條下,地方法院可以轉移案件到其他地院的權力並不是根基於被告的希求或是放棄主張,而是基於被轉移的法院是原告可以提起訴訟的地方法院



Hoffman v. Blaski, 363 US 335 - Supreme Court 1960(全文):https://scholar.google.com.tw/scholar_case?case=15345056117313717082&q=Hoffman+v.+Blaski,+363+U.S.+335+(1960)&hl=en&as_sdt=2006&as_vis=1


2022年11月29日 星期二

Way to Test Distinctness (MPEP )


One-Way Test for Distinctness(單向)

(重複專利的判斷是當下正在審理中的申請案與另一已經獲准的專利之間的比對,否則僅是預先通知的provisional rejection)針對同日申請的專利申請案,或是有前後專利申請案的後申請案而言,當判斷申請案之間沒有專利性區隔(patently distinct),USPTO發出重複專利(double patenting)審查意見,當下專利申請案是否有重複專利問題,判斷依據是已經獲准專利的另一案是否anticipate專利申請案,或者兩者之間差異是否為顯而易見(obvious variation)。兩案之間如同新穎性與顯而易見性的單向判斷(USPTO=>Applicant)。

(b) One-Way Test for Distinctness

If the application under examination is the later-filed application, or both applications are filed on the same day, only a one-way determination of distinctness is needed in resolving the issue of double patenting, i.e., whether the invention claimed in the application would have been anticipated by, or an obvious variation of, the invention claimed in the patent. See, e.g., In re Berg, 140 F.3d 1438, 46 USPQ2d 1226 (Fed. Cir. 1998) (the court applied a one-way test where both applications were filed the same day). If a claimed invention in the application would have been obvious over a claimed invention in the patent, there would be an unjustified timewise extension of the patent and a nonstatutory double patenting rejection is proper. See MPEP § 804, subsection II.B.2.(a) above.

Similarly, even if the application under examination is the earlier-filed application, only a one-way determination of distinctness is needed to support a double patenting rejection in the absence of a finding: (A) that "the PTO is solely responsible for any delays" in prosecution of the earlier-filed application (In re Hubbell, 709 F.3d 1140, 1150, 106 USPQ2d 1032, 1039 (Fed. Cir. 2013); and (B) that the applicant could not have filed the conflicting claims in a single (i.e., the earlier-filed) application ( In re Kaplan, 789 F.2d 1574, 229 USPQ 678 (Fed. Cir. 1986)). 

Two-Way Test for Distinctness(雙向)

所謂"TWO-WAY TEST"是指當申請人未以單一申請案提出申請,而USPTO又在行政上有延遲時,就啟動雙向測試。如果專利是後申請案,並且還比另一前申請案還可能更早獲准專利,要解決的問題是,是否因為不當延長專利權期限而不予專利是合理的?

當為前後申請案時,若不是USPTO行政上的延遲,申請案之間的專利性仍以one-way test(單向)判斷。除非申請人證明TWO-WAY TEST有必要。

這裡提到,當進行"two-way distinctness determination",會有兩次顯而易見性的分析,第一次是參考已獲准專利的範圍來審查申請案的專利範圍;其次再以申請案的專利範圍審查已獲准專利的範圍的顯而易見性。

雙向專利差異比對後,如果彼此差異為顯而易見,就有重複專利的問題,常見是non-statutory double patenting(非法定重複專利)。如果雙向測試沒有顯而易見的問題,就沒有重複專利的問題,也沒有non-statutory double patenting。

(c) Two-Way Test for Distinctness

If the patent is the later-filed application, the question of whether the timewise extension of the right to exclude granted by a patent is justified or unjustified must be addressed. A two-way test is to be applied only when the applicant could not have filed the claims in a single application and the Office is solely responsible for any delays.In re Berg, 46 USPQ2d 1226 (Fed. Cir. 1998) ("The two-way exception can only apply when the applicant could not avoid separate filings, and even then, only if the PTO controlled the rates of prosecution to cause the later filed species claims to issue before the claims for a genus in an earlier application . . . In Berg’s case, the two applications could have been filed as one, so it is irrelevant to our disposition who actually controlled the respective rates of prosecution."); In re Hubbell, 709 F.3d 1140, 106 USPQ2d 1032 (Fed. Cir. 2013)("[P]rosecution choices resulted in the foreseeable consequence that the ′685 patent issued before the application claims on appeal. Given these circumstances, and because it is undisputed that the PTO was not solely responsible for the delay, Hubbell is not entitled to a two-way obviousness analysis." 709 F.3d at 1150, 106 USPQ2d at 1039.); see also In re Goodman, 11 F.3d 1046, 29 USPQ2d 2010 (Fed. Cir. 1993) (applicant’s voluntary decision to obtain early issuance of claims directed to a species and to pursue prosecution of previously rejected genus claims in a continuation is a considered election to postpone by the applicant and not administrative delay). Unless the record clearly shows administrative delay caused solely by the Office and that applicant could not have avoided filing separate applications, the examiner may use the one-way distinctness determination and shift the burden to applicant to show why a two-way distinctness determination is required.

When making a two-way distinctness determination, where appropriate, it is necessary to apply the obviousness analysis twice, first analyzing the obviousness of the application claims in view of the patent claims, and then analyzing the obviousness of the patent claims in view of the application claims. Where a two-way distinctness determination is required, a nonstatutory double patenting rejection based on obviousness is appropriate only where each analysis leads to a conclusion that the claimed invention is an obvious variation of the invention claimed in the other application/patent. If either analysis does not lead to a conclusion of obviousness, no double patenting rejection of the obviousness-type is made, but this does not necessarily preclude a nonstatutory double patenting rejection based on equitable principles. In re Schneller, 397 F.2d 350, 158 USPQ 210 (CCPA 1968).

Although a delay in the processing of applications before the Office that causes patents to issue in an order different from the order in which the applications were filed is a factor to be considered in determining whether a one-way or two-way distinctness determination is necessary to support a double patenting rejection, it may be very difficult to assess whether the administrative process is solely responsible for a delay in the issuance of a patent. On the one hand, it is applicant who presents claims for examination and pays the issue fee. On the other hand, the resolution of legitimate differences of opinion that must be resolved in an appeal process or the time spent in an interference proceeding can significantly delay the issuance of a patent. Nevertheless, the reasons for the delay in issuing a patent have been considered in assessing the propriety of a double patenting rejection. Thus, in Pierce vAllen B. DuMont Laboratories, Inc., 297 F.2d 323, 131 USPQ 340 (3d. Cir. 1961), the court found that administrative delay may justify the extension of patent rights beyond 17 years but "a considered election to postpone acquisition of the broader [patent after the issuance of the later filed application] should not be tolerated." In Pierce, the patentee elected to participate in an interference proceeding [after all claims in the application had been determined to be patentable] whereby the issuance of the broader patent was delayed by more than 7 years after the issuance of the narrower patent. The court determined that the second issued patent was invalid on the ground of double patenting. Similarly, in In re Emert, 124 F.3d 1458, 44 USPQ2d 1149 (Fed. Cir. 1997), the court found that the one-way test is appropriate where applicants, rather than the Office, had significant control over the rate of prosecution of the application at issue. In support of its finding that the applicants were responsible for delaying prosecution of the application during the critical period, the court noted that the applicants had requested and received numerous time extensions in various filings. More importantly, the court noted, after initially receiving an obviousness rejection of all claims, applicants had waited the maximum period to reply (6 months), then abandoned the application in favor of a substantially identical continuation application, then received another obviousness rejection of all claims, again waited the maximum period to reply, and then again abandoned the application in favor of a second continuation application substantially identical to the original filing. On the other hand, in General Foods Corp. v. Studiengesellschaft Kohle mbH, 972 F.2d 1272, 23 USPQ2d 1839 (Fed. Cir. 1992), the court did not hold the patentee accountable for a delay in issuing the first-filed application until after the second-filed application issued as a patent, even where the patentee had intentionally refiled the first-filed application as a continuation-in-part after receiving a Notice of Allowance indicating that all claims presented were patentable. Where, through no fault of the applicant, the claims in a later-filed application issue first, an obvious-type double patenting rejection is improper, in the absence of a two-way distinctness determination, because the applicant does not have complete control over the rate of progress of a patent application through the Office. In re Braat, 937 F.2d 589, 19 USPQ2d 1289 (Fed. Cir. 1991). While acknowledging that allowance of the claims in the earlier-filed application would result in the timewise extension of an invention claimed in the patent, the court in Braat was of the view that the extension was justified under the circumstances, indicating that a double patenting rejection would be proper only if the claimed inventions were obvious over each other — a two-way distinctness determination.


2022年11月28日 星期一


本篇內容源自美國商務部(DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE)、專利商標局(USPTO)、國會圖書館(LIBRARY OF CONGRESS)以及版權局(Copyright Office)聯合發布對於NFT(Non-Fungible Tokens)的研究需求,或是說尋求公眾意見。NFT中文是“非同質化代幣”,這個基於區塊鏈技術的應用可以用唯一(非同質)而不可篡改的"代幣"作為智慧財產的憑證,又可用於交易,顯然,在專利與著作權這類無形資產應是絕配才是。


看來,USPTO等還有許多細節要克服才能有效將NFT或其概念導入專利與著作權的保護與授權上,federal register提出許多希望公眾提供意見的議題。




2022年11月15日 星期二

禁制令的範圍要明確不應過廣 - Int'l Rectifier Corp. v. IXYS Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2004)

本篇討論前一篇( ABC Corp. I v. Schedule "A" (Fed. Cir. 2022))討論設計專利侵權案例中對於"禁制令"發出的引用案例 - "International Rectifier Corp. v. IXYS Corp., 383 F.3d 1312 (Fed. Cir. 2004)"。

原告/專利權人:International Rectifier Corporation ("IR")
侵權被告:IXYS Corporation ("IXYS")
Oct 20, 2004

系爭專利獲准當天,原告IR對被告IXYS提出侵權告訴,IXYS並沒有否認侵權,而是去修改被告侵權產品,間接承認原本的半導體元件設計有侵權的問題,IXYS反擊的重點是質疑原告提出的永久禁制令(permanent injunction)請求。地方法院判決是同意原告IR請求,發出永久禁制令的簡易判決。(根據判決書提到IR同時提起其他9件訴訟,推論系爭專利算是有點分量)


1. A semiconductor device of increased current capacity without an increased size; said semiconductor device comprising a semiconductor device die; a plurality of bonding wires; a die mounting pad and a plurality of parallel spaced external conductors; at least one of said parallel spaced external conductors having a first bond wire post at one end thereof; the bottom of said die being fixed to the top surface of said die mounting pad; a plurality of said bonding wires being bonded at one end thereof to the top surface of said die and at the other end thereof to said bond wire post; a plastic housing for enclosing said die; said plurality of spaced conductors extending from the interior of said plastic housing, through a side wall of said housing to the exterior of said housing; the laterally outermost two of said plurality of spaced external conductors being reentrantly bent and penetrating said side wall of said housing so that said laterally outermost two conductors will have a greater spacing at said side wall than at their free ends thereby increasing the creepage distance along the surface of said side wall.



IXYS提出限制性的反對意見(limited opposition),反對上述禁制令可以針對未來的侵權行為,表示禁制令涵蓋的範圍過廣,違反Rule 65(d) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Rule 65. Injunctions and Restraining Orders(https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/rule_65


(d) Contents and Scope of Every Injunction and Restraining Order.(禁制令的內容)
(1) Contents. Every order granting an injunction and every restraining order must:
(A) state the reasons why it issued;(應說明為何發出禁制令)
(B) state its terms specifically; and(應明確指出禁制的項目)
(C) describe in reasonable detail—and not by referring to the complaint or other document—the act or acts restrained or required.(以合理的細節描述被禁的行為或被要求的行為)
(2) Persons Bound.
The order binds only the following who receive actual notice of it by personal service or otherwise: (A) the parties; (B) the parties’ officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys; and (C) other persons who are in active concert or participation with anyone described in Rule 65(d)(2)(A) or (B).





根據Rule 65(d),CAFC的態度是,此法條就是要避免過廣的永久禁制令(永遠被禁!),特別是避免涵蓋到"未來"侵權的行為。

對於原告IR而言,認為禁制令中沒有必要明確用文字限制侵權的裝置,認為聯邦法條已經解釋禁制令的限制。但就CAFC而言,這樣的禁制令是有瑕疵並違反Rule 65(d),認為地院發出禁制令並不符合"聯邦民事訴訟規則(Federal Rule of Civil Procedure)Rule 65(d)"規定,CAFC否決地院發出的永久禁制令,發回重審要求地院針對適當的範圍發出禁制令。



2022年11月10日 星期四

外觀商標與其是否是功能性外觀的討論 - SoClean, Inc. v. Sunset Healthcare Solutions, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2022)

原告/被上訴人:SOCLEAN, INC.
判決日:November 9, 2022

本案緣起侵權訴訟被告Sunset(以自己的品牌販售商品)針對地方法院同意原告SoClean請求而發出的「初步禁制救濟(preliminary injunctive relief)」的決定提起上訴。

醫療設備公司SoClean為「Continuous Positive Airway Pressure ("CPAP")」機器提供消毒裝置,本案被告Sunset原本是其中之一經銷商,SoClean本身擁有本案系爭商標No.6,080,195,商標圖案是一種用在消毒裝置中可替換的過濾器。




(1) a likelihood of success on the merits of its claim; (likelihood-of-success factor,訴訟成功的可能)
(2) a likelihood of irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief; (若少了禁制令會產生不可回復的傷害)
(3) that the balance of equities tips in its favor; and (權衡各種因素後傾向發出禁制令)
(4) that the injunction is in the public interest. (禁制令符合公眾利益)


Sunset提出兩個涉及"likelihood-of-success factor"主張:

(1) 因為系爭商標缺乏第二含意(secondary meaning,這是涉及商標被長期使用後產生的識別性 (補充:指原來不符合商標使用或註冊條件的文字、圖形或其組合,因被長期與某種商品或服務結合使用,具備了與這些文字、圖形或其他構成要素的通常意義不同的含義)),因此地院不當判定SoClean會勝訴;
(2) 地方法院錯誤地認為相關過濾器有其他替代設計(也就是被告認為系爭商標的過濾器外觀為功能性特徵)。

(1)(重要)關於Secondary meaning,法院認為,SoClean所提出的外觀商標(trade dress)是一種商品外觀的商標,而這必須要具有"secondary meaning"才能受到保護。("There is no dispute that SoClean’s trade dress is a product-configuration trade dress, so it is only protectable “upon a showing of secondary meaning.” See Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Samara Bros. (2000))。可參考過去報導:Trade Dress(外觀商標)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2012/08/trade-dress.html)。

關於secondary meaning有以上共識,但是本次系爭商標是註冊商標,註冊商標考量的是"prima facie evidence of the validity of the registered mark and of the registration of the mark",並不是長期使用形成的secondary meaning


Sunset根據15 U.S. Code § 1119要求地方法院如果註冊商標有瑕疵應該去校正,然而,CAFC認為Sunset有舉證責任,且SoClean沒有需要證明甚麼,因此判決地方法院並沒有因為拒絕審理審查商標權過程而有濫用裁量權的問題。

15 U.S. Code § 1119 - Power of court over registration
In any action involving a registered mark the court may determine the right to registration, order the cancelation of registrations, in whole or in part, restore canceled registrations, and otherwise rectify the register with respect to the registrations of any party to the action. Decrees and orders shall be certified by the court to the Director, who shall make appropriate entry upon the records of the Patent and Trademark Office, and shall be controlled thereby.

如此,被告Sunset認為法院應該判定商標權是否有效,但這是錯的,商標的有效推定並非有條件的("The presumption of validity is not conditional",這成為ipwatchdog的標題),就法院而言,既然有效就是推定有效,沒有特定例外。

表示被告Sunset主張的Secondary meaning弄錯方向,並非要求法院要去審查商標權是否有問題,而是被告應該要提出證據挑戰系爭商標。

(2)(重要)關於地方法院要求Sunset舉證要滿足"嚴格的證據要求"("vigorous evidentiary requirements"),但CAFC認為不是這樣,要挑戰註冊商標權,就提出商標無效的優勢證據("preponderance of the evidence"),更不是針對系爭商標的secondary meaning。

(編按,由於Sunset弄錯方向,不應針對系爭商標的secondary meaning,地院也基於錯誤法律基礎審理本案,即便審理了被告"模棱兩可"的證據,都不符合優勢證據的要求,但CAFC認為這是無害的錯誤("harmless error")。)

但結論至少是,SoClean成功地抗辯Sunset的系爭商標缺乏Secondary meaning的主張,成功捍衛自己的商標權。


(重要)系爭商標屬於一種外觀商標(trade dress),具有功能性(編按,設計專利有此議題,純粹功能性外觀創作性就低)。引用Traffix Devices, Inc. v. Mktg. Displays, Inc. (2001)等案例,產品特徵是功能性的,如果實質上是其物品的用途或是影響物品的成本或品質,就不能用作商標。反之,如果僅是包括了功能性特徵,或是功能性特徵的組合使得結合本身非功能性,還是可以成為註冊商標。





my two cents:
這案看出主張缺乏secondary meaning的困難度,因為證據需要優越性,還有這類挑戰缺乏法律的支持。


2022年11月3日 星期四


TIPO:https://topic.tipo.gov.tw/patents-tw/dl-279550-dc6d358cfb9b4feb98370318eec2530d.html(發布日期 : 110-07-22)

我國專利審查基準「第三篇 設計專利實體審查」的「第九章 圖像設計」,針對「電腦圖像」的說明是:『電腦圖像(Computer Generated Icons)及 圖形化使用者介面(Graphical User Interface,GUI),係指一種透過電腦程式產品所產生之虛擬圖形,其雖無法如一般實體物品具恆常之形狀或 如包裝紙或布匹上之花紋、色彩能恆常顯現於物品上,惟在性質上仍屬 具視覺效果之形狀、花紋、色彩或其結合的外觀創作,且該電腦程式產品亦屬廣意上可供產業上利用之實用物品,故「應用於物品之電腦圖像 及圖形化使用者介面(本章以下簡稱『圖像設計(Graphic Images Design)』)」亦為一種應用於物品之外觀的創作,其亦符合設計專利所保護之標的。

- 圖像設計有兩類:(1)電腦圖像(icon)以及(2)圖形化使用者介面(GUI),定義是電腦圖像及圖形化使用者介面是指一種透過電腦程式產品所產生,並可藉由各種電子裝置之顯示器顯現或投射產生的二維或三維之虛擬圖形。所稱之「電腦程式產品」,係指載有電腦可讀取之程式或軟體而不限外在形式之物

- 「電腦圖像」的態樣:(1)靜態之電腦圖像;(2)具變化外觀之電腦圖像。


- 圖像設計的「設計名稱」需要記載應用在何物上,可以寫在範圍很廣的"電腦程式產品"的應用上,例如名稱可以是:「電腦程式產品之圖像」、「電腦程式產品之圖形化使用者介面」、「電腦程式產品之操作選單」或「電腦程式產品之視窗畫面」。但仍可寫成範圍較小的應用上,例如「手機之圖像」、「提款機之圖像」或「洗衣機之圖形化使用者介面」。

可參考先前筆記:圖像設計名稱與圖式應指出"article of manufacture"(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2022/02/article-of-manufacture.html

- 不用交代「物品用途」,但仍可通過說明限定用途。

- 「具變化外觀之圖像設計」以多張圖面說明,例如:

- 一般來說,圖像設計以平面圖形表示就可,但如果圖像設計具"三維顯像"之特性,還是可以提供立體圖或其他視圖。

- 圖像設計仍可表示「不主張設計之部分」。「不主張設計之部分」可以虛線或其他斷線方式繪製邊界線(boundary),或其他方式明確界定其邊界範圍,主要目的是明確表達不主張部分。

- 「申請專利之設計的解釋」,解釋設計專利範圍,原則是以圖式為準,並得審酌說明書。


- 新穎性之「物品的相同或近似判斷」,如果圖像設計應用之物品是「電腦程式產品」,表示沒有應用上的限制,除非寫用在手機、特定電子產品上。如此,物品的用途也會成為設計是否相同或近似的參考,如果用途不同的類似設計,會被判斷設計不相同。

- 新穎性之「外觀的相同或近似判斷」,比對的對象就是主張部份的設計,而圖中「不主張設計之部分」並非設計專利範圍,但可用於解釋主張之部分的位置、大小、分布關係,判斷相同或近似時會審酌。如果設計是「具變化外觀之圖像設計」,應以所有視圖比對,且應與單一先前技藝比對,不應以多份引證文件組合進行比對。(編按,對應地,具變化外觀之圖像設計的專利範圍也不會廣,應限制在多張視圖的變化上

- 創作性之判斷(特異之視覺效果具有創作性):參酌申請時的通常知識,而能將該先前技藝以模仿、轉用、置換、組合等簡易之設計手法完成該圖像設計,且未產生特異之視覺效果者,應認定為易於思及,不具創作性。

- 創作性的判斷,與新穎性判斷不同,審查創作性時,所引用之引證文件並非僅侷限於相同或近似之物品領域

- 「一設計一申請」原則。

my two cents: 圖像設計與一般理解直接將ICON、GUI提出申請即可,而揭露原則是「充分揭露」,如果要表達是動態變化,就用多圖,如果要表示三維特性,就提出立體圖。設計名稱、用途說明與設計內容的描述,想要用解釋專利範圍廣的描述方式或是命名,但這自然也會影響審查人員可以引用的前案範圍。
