原告/上訴人:Levola Hengelo BV
被告:Smilde Foods BV
法院:Gelderland District Court, Netherlands
本次爭議中關於一種蘸醬‘Heksenkaas’,或稱Witch’s Cheese,這是一種經典的荷蘭奶酪醬,判決文定義:"Heksenkaas is a spreadable dip with cream cheese and fresh herbs.",是一種可塗抹的奶油奶酪和新鮮香草。上訴人Levola Hengelo強調這個蘸醬的味道是他們的版權(copyright)。
本次爭議源自荷蘭法院於23 May 2017作出初步決定(preliminary ruling),接著案件進入歐盟司法法院(ECJ),主要議題是「味道/氣味」是否是著作權保護標的?
Levola Hengelo擁有有關"Heksenkaas"的權利,並於2012年推出產品,到了2014年,Smilde Food也推出類似的產品"Witte Wievenkaas",Levola Hengelo即提告(荷蘭法院),認為Smilde侵犯其"氣味"著作權。
Levola Hengelo的"Heksenkaas":

Smilde Food的"Witte Wievenkaas":

其中,主張Heksenkaas氣味著作權的Levola Hengelo認為Heksenkaas為自己的智慧創作(intellectual creation),應該符合著作權法中規範的作品/創作(work),主張被告"仿製"了這個創作(氣味),其中也宣稱也擁有專利權與商標權。
結果,荷蘭法院無法評估氣味是否符合著作權標的,因此在2015年撤銷這個訴訟,Levola Hengelo上訴後,荷蘭阿納姆 - 呂伐登上訴法院(Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal)則訴諸歐盟司法法院意見。
ECJ判決中提到幾個相關法條規定,包括EP, WIPO、Berne Convention、WTO Agreement、TRIPS Agreement與國內法,文學與藝術創作的保護就如著作權(copyright),本次爭議相關的規定在歐洲法中的Directive 2001/29,其中規定「重製權」,這是給作者的排他權,禁止他人以直接、間接、暫時或永久地重製全部或部分作者的創作,「傳播權」禁止他人以任何形式播送給大眾,「散布權」禁止任何形式販售非經授權的創作。
相關著作權法(如Berne Convention)保護的創作/作品(work)是"literary and artistic works",偏向文學與藝術創作,並且也是指向「視覺/聽覺」相關的創作。而有關食品的味道(taste)關聯的味覺具有極大的主觀性質,可能無法有穩定的保護狀態。
產生的問題是,味道/氣味(taste)是否符合著作權法中定義的"work"?但相關法條,如Directive 2001/29,並沒有定義"work",而僅是列舉哪些是"work",就如上述視覺與聽覺方面的work,偏向文學與藝術(音樂、繪畫...)創作,答案十分不明確。
以下是ECJ法官的意見,就Berne公約定義的著作權表達的"literary and artistic works"包括文學、科學與藝術領域的作品,不論形式的表達,且為關於刺激「視覺與聽覺」方面的作品,並可能排除了味覺或觸覺方面的創作。並且也表明國際上對此也沒有相關規定。
"I would note, however, that, notwithstanding the fact that, under Article 2(1) of the Berne Convention, ‘the expression “literary and artistic works” include every production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression’, that provision refers only to works which are perceived visually or aurally, such as books and musical compositions, excluding productions which may be perceived by other senses such as taste, smell or touch."
"However, the fact that tastes themselves are ephemeral, volatile and unstable militates, in my view, against their precise and objective identification and, therefore, their classification as works for the purposes of copyright."
"Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society precludes the copyright protection of the taste of a food product."
17. Article 1 of the Auteurswet (Netherlands Copyright Law, ‘the Copyright Law’) provides:
‘Copyright is the exclusive right of the author of a literary, scientific or artistic work or his successors in title, to communicate that work to the public and to reproduce it, subject to the limitations laid down by law.’
EU law
14. Article 2 of Directive 2001/29, entitled ‘Reproduction right’, provides:
‘Member States shall provide for the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction by any means and in any form, in whole or in part:
(a) for authors, of their works;
15. Article 3 of Directive 2001/29, entitled ‘Right of communication to the public of works and right of making available to the public other subject matter’, provides:
‘1. Member States shall provide authors with the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any communication to the public of their works, by wire or wireless means, including the making available to the public of their works in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.
16. Article 4 of Directive 2001/29, entitled ‘Distribution right’, provides:
‘1. Member States shall provide for authors, in respect of the original of their works or of copies thereof, the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any form of distribution to the public by sale or otherwise.
my two cents:
本次判決是講「氣味」的著作權,然而,氣味也會有商標的概念,例如,我用「味道」二字查自己的部落格,知道味道也是商標類型的一種:商標類型有:動態、3D全像圖、顏色、地理、聲音、氣味、觸感、味道與「trade dress(トレードドレス,外觀商標)」等,可參考日本專利局整理各國新型態商標與範例:https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/04/blog-post_18.html。
- https://patentlyo.com/patent/2018/11/protecting-your-flavor.html
- https://svw.no/en/news/news/2018/november/the-taste-of-a-food-product-is-not-eligible-for-copyright-protection/
- http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-levola-hengelo-cjeu-decision.html
- https://www.vbb.com/insights/corporate-commercial/corporate-commercial/dutch-court-seeks-guidance-from-court-of-justice-of-european-union-regarding-copyright-protection-of-taste
- https://www.specialtyfood.com/news/article/eu-court-rules-taste-food-cannot-be-trademarked/
編按,在Patently-O文後提到,歐洲司法法院也出自己的答覆:所述"Directive 2001/29"排除氣味/味道是版權可保護的標的。