2018年11月30日 星期五

「味道」不受到著作權保護與相關侵權議題討論(歐洲) - Levola Hengelo BV v. Smilde Foods BV (Court of Appeal, Arnhem-Leeuwarden, Netherlands 2018)

保護「味道」的著作權 - Levola Hengelo BV v. Smilde Foods BV (Court of Appeal, Arnhem-Leeuwarden, Netherlands 2018)

原告/上訴人:Levola Hengelo BV
被告:Smilde Foods BV
法院:Gelderland District Court, Netherlands

本次爭議中關於一種蘸醬‘Heksenkaas’,或稱Witch’s Cheese,這是一種經典的荷蘭奶酪醬,判決文定義:"Heksenkaas is a spreadable dip with cream cheese and fresh herbs.",是一種可塗抹的奶油奶酪和新鮮香草。上訴人Levola Hengelo強調這個蘸醬的味道是他們的版權(copyright)。

本次爭議源自荷蘭法院於23 May 2017作出初步決定(preliminary ruling),接著案件進入歐盟司法法院(ECJ),主要議題是「味道/氣味」是否是著作權保護標的?

Levola Hengelo擁有有關"Heksenkaas"的權利,並於2012年推出產品,到了2014年,Smilde Food也推出類似的產品"Witte Wievenkaas",Levola Hengelo即提告(荷蘭法院),認為Smilde侵犯其"氣味"著作權。

Levola Hengelo的"Heksenkaas":

Smilde Food的"Witte Wievenkaas":

其中,主張Heksenkaas氣味著作權的Levola Hengelo認為Heksenkaas為自己的智慧創作(intellectual creation),應該符合著作權法中規範的作品/創作(work),主張被告"仿製"了這個創作(氣味),其中也宣稱也擁有專利權與商標權。

結果,荷蘭法院無法評估氣味是否符合著作權標的,因此在2015年撤銷這個訴訟,Levola Hengelo上訴後,荷蘭阿納姆 - 呂伐登上訴法院(Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal)則訴諸歐盟司法法院意見

ECJ判決中提到幾個相關法條規定,包括EP, WIPO、Berne Convention、WTO Agreement、TRIPS Agreement與國內法,文學與藝術創作的保護就如著作權(copyright),本次爭議相關的規定在歐洲法中的Directive 2001/29,其中規定「重製權」,這是給作者的排他權,禁止他人以直接、間接、暫時或永久地重製全部或部分作者的創作,「傳播權」禁止他人以任何形式播送給大眾,「散布權」禁止任何形式販售非經授權的創作。

相關著作權法(如Berne Convention)保護的創作/作品(work)是"literary and artistic works",偏向文學與藝術創作,並且也是指向「視覺/聽覺」相關的創作。而有關食品的味道(taste)關聯的味覺具有極大的主觀性質,可能無法有穩定的保護狀態

產生的問題是,味道/氣味(taste)是否符合著作權法中定義的"work"?但相關法條,如Directive 2001/29,並沒有定義"work",而僅是列舉哪些是"work",就如上述視覺與聽覺方面的work,偏向文學與藝術(音樂、繪畫...)創作,答案十分不明確

以下是ECJ法官的意見,就Berne公約定義的著作權表達的"literary and artistic works"包括文學、科學與藝術領域的作品,不論形式的表達,且為關於刺激「視覺與聽覺」方面的作品,並可能排除了味覺或觸覺方面的創作。並且也表明國際上對此也沒有相關規定。

"I would note, however, that, notwithstanding the fact that, under Article 2(1) of the Berne Convention, ‘the expression “literary and artistic works” include every production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression’, that provision refers only to works which are perceived visually or aurally, such as books and musical compositions, excluding productions which may be perceived by other senses such as taste, smell or touch."


"However, the fact that tastes themselves are ephemeral, volatile and unstable militates, in my view, against their precise and objective identification and, therefore, their classification as works for the purposes of copyright."


"Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society precludes the copyright protection of the taste of a food product."

17.      Article 1 of the Auteurswet (Netherlands Copyright Law, ‘the Copyright Law’) provides:

‘Copyright is the exclusive right of the author of a literary, scientific or artistic work or his successors in title, to communicate that work to the public and to reproduce it, subject to the limitations laid down by law.’

EU law
14.      Article 2 of Directive 2001/29, entitled ‘Reproduction right’, provides:

‘Member States shall provide for the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction by any means and in any form, in whole or in part:

(a)      for authors, of their works;


15.      Article 3 of Directive 2001/29, entitled ‘Right of communication to the public of works and right of making available to the public other subject matter’, provides:

‘1.      Member States shall provide authors with the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any communication to the public of their works, by wire or wireless means, including the making available to the public of their works in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.


16.      Article 4 of Directive 2001/29, entitled ‘Distribution right’, provides:

‘1.      Member States shall provide for authors, in respect of the original of their works or of copies thereof, the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any form of distribution to the public by sale or otherwise.


my two cents:
本次判決是講「氣味」的著作權,然而,氣味也會有商標的概念,例如,我用「味道」二字查自己的部落格,知道味道也是商標類型的一種:商標類型有:動態、3D全像圖、顏色、地理、聲音、氣味、觸感、味道與「trade dress(トレードドレス,外觀商標)」等,可參考日本專利局整理各國新型態商標與範例:https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/04/blog-post_18.html





編按,在Patently-O文後提到,歐洲司法法院也出自己的答覆:所述"Directive 2001/29"排除氣味/味道是版權可保護的標的。


2018年11月29日 星期四

被告的主場優勢 - 管轄權影響訴訟正當性討論 - In re OATH HOLDINGS, INC. (Fed. Cir. 2018)

請願人:In re: OATH HOLDINGS INC., fka Yahoo Holdings, Inc.

本案由請願人Oath Holdings Inc.針對地方法院作出Oath未及時提出管轄權(venue)反對意見的請願案,即向CAFC提出「Writ of Mandamus(上級對下級撤銷判決的令狀)」請願。

(前情)這裡有些關於時間點的爭議,就是,Oath在此次之前已經有一次提出Writ of Mandamus請願,但CAFC要求應先對地方法院反應重新考量案件,但被地院駁回,認為Oath應該早一點提出這個要求,因此撤銷這個請求。不過,本次(第二次)提出Writ of Mandamus後,CAFC同意,並指示地院重新因為管轄權的問題撤銷訴訟或轉換法院才是。

本案例有兩件有趣的議題:(1)地方法院管轄權;(2)Writ of Mandamus

有關管轄權的問題,就是源自2016年AlmondNet對Oath提出專利侵權告訴(United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York),但Oath提出其事業雖也在紐約州,不過是在Delaware,在提訟的東地方法院沒有經常的商業駐點,因此提出「dismiss for improper venue」,要求因為管轄權不符應撤銷訴訟。

有關規定在28 U.S.C. § 1400(b) (“Any civil action for patent infringement may be brought
in the judicial district where the defendant resides, or where the defendant has committed acts of infringement and has a regular and established place of business.”).

相關判例是:以企業據點決定管轄法院 - 美國最高法院TC Heartland LLC v. Kraft Food Group Brands LLC決定(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/05/tc-heartland-llc-v-kraft-food-group.html),此判例確立在專利爭議中,管轄範圍就在公司駐地的法院。


這時,剛好在2017年,美國最高法院確認以上TC Heartland LLC判例的同時,也確立拋棄權利的規則(如逾期主張)不能用來駁回管轄權防衛(有關正當性,地位更高)。(重要)

"the venue defense now raised by Micron (and others) based on TC Heartland’s interpretation of the venue statute was not ‘available,’ thus making the waiver rule of Rule 12(g)(2) and (h)(1)(A) inapplicable."

這時,Oath就立即再次主張管轄權有誤應撤銷訴訟的請願,理由是,最高法院在TC Heartland LLC的判決並未改變過去的規則。


因此,Oath轉移上訴CAFC,提出writ of mandamus請願。

然而,CAFC要發出撤銷下級法院的令狀的條件規定在28 U.S. Code § 1651:協助司法管轄權與同意其用途與原則,看來管轄權是個重要的issue。

28 U.S. Code § 1651 - Writs
(a) The Supreme Court and all courts established by Act of Congress may issue all writs necessary or appropriate in aid of their respective jurisdictions and agreeable to the usages and principles of law.

(b) An alternative writ or rule nisi may be issued by a justice or judge of a court which has jurisdiction.

CAFC判斷,本案中,東紐約地方法院管轄範圍確實沒有涵蓋Oath所在地,而Oath主張管轄權異議的時間是否有誤?根據過去判例,如Micron,法院認為Oath並沒有拋棄主張的權利,並且主張內容有理,認為地院的決定違反Micron決定意旨,因此同意「writ of mandamus」。






2018年11月28日 星期三



本篇筆記源自:如何取得歐洲專利(How to get a European patent)?第18版(http://documents.epo.org/projects/babylon/eponet.nsf/0/8266ED0366190630C12575E10051F40E/$File/how_to_get_a_european_patent_2018_en.pdf

- 當提出歐洲專利申請案時,依照Article 79 EPC,都視為指定全部的EPC成員國(締約國)。

- 但專利要在各成員國生效,需要繳交費用。並可以在任何時間撤銷指定國別。

- 各國指定費應在歐洲專利檢索報告(隨著專利申請案)公開(申請日後18個月)後6個月內繳交。

- 當歐洲專利獲准後,可以因此在任何歐洲專利公約(EPC)的成員國(contracting state)中受到保護,條件是,要翻譯成該成員國的官方語言。

根據Article 65(1) EPC規定,在獲准歐洲專利後3個月內要提出指定國的官方語言翻譯,而在簽署倫敦協議(London Agreement)的成員國中獲得專利保護,僅須翻譯申請專利範圍。(成員國:The contracting states are: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

- 獲准專利為方法流程(process),保護範圍及於由此方法流程直接產生的產品。

- 在各成員國中發生的侵權事件,由該國國內法執行。

- 「公開」的歐洲專利申請案有一種臨時保護(provisional protection)的效力,也如各成員國國內公開案的效力,日後專利一旦獲准,這段時間的侵權行為可以主張補償。

- 根據Article 63(Term of the European patent),歐洲專利自申請日起保護20年,進入各成員國內也沒有變長,但例外的是,到了國家階段,專利期限可以延長:戰爭、緊急狀況,以及,若專利權涉及產品或製造產品的方法,在上市前需要經過行政授權程序(administrative authorisation procedure),如藥品或植物檢驗,可以延長專利權(supplementary protection certificate (SPC))。

- 在各成員國提出的專利異議程序,可以在EPO上訴。

- 歐洲專利獲准後,開始指定國,即便指定了所有歐洲專利公約成員國,但仍須在各國繳費,除非明確表達要撤銷的幾個指定國。同樣地,繳付年費也是一樣。(因此,歐洲專利在各成員國生效的條件是:獲准歐洲專利、繳費與翻譯)

Article 65 Translation of the European patent
(1) Any Contracting State may, if the European patent as granted, amended or limited by the European Patent Office is not drawn up in one of its official languages, prescribe that the proprietor of the patent shall supply to its central industrial property office a translation of the patent as granted, amended or limited in one of its official languages at his option or, where that State has prescribed the use of one specific official language, in that language. The period for supplying the translation shall end three months after the date on which the mention of the grant, maintenance in amended form or limitation of the European patent is published in the European Patent Bulletin, unless the State concerned prescribes a longer period.

Article 79 Designation of Contracting States
(1)All the Contracting States party to this Convention at the time of filing of the European patent application shall be deemed to be designated in the request for grant of a European patent. 
(2)The designation of a Contracting State may be subject to the payment of a designation fee. 

(3)The designation of a Contracting State may be withdrawn at any time up to the grant of the European patent. 

歐洲專利簡介V - London Agreement(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2008/12/v-london-agreement.html




本篇筆記參考「Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office」,以及過去報導,加上一些同事回饋客戶提供的意見。


先問,(1)有否新事物(new matter)?再問(2)與原本經檢索的專利範圍之間是否具有單一性(unity)?


歐洲專利審查程序中,很特別的地方是,會先經過檢索單位(search division)進行專利檢索,提供檢索報告,還會伴隨初步審查意見,其中可能會報導單一性、明確性、新穎性、進步性等各項議題;之後,經過申請人回覆後,才會到審查單位(examination division)根據檢索報告進行實際審查,作出一份實際審查報告。


(1)申請修正時,申請人應表示修訂的部份是依據原申請內容,若審查委員認為修正不合規定,應提出校正要求,並要求一個月內提出(重點一,申請人要表明這個修正沒有new matter,但即便有,也有提出校正的機會)。



(1)經申請人修正的專利範圍將一些被檢索的權利範圍併項,並改寫其中特徵(說明書有支持),更將未被檢索的範圍改寫為依附為Claim 1的範圍,是被接受的(主要理由是仍在符合單一性的專利範圍之下)。



依照各種有關修正的法條規定(如以下一點非專業解釋),如Rule 137(5),原則上,是不允許修正加入未被檢索的技術特徵,但是不允許的理由是「修正加入的部分未與原本經過檢索的發明之間具有單一性

根據歐洲專利審查基準(Guidelines for Examination)進一步規定(針對審查委員意見),(重點四)修正時加入的技術特徵應:(1)原本已在專利範圍的特徵;或是(2)對原本專利範圍技術效果有貢獻的特徵。

反過來說,從審查基準得出不符Rule 137(5)的修正規定如下,這類特徵應以「分割案」提出申請(重點五)。

The European Patent Convention
Part VII – Implementing Regulations to Part VII of the Convention
Chapter VI – Amendments and corrections

Rule 137 – Amendment of the European patent application

Amended claims may not relate to unsearched subject-matter which does not combine with the originally claimed invention or group of inventions to form a single general inventive concept. Nor may they relate to subject-matter not searched in accordance with Rule 62a or Rule 63.
Rule 62a有關多個獨立請求項;Rule 63有關未完成檢索

Rule 63 Incomplete search
If the European Patent Office considers that the European patent application fails to such an extent to comply with this Convention that it is impossible to carry out a meaningful search regarding the state of the art on the basis of all or some of the subject-matter claimed, it shall invite the applicant to file, within a period of two months, a statement indicating the subject-matter to be searched. (若檢索單位無法作出有意義的檢索,要求申請人回應)
If the statement under paragraph 1 is not filed in due time, or if it is not sufficient to overcome the deficiency noted under paragraph 1, the European Patent Office shall either issue a reasoned declaration stating that the European patent application fails to such an extent to comply with this Convention that it is impossible to carry out a meaningful search regarding the state of the art on the basis of all or some of the subject-matter claimed or, as far as is practicable, draw up a partial search report. The reasoned declaration or the partial search report shall be considered, for the purposes of subsequent proceedings, as the European search report. (若檢索單位不能作出有意義檢索,專利局仍會盡量繼續審查程序,包括提出部分檢索報告)

When a partial search report has been drawn up, the Examining Division shall invite the applicant to restrict the claims to the subject-matter searched unless it finds that the objection under paragraph 1 was not justified.  (當檢索單位作出部分檢索報告,審查單位可要求申請人限制專利範圍到檢索的標的上)

Guidelines for Examination
Part H – Amendments and Corrections
Chapter II – Admissibility of amendments – general rules

6. Amendments relating to unsearched matter – Rule 137(5)
Subject-matter taken from the description 
Within the framework of Art. 123(2) and Art. 82, Rule 137(5), first sentence, should be construed as permitting any limitation of searched subject-matter which is unitary with the originally claimed subject-matter, irrespective of whether the technical feature(s) used for the limitation has/have been searched. (有關Rule 137(5)的可修正條件不是關於加入的技術特徵是否被檢索,而是允許與原本專利標的之間符合單一性的任何修正)(重點六

Thus, the addition to a claim of a technical feature which further defines an element that was already a feature of the original main claim or makes a contribution to the effect(s) of the features of the originally claimed invention(s) and which was expressly not searched but was disclosed in the context of the invention in the application as filed (usually in the description) will not result in an amended claim lacking a single general inventive concept with respect to the originally claimed invention(s). Consequently no objection under Rule 137(5), first sentence, should be raised in these circumstances, even though an additional search may be required (see C‑IV, 7.2). 重要:修正時加入的技術特徵應:(1)原本專利範圍已有的特徵;或是(2)對原本專利範圍技術效果有貢獻的特徵,即便這樣的特徵並未被檢索,也不會導致被認為是缺乏單一性的修正)(重點七
If amended claims are directed to subject-matter which has not been searched because it only appeared in the description (and the search division did not find it appropriate to extend the search to this subject-matter, see B‑III, 3.5) and which does not combine with the originally claimed and searched invention or group of inventions to form a single general inventive concept, such amendments are not admissible. (如果修正的專利範圍涉及未被檢索的標的,也沒有與原本標的連結(combine)以建立單一發明概念,修正不會被允許)
In other words, in order to assess whether or not amended claims fulfill the requirements of Rule 137(5), first sentence, the examining division needs to establish first whether or not the subject-matter to which they relate has or should have been searched (see B‑III, 3.5) and second whether or not an objection of lack of unity would have been raised if the amended claims had been present in the set of claims on file at the time of the search. (審查單位要判斷修正部分是否已被檢索,以及是否與原本檢索後的專利範圍之間具有單一性)
As a consequence, an objection under Rule 137(5), first sentence, will normally arise if the applicant attempts to replace a technical feature contained in a claim with a different technical feature taken from the description. (若申請人通過修正更換技術特徵,不符修正規定)(重點八
Similarly, an objection under Rule 137(5), first sentence, would also arise if a technical feature taken from the description which has an effect unrelated to the effect(s) of the features of the originally claimed invention(s) were added to a claim. (若修正加入的特徵無關於原本專利範圍的技術效果,不符修正規定)(重點九
If an objection under Rule 137(5), first sentence is raised, the applicant should be informed that he may continue to pursue such subject-matter only in the form of a divisional application under Art. 76. (以上所述不符規定的更換技術特徵的部分應以分割案提出申請)
The situation described above is different from amendments corresponding to an invention originally claimed but not searched under Rule 64, or Rule 164(1) or (2), which are dealt with in H‑II, 7.2. (Rule 64/164指檢索時已被認定不具單一性的專利範圍,並無關Rule 137(5)的修正規定,表示,加入原申請專利範圍中未被檢索範圍的特徵的修正仍是依照上述「是否滿足單一性」的條件審理)
Applicants should bear in mind that the examining procedure should be brought to a conclusion in as few actions as possible. So the examining division may exercise its right not to admit further amendments under Rule 137(3) (see H‑II, 2.3). (即便符合各種規定,專利審查基準仍賦予審查單位判斷是否接受修正內容的裁量權)(重點十
For Euro-PCT applications where the EPO acted as ISA or as SISA, the examining division has to issue an invitation under Rule 164(2) for any now claimed but unsearched invention contained in the originally filed application documents (description, claims and drawings, if any) which are to serve as the basis for examination upon expiry of the six-month time limit set in the communication under Rule 161 or Rule 162 (see C‑III, 2.3).

- 歐洲專利說明書修正(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2011/04/blog-post_16.html
- 歐洲專利修正筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/07/blog-post_28.html
- EPO專利申請時的修正規定(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/01/epo.html
- 歐洲專利檢索後的修正筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/08/blog-post_13.html
- 歐洲專利申請案修正不得加入未經檢索的特徵(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2012/11/blog-post_8.html

有關修正到未被檢索的專利範圍的案例:歐洲訴願T 1636/12(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/04/t-163612.html


2018年11月27日 星期二

法院可能含糊帶過101議題 - Digital Media Technologies, Inc. v. Netflix, Inc., et al.

本次為CAFC撤回上訴(AFFIRMED. See Fed. Cir. R. 36)的案例「Digital Media Technologies, Inc. v. Netflix, Inc., et al.」討論,當一個法律議題(如本案101)變得「沒有意見」,即便其中有含糊帶過、過多主觀意識的疑慮,仍可能表示上下級法院見解漸漸趨於一致

系爭專利:U.S. Patent No. 8964764

本案緣起專利權人Digital Media對Netflix提出侵權告訴,Netflix提出系爭專利不符美國專利法35U.S.C.101專利適格性的請願(motion),地方法院作出同意請願、撤銷專利權的決定。

系爭專利'764提出一種多媒體網路系統,具有內容導入、導出與整合的功能,可以讓使用者方便地、安全地上傳與下載多媒體內容,而其中是否符合美國專利法35U.S.C.101專利適格性,就看其中系爭專利範圍Claim 1的內容。

1. A multimedia system, comprising:
an external control server configured to:
receive a request from a client device via a wide area network requesting protected content to be sent to the client device;
receive client device authentication information from the client device, the client device authentication information comprising at least information related to a user authentication and a device authorization;
validate the client device authentication information according to predetermined criteria;
send protected content location information to the client device, the protected content location information being associated with a location of the protected content;
encrypt, in response to receiving a request for a content license from the client device via the wide area network, the request comprising information related to a location of the content license and being based on a determination by the client device that the protected content is encrypted and requires a content license, the content license using a public key associated with the client device, the content license comprising a content key which the client device uses to decrypt the protected content and usage parameters specifying terms under which the protected content can be consumed; and
send the encrypted content license to the client device, the client device using a private key associated with the client device to decrypt the content license and using the content key to decrypt the protected content for use according to usage parameters specified by the content license;
an external content server configured to:
receive a request for the protected content from the client device, the request comprising the protected content location information provided by the external control server; and
send the protected content to the client device.



根據許多101議題相關的法院案例,特別是衍生出的TWO-STEP測試,即便專利被認定為抽象概念,仍需要判斷是否專利範圍具有可以轉換抽象概念為可專利應用的進步概念(inventive concept),或說專利範圍中有否額外元件(additional element)產生可以「實質超越」抽象概念的效果,如果有(inventive concept、additional element),就為專利適格的發明。("whether it contains an ‘inventive concept’ sufficient to ‘transform’ the claimed abstract idea into a patent-eligible application")

在上述TWO-STEP測試中,step one (2A)是判斷發明是否為「抽象概念」?本案中,傳遞被版權與加密保護的內容被視為抽象概念

在step two(2B),判斷專利是否包括「進步概念(inventive concept)」?本案中,系爭專利範圍中的特徵被認為是公知、常規與習知的活動。

這裡,法院判決中提到,專利範圍相對習知的伺服器與客戶端傳送請求的技術沒有新穎特徵,因而沒有進步特徵,其中認證存取內容的權限也不是進步特徵。這樣的看法引起爭議,除了沒有正確解釋專利範圍外,也是分析101時常常迷失的地方:混淆了法律議題(101為法律議題)與事實議題(102, 103)


在本次法院意見中,似乎沒有通過解釋專利範圍(參考說明書、審查歷史)來確認是否為「抽象概念」,以及後續判斷是否有inventive concept!

編按,根據過去的報導,判斷申請專利範圍中是否具有significantly more的額外元件是要:

(1)「評估所述額外元件(additional elements)的 意義」,並(2)「識別出額外元件與評估他們的意義:得出請求項中的進步的概念(inventive concept)」,之後,(3)考量這些額外元件的個別或組合以評估是否專利範圍的整體(as a whole)為實質超越(significantly more)抽象概念。

INVENTIVE CONCEPT的意思不是新穎與進步性 - Two-Way Media v. Comcast (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/11/inventive-concept-two-way-media-v.html

重要:inventive concept判斷是看專利範圍通過解釋後是否為一般公知、常規與習知的技術?"The claims contained no saving inventive concept because although they recited some computer components, they required only ordinary functionality of these components."

  1. 改善其他技術或技術領域。
  2. 改善電腦功能。
  3. 在抽象概念上,或是通過特定機器(particular machine):(1)不能是一般目的電腦執行一般電腦功能;(2)不能僅加入用語"apply it“或是"實施抽象概念的等效用語;(3)不能僅是在電腦中實現抽象概念的指令。
  4. 轉換特定物品為不同的狀態或事物的效果。
  5. 加入"非公知‘常規與習知"的特定限制。
  6. 加入非習知的步驟而可限定專利範圍為有用的應用上(不能僅是加入非重要的額外方案活動,如資料採集)。
  7. 加入有意義限制到特定技術領域,而能使得專利範圍超越其一般抽象概念的使用。



my two cents:




2018年11月22日 星期四

解釋專利範圍是否有需要與過去司法見解一致? - Knowles Electronics v. Iancu (Fed. Cir. 2018)

本案「Knowles Electronics v. Iancu (Fed. Cir. 2018)」老生常談,解釋專利範圍的議題在每個專利爭議都會發生,但是各個主官管機構都有不同的限制與標準,本案討論「PTAB」解釋專利範圍時是否要考量過去司法意見,以及,PTAB是否在訴願案中採用新的證據(沒有讓專利權人有機會回覆)而作出與審查意見一致的決定。

系爭專利:US8,018,049inter partes reexamination no. 95/001,850
判決日:April 6, 2018



1. A silicon condenser microphone package comprising:
a package housing formed by connecting a multi-layer substrate comprising at least one layer of conductive material and at least one layer of non-conductive material, to a cover comprising at least one layer of conductive material;
a cavity formed within the interior of the package housing;
an acoustic port formed in the package housing; and
a silicon condenser microphone die disposed within the cavity in communication with the acoustic port;

where the at least one layer of conductive material in the substrate is electrically connected to the at least one layer of conductive material in the cover to form a shield to protect the silicon condenser microphone die against electromagnetic interference.




其中有個重點是,雖然順序是先看內部證據,再參考外部證據,而參考外部證據的判斷是要靠其中的「實質證據(substantial evidence)」。

本部落格中關於「substantial evidence」的報導如:顯而易見的實質證據的討論 - Elbit Systems v. Thales Visionix (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/03/elbit-systems-v-thales-visionix-fed-cir.html),其中作出重要的定義 - 「實質證據」指合理心證可接受足夠支撐結論的相關證據("Substantial evidence means “relevant evidence that a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.")。這是來自案例In Re Nuvasive, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2016)的解釋:

- 顯而易見性意見應證明前案結合的動機 - In Re Nuvasive, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2016)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/03/in-re-nuvasive-inc-fed-cir-2016.html





而爭議的專利範圍中的"package",PTAB解釋是包括半導體裝置的結構,為"first-level interconnect system"(一級互連系統)、電連結構、"second-level interconnection platform(二級互連平台)以及保護系統的外殼(二級結構)。但Knowles主張PTAB解釋有錯,強調應該採用MEMS(微機電)的解釋,應為"a second-level connection with a mounting mechanism"(安裝機構的二級連接)。

CAFC採用的解釋原則是「字面上的意義」,這也是案例Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)形成的原則,並採用「請求項差異原則(doctrine of claim differentiation)」,從附屬請求項界定的範圍"不能用來限制獨立請求項",因此獨立請求項具有更廣的解釋範圍,因此解釋這個"package"足以涵蓋所有的電路,沒有需要如專利權人的解釋為二級連接的機構。

- 112(d)、附屬項與請求項差異化原則(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/10/112d.html
- 合理解釋專利範圍的案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/05/phillips-v-awh-corp-fed-cir-2005.html


判決文中說明PTAB並未被限制一定要用審查意見的話(in haec verba),而可進一步解釋審查委員的核駁意見,PTAB可以找出審查意見中前案與專利的差異,並且基於這些事實作出意見;並且,CAFC認為PTAB並沒有以新的核駁意見來作出與審查委員一樣的決定。



