2020年4月29日 星期三

A.I.發明人!Mr. A.I.


申請日:July 29, 2019(尚未公開)
發明人:Dabus, invention generated by artificial intelligence
申請人:Stephen L. Thaler
USPTO發出notice of file missing parts日期:August 8, 2019/第二次:December 13, 2019
第一次請願日期:August 29, 2019
拒絕請願(拒絕撤銷此通知的決定):December 17, 2019
第二次請願日期:January 20, 2020
本次請願決定日期:April 22, 2020

這件專利申請案目前面臨的問題是USPTO發出「notice of file missing parts」:缺少"發明人",因此被拒絕審理,案件經"申請人"提出請願(petition),仍被拒絕審理。

根據這份請願決定(Decision on Petition),伴隨申請案的文件,如ADS,列出發明人為"DABUS",還"故意"在其姓氏欄位填入"invention generated by artificial intelligence",申請人則是:Stephen L. Thaler。

對此申請案,USPTO發出補件通知(notice of file missing parts),要求補上發明人,申請人提出請願(petition),請願被拒絕。



USPTO的意見是,各法條設定的「發明人」為「自然人」,法條中皆以whoever, himself, herself等稱呼,是個「person」,字面上無法涵蓋「機器」。

CAFC也有前例,如Univ. of Utah v. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften e. V.,其中關於「一個州/國家不能是發明人」,相關其他案例也都明示,發明人必須要是自然人。

MPEP 2137.01(II)規範發明中「概念/構想(conception)」的形成為「創造行為的心智部分的完整表現」("the complete performance of the mental part of the inventive act"),涉及心智部分,因此發明必須由自然人執行。


MPEP 2137.01

The definition for inventorship can be simply stated: "The threshold question in determining inventorship is who conceived the invention. Unless a person contributes to the conception of the invention, he is not an inventor. … Insofar as defining an inventor is concerned, reduction to practice, per se, is irrelevant [except for simultaneous conception and reduction to practice, Fiers v. Revel, 984 F.2d 1164, 1168, 25 USPQ2d 1601, 1604-05 (Fed. Cir. 1993)]. One must contribute to the conception to be an inventor." In re Hardee, 223 USPQ 1122, 1123 (Comm’r Pat. 1984). See also Board of Education ex rel. Board of Trustees of Florida State Univ. v. American Bioscience Inc., 333 F.3d 1330, 1340, 67 USPQ2d 1252, 1259 (Fed. Cir. 2003) ("Invention requires conception." With regard to the inventorship of chemical compounds, an inventor must have a conception of the specific compounds being claimed. "[G]eneral knowledge regarding the anticipated biological properties of groups of complex chemical compounds is insufficient to confer inventorship status with respect to specifically claimed compounds."); Ex parte Smernoff, 215 USPQ 545, 547 (Bd. App. 1982) ("one who suggests an idea of a result to be accomplished, rather than the means of accomplishing it, is not an coinventor"). See MPEP § 2138.04 - § 2138.05 for a discussion of what evidence is required to establish conception or reduction to practice.

請願決定(Decision on Petition)檔案:https://www.uspto.gov/sites/default/files/documents/16524350_22apr2020.pdf


- AI專利範例討論(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/09/ai_11.html
- AI專利?日本專利局與事務所資訊(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/09/ai.html

- A.I.律師(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/09/ai.html


my two cents:
這個議題會影響多少?這以A.I.機器人作為發明人的申請案顯然是律師"故意"(故意在發明人的姓氏欄位填入"invention generated by artificial intelligence")想碰觸這個議題的申請案,倒是跑出不少話題。一個很中立的講法是,不是拒絕A.I.作為發明人,而是法規要跟上,至少形成輿論,產生立法壓力,這...對於立法的演進來看是正常不過了!



Mr. Dabus為A.I.(Artificial Intelligence,人工智能)機器人,為兩件專利(其一即對應本篇討論美案16/524,350)的發明人,專利發明人所屬相關的AI系統(計畫)的開發者為Dr. Stephen Thaler(專利申請人),兩件發明分別關於LED作為緊急照明信號的技術,以及食物容器。



2020年4月28日 星期二



自從美國最高法院對35U.S.C.101經典案例Alice v. CLS Bank作出指示後,USPTO明顯增加與101相關的核駁理由,「專利適格性」的意見十分分歧,對於專利而言,就產生了許多的不確性,但是,隨著USPTO持續follow法院案例,也與時俱進,申請人也逐漸知道如何迴避101問題,顯得101相關核駁意見,要不然就是愈來愈簡化、愈來愈單純(好答辯),也愈來愈少,這樣,只要「法院」變數不要太多(趨向一致),專利的穩定性也就會高。

(下圖)USPTO這張表顯示從Alice v. CLS Bank案例以來以35U.S.C.101作為核駁意見的總體趨勢,其中標示兩個拐點:Berkheimer memorandum、2019年專利適格性指導方針(2019 PEG)。


Berkheimer memorandum:(針對step 2B:系爭專利範圍中元件個別或元件的組合是否在相關技術領域中為已知、常規與習知技術

- USPTO回應Berkheimer案提出step 2B審查備忘錄(http://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/04/usptoberkheimerstep-2b.html
- 法官怎麼看Berkheimer案(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/06/berkheimer.html
- 整體性地考量專利適格性,這是法律議題 - Berkheimer v. HP, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/04/berkheimer-v-hp-inc-fed-cir-2018.html

- 根據USPTO審查意見的101筆記 - 審委的OA一堂課(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/03/uspto101-oa.html

(筆記)針對101適格性的TWO-STEP檢驗步驟中的step 2B(已經判斷是abstract idea):
第二,依據MPEP § 2106.05(d)(II)規定作出專利範圍中元件為公知、常規與習知的結論,其中列舉一些「法院認證過的」的公知、常規與習知,而且是「無足輕重的額外解決方案("insignificant extra-solution activity")」的電腦功能、生活科學等。
第三,引用出版品證明專利範圍中的元件(或組合)是公知、常規與習知。(這裡強調與102中規定的出版品(printed publication)仍有差異,有些出版品不見得能證明元件為公知。)

第四,元件或其組合是否為公知、常規與習知,審查委員要根據自己的判斷發出正式通知(official notice),例如根據以上三點證據,再面對申請人答辯理由。這裡提到如同MPEP § 2144.03中規範的103議題討論。

2019年專利適格性指導方針(2019 PEG):

針對step 2A:
(1) 是否申請專利範圍界定的發明引述法定例外?其中,抽象概念可以分為:數學概念(mathematical concepts)、一些組織人類行為的方法(certain methods of organizing human activity)以及心智活動(mental processes)等。
(2) 如果法定例外的事項可以整合到實用的應用(integrated into a practical application)上,引述了法定例外的相關申請專利範圍不算涉及(not directed to)法定例外。

- USPTO的2019開年禮之一 - 適格性指導方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/uspto2019.html






- 美國專利的面詢規定 - MPEP 713(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/08/mpep-713.html
- 美國發明專利申請程序筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/11/blog-post_21.html
- 美國專利局線上面詢方案(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/03/blog-post_9.html

關於面詢(美國),MPEP 713有完整的規範。

細則37 CFR 1.133  Interviews.
(1) Interviews with examiners concerning applications and other matters pending before the Office must be conducted on Office premises and within Office hours, as the respective examiners may designate. Interviews will not be permitted at any other time or place without the authority of the Director.
(2) An interview for the discussion of the patentability of a pending application will not occur before the first Office action, unless the application is a continuing or substitute application or the examiner determines that such an interview would advance prosecution of the application.
(3) The examiner may require that an interview be scheduled in advance.
(b) In every instance where reconsideration is requested in view of an interview with an examiner, a complete written statement of the reasons presented at the interview as warranting favorable action must be filed by the applicant. An interview does not remove the necessity for reply to Office actions as specified in §§ 1.111 and 1.135.

根據37 CFR 1.133,與審查委員面詢/電詢的時間條件是:辦公時間,且需要USPTO長官授權審查委員約定時間與執行。






The complete and proper recordation of the substance of any interview should include or be supplemented to include at least the following applicable items:
  • (A) a brief description of the nature of any exhibit shown or any demonstration conducted;
  • (B) identification of the claims discussed;
  • (C) identification of specific prior art discussed;
  • (D) identification of the principal proposed amendments of a substantive nature discussed (may refer to a copy attached to the Interview Summary form completed by the examiner);
  • (E) the general thrust of the principal arguments of the applicant and the examiner should also be identified, even where the interview is initiated by the examiner. The identification of arguments need not be lengthy or elaborate. A verbatim or highly detailed description of the arguments is not required. The identification of the arguments is sufficient if the general nature or thrust of the principal arguments can be understood in the context of the application file. Of course, the applicant may desire to emphasize and fully describe those arguments which he or she feels were or might be persuasive to the examiner;
  • (F) a general indication of any other pertinent matters discussed;
  • (G) if appropriate, the general results or outcome of the interview; and
  • (H) in the case of an interview via electronic mail a paper copy of the contents exchanged over the internet MUST be made and placed in the patent application file as required by the Federal Records Act in the same manner as an Examiner Interview Summary form is entered.

MPEP 713 Interviews

  • 在第一次OA前執行面詢,但僅限於延續案,對於一般申請案,若審查委員認為有助專利審查,仍可以面詢("Interviews Prior to First Official Action")。
  • 面詢的內容必須作成記錄("Substance of Interview Must Be Made of Record")。
  • 拒絕或同意或特定狀況的面詢("Interviews Prohibited or Granted, Special Situations"):不准面詢的情況是已經發出訴願理由、已經發出核准通知;適當面詢的時機:申請人答辯前,可以提供可核准範圍,或是要幫助申請人判斷如何繼續審查程序;註冊代理人才可執行面詢。
  • 在FOA與訴願通知之間執行的面詢,這部分面詢是討論如何核准專利,或是解決訴願前的議題,這期間的面詢若促進加速訴願審查與處理速度,即便是第二次,還是會同意執行面詢("Interviews Between Final Rejection and Notice of Appeal")。
  • 專利領證後的修正,原則上不能准予面詢,因為已經不會是與原本審查委員進行面詢,此時,只有在特例中才會進行面詢("Interview Preceding Filing Amendment Under 37 CFR 1.312")。


2020年4月23日 星期四

口審中專利性的討論 - 歐洲訴願案T 0394/15


歐洲訴願案T 0394/15:
訴願決定日:26 February 2020

系爭案發明關於一種可以自動退針的自動注射器,專利權人為Medicom Innovation Partner,案件經異議人Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH提出舉發,理由包括不明確、缺乏新穎性與進步性,歐洲異議審查部門(opposition division)於12/22/2014作出決定,採用專利權人提出的third auxiliary request(編按,這等於是第4組專利範圍,歐洲異議答辯、訴願、口審可提出多組修正),維持其專利權,不過,異議人提出新引證案,提出訴願。


訴願理由中,其中除範圍較廣的"main request"外,專利權人還提出另外六個附屬(first to sixth auxiliary requests)的修正請求,其中"first auxiliary request"即異議程序中的"third auxiliary request"訴願委員會召集口審程序(oral proceedings)。

口審程序於26 February 2020舉行,專利權人除了主張專利有效外,還主張異議人後來補充先前技術不應被接受,部分理由是費用問題(編按,這應該是因為費用分攤問題,專利權人可能會花費額外成本處理額外新增理由),口審當日雙方都沒參加。

列舉"first auxiliary request"相對"main request"的Claim 1修正:

異議人需要對所有修正請求範圍提出異議理由(專利無效理由),訴願委員會在沒有一方參與口審程序的情況下(這是很正常的情況)審理各修正請求中各項專利範圍,一般是從最大範圍開始審理,訴願決定可以核准的修正請求為"first auxiliary request",根據訴願決定,首先也是解釋專利範圍。


"According to Article 104(1) EPC in conjunction with Rule 100(1) EPC each party to opposition appeal proceedings has to bear the costs it has incurred, unless the Board, for reasons of equity, orders a different apportionment of costs."


"first auxiliary request"具有新穎性,因為D12(D13有相似結構)並未揭示系爭專利中的"first injection lock",我覺得訴願委員會的論點很"持平",有討論"teach away"的高難度理解力,也就是會考量"如果將D12/D13"對應的結構置入系爭專利發明中,可能導致原本功能失效的問題。(編按,訴願委員會考量了,即便D12/D13可以解釋如系爭專利發明有關自動退針"鎖"的特徵,但會影響其原本功效,就不能認為已經揭露了該特徵)


這裡討論到"teach away"("This teaches away from the distinguishing feature of claim 1 of the first auxiliary request, which presupposes a user intervention for triggering a step of the injection procedure."),顯示D5"反向教示"系爭專利對應的特徵,使得訴願委員會做出結論:相關領域技術人員無法根據D5而能以顯而易見的方式實現系爭專利發明("In conclusion, the person skilled in the art would not have arrived at the subject-matter of claim 1 of the first auxiliary request in an obvious way on the basis of D5 alone.")。

對於結合D5的其他引證案的不具進步性理由,都基於上述對D5的判斷而作出「相關領域技術人員無法根據D5的教示與各引證案的教示而能以顯而易見的方式實現系爭專利發明」結論("It follows that the skilled person, starting from D5 in view of D14 to D19, would not have arrived at the subject-matter of claim 1 of the first auxiliary request in an obvious way.")。

結論:"first auxiliary request"為可專利範圍。

my two cents:




2020年4月22日 星期三

先前文獻公開日的認定 - In-Depth Geophysical, Inc. v. ConocoPhillips Company (IPR, Sept. 6, 2019)

以下幾件案例為USPTO/PTAB (April 7, 2020)指定為先例(precedential)或有資訊價值的案件:
- Ex parte Grillo-López, Appeal No. 2018-006082 (Jan. 31, 2020) (precedential)(已報導:https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/04/ipr-ex-parte-grillo-lopez-appeal-no.html
- Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC v. Research Corporation Technologies, Inc., IPR2016-00204, Paper 19 (May 23, 2016) (informative as to section II.B) 
- Seabery North America Inc. v. Lincoln Global, Inc., IPR2016-00840, Paper 11 (Oct. 6, 2016) (informative as to section II.A.i)
- Sandoz Inc. v. AbbVie Biotechnology Ltd., IPR2018-00156, Paper 11 (June 5, 2018) (informative as to section III.C.1)
- In-Depth Geophysical, Inc. v. ConocoPhillips Company, IPR2019-00849, Paper 14 (Sept. 6, 2019) (informative as to section I.E)


In-Depth Geophysical, Inc. v. ConocoPhillips Company, IPR2019-00849案:

系爭專利:US9,632,193 (IPR2019-00849)



主要議題為,專利權人主張上述Li引證案(簡稱)並不符合先前技術的資格(35U.S.C.102),並非102規定的公開超過一年的印刷物(printed publication),也就是主張並非為超過系爭專利有效申請日(優先權日)前一年的公開文獻。

(編按,對照前篇"Ex parte Grillo-López, Appeal No. 2018-006082 (Jan. 31, 2020) (precedential)"討論USPTO專利審查階段的舉證與IPR階段的舉證責任的框架(framework)差異,剛好是對照的IPR案)

關於如何判定是「公開的印刷物(accessible to the public)」,以下摘錄相關案例,特別說作為引證案的公開印刷物應是相關領域者有興趣者可以存取到文獻的程度(編按,就是想要得到就可以得到,如放在圖書館、放在網路上特定位置(包括加入會員可下載的),而不限定在公開在刊物、公眾媒體的那種)。("...publicly accessible’ upon a satisfactory showing that such document has been disseminated or otherwise made available to the extent that persons interested and ordinarily skilled in the subject matter or art exercising reasonable diligence, can locate it.”")


  • 系爭專利優先權日(美國臨時案61/898,960):11/01/2013。
  • 要證明"申請人等(發明人自己、共同發明人,或其他直接或間接自發明人或共同發明人獲得)"的文獻為合格的先前技術的公開日至少要在:11/01/2012(critical data)(一年優惠期)。
  • Li引證案公開日:09/2012之前。
  • Li在網頁上列為會議文獻,包括摘要,在09/2012已讀有45人次。
  • 系爭專利對應歐洲案(European counterpart Application)引用Li案為背景技術,與另一前案結合作出系爭專利不具進步性的核駁意見。(編按,EPO認定新穎性前案的標準與US不同,在本案US有一年優惠期)
  • 系爭案說明書將Li列為背景技術,引用其中摘要,並說明日期為:09/01/2012。
  • IPR異議人下載Li引證文獻的日期:02/25/2013。
  • 相關2012年會議舉行日期為:11/4-9/2012。



PTAB判定,Li引證案在11/4-9/2012舉行會議前公開的資訊並非全文,其中註解的著作權資訊(“© 2012 SEG” and “SEG Las Vegas Annual 2012 Meeting"

舉證責任在IPR異議人("burden to show a reasonable likelihood that the reference is a printed publication"),因為沒有提出足以證明系爭專利無效的優勢證據(即無法證明Li引證案為符合102規定的公開印刷物),PTAB拒絕啟始IPR審查。




2020年4月21日 星期二

IPR程序與專利審查程序的舉證責任討論 - Ex parte Grillo-López, Appeal No. 2018-006082 (Jan. 31, 2020)

以下幾件案例為USPTO/PTAB (April 7, 2020)指定為先例(precedential)或有資訊價值的案件:
- Ex parte Grillo-López, Appeal No. 2018-006082 (Jan. 31, 2020) (precedential)
- Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC v. Research Corporation Technologies, Inc., IPR2016-00204, Paper 19 (May 23, 2016) (informative as to section II.B) 
- Seabery North America Inc. v. Lincoln Global, Inc., IPR2016-00840, Paper 11 (Oct. 6, 2016) (informative as to section II.A.i)
- Sandoz Inc. v. AbbVie Biotechnology Ltd., IPR2018-00156, Paper 11 (June 5, 2018) (informative as to section III.C.1)
- In-Depth Geophysical, Inc. v. ConocoPhillips Company, IPR2019-00849, Paper 14 (Sept. 6, 2019) (informative as to section I.E)

Ex parte Grillo-López Appeal No. 2018-006082  案:

系爭案(美國專利申請案:13/524,837)在專利審查階段被駁回,USPTO審查意見認為其中claims 15-17為顯而易知,專利申請人ANTONIO J. GRILLO-LOPEZ提出訴願,2019年訴願決定以新的核駁意見,同樣認為系爭案為顯而易知。(結論相同,但理由不同,這不影響本篇討論的主要議題:舉證責任)

專利申請人針對訴願決定提出再審請求(request for rehearing),議題涉及系爭案發明曾經在申請前公開的資訊是否屬於出版物(printed publication)的討論

其中有關證據是否滿足「出版品」的議題參照IPR前例 - Hulu, LLC v. Sound View Innovations, LLC, IPR2018-01039, Paper 29 (PTAB Dec. 20, 2019) (precedential),引用其中PTAB的意見,但在本案中,PTAB反倒覺得「在審查階段證明出版物文獻的責任不同於IPR階段,如Hulu案」(如下)。

"This decision to deny a request for rehearing explains that the burden for establishing that a reference is a printed publication is different in examination than in an inter partes review proceeding. The holding in Hulu, LLC v. Sound View Innovations, LLC, IPR2018-01039, Paper 29 (PTAB Dec. 20, 2019) (precedential), does not apply to examination."

參考Hulu, LLC v. Sound View Innovations中的意見:

在本案中,爭議的文件是「July 25, 1997 meeting of FDA's Biological Response Modifiers Advisory Committee("FDA Transcript"),專利申請人主張本案FDA Transcript並不同於所引用的前例("Hulu, LLC v. Sound View Innovations, LLC, IPR2018-01039, Paper 29 (PTAB Dec. 20, 2019) ")判定FDA Transcript並非出版物的決定,但PTAB的意見是:前例Hulu案為IPR程序,IPR異議人(petitioner)被要求要表示足以證明專利不具專利性的論述與證據

但不同的是,USPTO審查專利申請案時,將舉證責任(burden of proof)轉移(shift)到專利申請人,而所舉出證據是要反駁專利性的核駁意見,審查委員的舉證責任為提出名義上(nominal,有名無實)的公開日,審查委員的責任也不需要過高。


在IPR異議程序與專利審查的舉證責任框架不同,在Hulu案中,異議人並不滿足證明FDA Transcript為公開出版物的責任,但本案並不是這樣,也非與前例相左。(編按,這部分差異很微妙,為本案主要議題)

Given the different legal frameworks and burdens for establishing a reference as prior art in IPR proceedings and examination, the Decision is not contrary to the Board decisions finding that a petitioner failed to meet its burden of showing that the FDA transcript is a printed publication.  In other words, the framework set forth in the Hulu decision for IPR proceedings does not apply to examination.


- examination and IPR proceedings have different standards for establishing a printed publication

- the examiner sufficiently established that the FDA Transcript is a printed publication

本案中,在相關技術領域中的腫瘤學家、醫學研究者屬於有興趣者(interested person),有意去發覺到發表FDA Transcript的會議,也就證明FDA Transcript為公開的出版物。

最終決定是,PTAB認為,本案中的FDA Transcript屬於35 U.S.C. 102規定中的「printed publication」。

my two cents:




2020年4月16日 星期四

歐洲專利審查的口審制度 - 筆記

本篇筆記討論歐洲審查的口頭審理(oral proceedings)。

EPC Article 116規範口頭審理程序,這是因應相關人(審查委員、專利申請人、訴訟任一方)提出的口審請求,但僅在EPO認為需要,或是案件將要被駁回(審定)時才會同意召開口審程序。



歐洲專利審查規則「Rule 115(1)」訂出召開口頭審理的基本規定,是依據EPC Article 116的規定,任何一方可以依據EPC Art. 116規定召開口頭審理程序(Oral Proceedings),官方提供2個月期限,讓專利申請人提出口審意見,申請人可以不出席,但須提出書面資料(包括技術答辯、回應OA內容、專利範圍修正)。

關於細節,可參考歐洲審查指南Part E, Chapter III (Oral Proceedings),其中第5節規定口審的預備(Preparation of oral proceedings ),有關召開口頭審理的規定在第6節,以下有些筆記:

  • 口頭審理程序為EPO的權宜程序,可以自為決定,但有關聯的各方也可提出。
  • 口頭審理程序經常是審查階段最後一次的答辯機會,之後若專利被終駁,就要進入訴願程序。
  • 進入口頭審理之前,專利申請人可以提出多個答辯與修正的版本,這是與其他各國很不一樣的地方。
  • 相關部門(如審查部門、訴願部門或異議程序的部門(訴願委員會))應設定一個口頭審理的日期。
  • 召開口頭審理程序的通知應伴隨要討論的議題。
  • 召開口頭審理程序的單位可以引用新文獻。
  • 口頭審理程序應為較後端的程序,如果有引述新的文獻,又是早期程序,應以一般審查意見(communication)處理。
  • 如果同時有多件異議程序,即便都是不同的議題,可以一次口頭審理處理。

Guidelines for Examination
Part E, Chapter III (Oral Proceedings), 

5. Preparation of oral proceedings 

The purpose of oral proceedings is to settle as far as possible all outstanding questions relevant to the decision. To this end proceedings will be carefully prepared after examination of all the written matter submitted and with this in mind the most appropriate date for conducting oral proceedings is chosen.

When preparing oral proceedings, particularly in opposition, the division considers carefully whether complex legal issues are likely to arise, and it may therefore decide to enlarge the division by adding a legally qualified member (Art. 18(2) and 19(2)).

Insofar as certain questions relevant to the decision are considered by the EPO to require discussion, it will in many cases be expedient to inform the party or parties in a notice and possibly also to invite one or more of the parties to submit written observations or to produce evidence, where appropriate. Parties may produce evidence in support of their arguments on their own initiative. Where, however, the evidence is such as should have been put forward at an earlier stage, e.g. in opposition proceedings pursuant to D‑IV, and 5.4, it is for the competent body to consider whether the evidence not filed in due time is to be admitted (see E‑VI, 2). Any observations should be received in time for them to be communicated to the other parties at the latest one month before the oral proceedings. The time limit for submission of observations is fixed accordingly, particularly where the invitation to file observations is issued at the same time as the summons to oral proceedings.

6 (Summons to oral proceedings)

All parties must be duly summoned to oral proceedings by notification. The summons must state the subject and the date and time of the oral proceedings.

The division sets a single date for the oral proceedings, i.e. one day or, in particular cases, more than one consecutive day. No pre-announcement of the date by phone or fax will be made. Oral proceedings may be set for any working day on which the EPO is open at the relevant site.

The summons will be accompanied by a note drawing attention to the points which need to be discussed, normally containing the provisional and non-binding opinion of the division. New documents may be cited in the annex to the summons (T 120/12), together with an explanation of their significance. However, the examiner must carefully consider on a case-by-case basis whether citing a new document would introduce a new line of argument. At an early stage in the procedure, he must consider sending a further communication before issuing any summons if a new document needs to be cited. For the additional requirements of the accompanying note if the summons is issued as the first action in examination, see C‑III, 5. The summons as well as the annexed communication can only be appealed together with the final decision unless a separate appeal is allowed (see E‑X, 3).

The summons will also fix a date up to which written submissions may be filed or amendments which meet the requirements of the EPC may be submitted (see also D‑VI, 3.2).

Rule 115(1) stipulates that at least two months' notice of the summons must be given unless the parties agree to a shorter period. Such agreement must be present in the public part of the file.

Harmonised with the standards applied in the written procedure (E‑VIII, 1.2), the practice outlined below is followed in setting the date of the oral proceedings to allow the parties sufficient time for preparing and filing submissions:

Any time limit (even shorter than two months) may be set provided that prior agreement has been reached with the parties. 
Normally, the summons is issued at least four months ahead of the day of the oral proceedings in examination and at least six months ahead of the day of the oral proceedings in opposition. 
Between two and four months' notice can be given without preliminary agreement only in specific circumstances, since the parties would have very limited time for filing submissions before the date fixed in the summons. Examples are where, in examination, the summons follows an extensive exchange between the first examiner and the applicant, or where the oral proceedings must be postponed (see also E‑III, 7.2).
Where the summons is issued as the first action in examination, six months are foreseen between the despatch of the summons and the date of the oral proceedings (see C‑III, 5).
The summons must state that if a party duly summoned does not appear as summoned, the proceedings may continue without him.

In opposition proceedings as a rule, even oral proceedings requested on the basis of totally different grounds for opposition are conducted as a single set of proceedings.

In cases of multiple oppositions, all oral proceedings requested are dealt with in a single session, even if the oppositions are based on different grounds (see D‑I, 6). This means that all the parties must be summoned to attend them and may present comments on all grounds raised.

Article 116 Oral proceedings
(1) Oral proceedings shall take place either at the instance of the European Patent Office if it considers this to be expedient or at the request of any party to the proceedings. However, the European Patent Office may reject a request for further oral proceedings before the same department where the parties and the subject of the proceedings are the same. 
(2) Nevertheless, oral proceedings shall take place before the Receiving Section at the request of the applicant only where the Receiving Section considers this to be expedient or where it intends to refuse the European patent application. 
(3) Oral proceedings before the Receiving Section, the Examining Divisions and the Legal Division shall not be public. 

(4) Oral proceedings, including delivery of the decision, shall be public, as regards the Boards of Appeal and the Enlarged Board of Appeal, after publication of the European patent application, and also before the Opposition Divisions, in so far as the department before which the proceedings are taking place does not decide otherwise in cases where admission of the public could have serious and unjustified disadvantages, in particular for a party to the proceedings. 

Rule 115 Summons to oral proceedings
(1) The parties shall be summoned to oral proceedings under Article 116, drawing their attention to paragraph 2 of this Rule. At least two months' notice of the summons shall be given, unless the parties agree to a shorter period.

(2) If a party duly summoned to oral proceedings before the European Patent Office does not appear as summoned, the proceedings may continue without that party. 


2020年4月14日 星期二

主動撤銷訴訟的費用怎麼算? - O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. v. Timney Triggers, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2020)

「O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. v. Timney Triggers, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2020)」案件資訊:
原告/被上訴人:O.F. MOSSBERG & SONS, INC.
判決日:April 13, 2020

本案緣起專利權人向Timney提出侵權訴訟,地院法官先將案件擱置,等待被告Timney向USPTO對系爭專利提起再審的意見(reexamination),而...5年後(reexamination超沒效率(但仍須視過程而定),可以作為「訴訟策略」的一環!?!),Timney勝了,證明系爭專利無效,回到地院,結果原告Mossberg依照美國聯邦民事訴訟規則(FRCP)「41(a)(1)(A)(i)」而主動撤銷訴訟,地方法院也撤銷訴訟("without prejudice",可參考:https://enpan.blogspot.com/2013/05/without-prejudice.html)。

隨著地院撤銷訴訟,跟著的爭議就是「律師費用」怎麼分攤?在地方法院,法官認為因為案件被撤銷,沒有司法判決,也就沒有勝方(prevailing party),根據「35 U.S.C § 285」,也就沒有返還律師費用的問題。


系爭專利US7,293,385關於「槍枝中模組化的觸發器(Modular trigger group)」。



除了被告要求擱置訴訟外,原告Mossberg可能感到瞄頭不對,隨即請求地院擱置訴訟,地院也同意擱置等待再審結果。後來,等到再審結果後,原告立即依照「FRCP 41(a)(1)(A)(i)」發出主動撤銷通知(notice of voluntary dismissal),地院同意撤銷速甕。(編按,這個立即反應很重要,省了一大筆錢)

被告,也就是再審勝方,Timney提起返還律師費用的請願(35 U.S.C § 285),但285條規定僅適用返還合理的費用給「勝方(prevailing party)」,地院否決請願,理由是Timney不算勝方。

美國最高法院補一刀,依照最高法院「Octane Fitness, LLC v. ICON Health & Fitness, Inc., 572 U.S. 545, 553−54 (2014)」意見,需要依據實質法律關係變化決定誰是「勝方」,CAFC認為,這個關係應要司法認證("judicial imprimatur")過的。

可參考:地方法院有決定律師費誰付的裁量權 - Octane Fitness v. Icon Health (Supreme Court 2014)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/05/octane-fitness-v-icon-health-supreme.html

(重要)特別的是,即便法院認為某方提出理由「毫無根據」,但也會有個「判決」,還有,即便不是贏了訴訟,也非因此不能成為「勝方"prevailing party"」,只要成立法律關係的改變,即可以根據285判賠返還律師費用,相關最高法院案例如:CRST Van Ex-pedited, Inc. v. E.E.O.C., 136 S. Ct. 1642, 1646 (2016)

被告Timney爭辯,認為地院在等待USPTO再審結果(等了5年)應提供必須的「司法認證("judicial imprimatur")」,CAFC法官同意根據各種司法關係判斷是否產生「勝方」,但卻認為,本案爭議並非是否法院對此案有作出最終決定,而是關於是否最後有最終決定(重要)(不能僅有中間判決!這是我的理解)。

"But the issue here is not whether there was a final decision on the merits. It is whether there was a final decision at all."

基於這個坳口的邏輯判斷,本案因為原告「主動撤銷」案件,法院(指地院)最後沒有作出最終決定(final court decision),Timney不算prevailing party,因此CAFC同意地院無法作出返還律師費用的決定。

Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure(https://www.cit.uscourts.gov/sites/cit/files/Rule%2041.pdf


The court in exceptional cases may award reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party.

my two cents:

有關35 U.S.C. § 285的報導參考:
地方法院有決定律師費誰付的裁量權 - Octane Fitness v. Icon Health (Supreme Court 2014)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/05/octane-fitness-v-icon-health-supreme.html
- 不願和解妥協的NEWEGG的勝利方程式 - AdjustaCam v. Newegg (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/07/newegg-adjustacam-v-newegg-fed-cir-2017.html
- 有關35 U.S.C. § 285返還律師費用的充分條件 - Intellectual Ventures I LLC v. Trend Micro Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/12/35-usc-285-intellectual-ventures-i-llc.html
- 誰是prevailing party? - Raniere v. Microsoft and AT&T (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/05/prevailing-party-raniere-v-microsoft.html

- 美國法院要NPE律師自己負擔法律費用 - Gust vs Alphacap Ventures and Richard Juarez(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/03/npe-gust-vs-alphacap-ventures-and.html


