2019年10月30日 星期三



- 美國專利局於10月(October 17, 2019)更新專利適格性審查方針
- October 2019 Update: Subject Matter Eligibilityhttps://www.uspto.gov/sites/default/files/documents/peg_oct_2019_update.pdf

II. The Groupings Of Abstract Ideas Enumerated In The 2019 PEG


A. Mathematical Concepts,「數學概念」包括幾種態樣: “數學關係式”、“數學公式或方程式”以及“數學計算”。

申請專利範圍中引述數學方法的案例可參考美國最高法院判例 - PARKER v. FLOOK (1978)(https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/437/584.html),其中法院意見是,不會因為申請專利範圍引述了數學方法而單純地斷定發明不具可專利性,而會查驗整體是否僅採用了習知方案。

另一方面是,或者專利範圍並未直接描述數學方法,而僅是包括了「數學概念(mathematical concept)」,不見得能判斷落入了抽象概念的範疇。

- 軟體專利(CAFC判決:CLS Bank v. Alice Corp.)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2013/05/cafccls-bank-v-alice-corp.html
- History of Software Patents I(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2009/01/history-of-software-patents-i.html

i. “Mathematical Relationships”

  • a relationship between reaction rate and temperature, which relationship can be expressed in the form of a formula called the Arrhenius equation, Diamond v. Diehr;
  • a conversion between binary-coded decimal and pure binary numerals, Gottschalk v. Benson; and
  • a mathematical relationship between enhanced directional radio activity and antenna conductor arrangement (i.e., the length of the conductors with respect to the operating wave length and the angle between the conductors), Mackay Radio & Tel. Co. v. Radio Corp. of Am.

ii. “Mathematical Formulas or Equations”

  • a Arrhenius equation, Diamond v. Diehr;
  • a formula for computing an alarm limit, Parker v. Flook; and
  • a mathematical formula for hedging (claim 4), Bilski v. Kappos.

iii. “Mathematical Calculations”

  • performing a resampled statistical analysis to generate a resampled distribution, SAP Am., Inc. v. InvestPic, LLC
  • calculating a number representing an alarm limit value using the mathematical formula ‘‘B1=B0 (1.0–F) + PVL(F),’’ Parker v. Flook; and
  • using a formula to convert geospatial coordinates into natural numbers, Burnett v. Panasonic Corp.

B. Certain Methods of Organizing Human Activity

其實不是所有管理人類活動的方法都屬於抽象的,如組合一些藥品成份產生的藥物配方。這個組織人類活動的範疇如:基本經濟原則、實踐、商業或法律互動、管理個人行為、人與人之間的關係或互動(fundamental economic principles or practices, commercial or legal interactions, managing personal behavior, and relationships or interactions between people),即便是一個人、多個人與電腦的活動,都算落入"certain methods of organizing human activity"的範疇中。

i. “Fundamental Economic Practices or Principles”

  • local processing of payments for remotely purchased goods, Inventor Holdings, LLC v. Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc.;
  • using a marking affixed to the outside of a mail object to communicate information about the mail object, i.e., the sender, recipient, and contents of the mail object, Secured Mail Solutions LLC v. Universal Wilde, Inc.; and
  • placing an order based on displayed market information, Trading Technologies Int’l, Inc. v. IBG LLC .

MPEP2106.04(a)(2)(I)可參考:法院定義的「抽象概念」 - MPEP 2106.04(a)(2)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/07/mpep-210604a2.html

ii. “Commercial or Legal Interactions”

  • a transaction performance guaranty, which is a contractual relationship, buySAFE, Inc. v. Google, Inc.; and
  • processing insurance claims for a covered loss or policy event under an insurance policy (i.e., an agreement in the form of a contract), Accenture Global Services GmbH v. Guidewire Software, Inc.
  • tax-free exchanges of real estate, where the exchange is a legal obligation, Fort Properties, Inc. v. American Master Lease LLC; and
  • arbitration (i.e., resolving a legal dispute between two parties using an arbitrator), In re Comiskey.
  • using advertising as an exchange or currency, Ultramercial, Inc. v. Hulu, LLC;
  • offer-based price optimization, which pertains to marketing, OIP Techs., Inc. v. Amazon.com, Inc.; and
  • structuring of a sales force or marketing company, which pertains to marketing or sales activities or behaviors, In re Ferguson.
  • processing a credit application between a customer and dealer, where the business relation is the relationship between the customer and the dealer during the vehicle purchase, Credit Acceptance Corp. v. Westlake Services; and
  • • processing information through a clearinghouse, where the business relation is the relationship between a party that submitted a credit application (e.g., a car dealer) and funding sources (e.g., banks) when processing credit applications, Dealertrack v. Huber.

其他還可參考:MPEP 2106.04(a)(2)(II)(A)-(B)

iii. “Managing Personal Behavior or Relationships or Interactions Between People”
  • a set of rules for playing a dice game, In re Marco Guldenaar Holding B.V.;
  • voting, verifying the vote, and submitting the vote for tabulation, Voter Verified, Inc. v. Election Systems & Software LLC;
  • assigning hair designs to balance head shape, In re Brown; and
  • a series of instructions of how to hedge risk, Bilski v. Kappos.

其他可參考:MPEP 2106.04(a)(2)(II)(C)

C. Mental Processes
「心智程序」,就是執行在人類心智的概念,如觀察、評估、判斷與意見(observations, evaluations, judgments, and opinions),如何判斷專利範圍中引述了「心智程序」,如下幾種指導方針。

i. A Claim With Limitation(s) That Cannot Practically Be Performed In The Human Mind Does Not Recite A Mental Process
若專利範圍不能實際在人類心智所執行,就不是引述了心智程序(mental process),相關案例如:
  • a claim to a method for calculating an absolute position of a GPS receiver and an absolute time of reception of satellite signals, where the claimed GPS receiver calculated pseudoranges that estimated the distance from the GPS receiver to a plurality of satellites, SiRF Technology, Inc. v. International Trade Commission;
  • a claim to detecting suspicious activity by using network monitors and analyzing network packets, SRI Int’l, Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc.;
  • a claim to a specific data encryption method for computer communication involving a several-step manipulation of data, Synopsys, Inc. v. Mentor Graphics Corp. (distinguishing the claims in TQP Development, LLC v. Intuit Inc.); and
  • a claim to a method for rendering a halftone image of a digital image by comparing, pixel by pixel, the digital image against a blue noise mask, where the method required the manipulation of computer data structures (e.g., the pixels of a digital image and a two-dimensional array known as a mask) and the output of a modified computer data structure (a halftoned digital image), Research Corp. Techs. v. Microsoft Corp.

  • a claim to “collecting information, analyzing it, and displaying certain results of the collection and analysis,” where the data analysis steps are recited at a high level of generality such that they could practically be performed in the human mind, Electric Power Group, LLC v. Alstom, S.A.;
  • claims to “comparing BRCA sequences and determining the existence of alterations,” where the claims cover any way of comparing BRCA sequences such that the comparison steps can practically be performed in the human mind, University of Utah Research Foundation v. Ambry Genetics Corp.;
  • a claim to collecting and comparing known information (claim 1), which are steps that can be practically performed in the human mind, Classen Immunotherapies, Inc. v. Biogen IDEC; and
  • a claim to identifying head shape and applying hair designs, which is a process that can be practically performed in the human mind, In re Brown.

ii. A Claim That Requires A Computer May Still Recite A Mental Process
若以最廣而合理(BRI,參考說明書)地解釋專利範圍,當專利範圍全部為人類心智所執行,即便是專利範圍的步驟以電腦執行,仍判斷為引述了「心智程序」。根據判例,即便專利範圍並非全部都是心智程序,但其中僅使用了一般目的電腦(generic computer),仍算是引述了心智程序。



iii. A Claim That Encompasses A Human Performing The Step(s) Mentally With The Aid Of A Pen And Paper Recites A Mental Process
人類以紙筆等實體物品輔助執行的步驟為引述了心智程序(mental process),比如發明需要人以紙筆寫下特定資訊,就算是心智程序。

D. Tentative Abstract Idea Procedure


2019年10月29日 星期二

以數學方法解決工程問題的可專利性 - PARKER v. FLOOK (1978)


在美國,討論「抽象概念(abstract idea)」時,涉及的是法院如何定義「抽象概念」?
從USPTO於10月再次發布的101審查指導方針來看,頗大的篇幅討論「抽象概念」,更提及最高法院Parker v. Flook判決。

Supreme Court: No. 77-642

Argued: April 25, 1978
Decided: June 22, 1978

在1978年Parker v. Flook判決中,當以數學方法解決工程問題(在催化轉化過程(catalytic conversion processes)中更新警報限制)時,但其中用來警報的催化轉化過程為已知技術,若唯一與前案不同的是「數學方程式」即不符美國35U.S.C.101的可專利性規定


"`A principle, in the abstract, is a fundamental truth; an original cause; a motive; these cannot be patented, as no one can claim in either of them an exclusive right.' Le Roy v. Tatham, 14 How. 156, 175. Phenomena of nature, though just discovered, mental processes, and abstract intellectual concepts are not patentable, as they are the basic tools of scientific and technological work."


In Benson we concluded that the process application in fact sought to patent an idea, noting that "the mathematical formula involved here has no substantial practical application except in connection with a digital computer, which means that if the judgment below is affirmed, the patent would wholly preempt the mathematical formula and in practical effect would be a patent on the algorithm itself."

然而,Flook並不認為系爭專利為數學方程式而已,並辯稱所提出解決方案(post-solution activity)並非Benson案所稱演算法本身的技術,但被否決,認為這類解決方案(post-solution activity)可以應用到任何數學方程式,不會因此具有可專利性。(編按,所稱post-solution activity不好翻譯,但判決中說明post-solution activity是指可以轉換不可專利原則為可專利的程序的活動,即便這是習知或是顯而易知的特徵


"A competent draftsman could attach some form of post-solution activity to almost any mathematical formula; the Pythagorean theorem would not have been patentable, or partially patentable, because a patent application contained a final step indicating that the formula, when solved, could be usefully applied to existing surveying techniques."

"Our approach to respondent's application is, however, not at all inconsistent with the view that a patent claim must be considered as a whole. Respondent's process is unpatentable under 101, not because it contains a mathematical algorithm as one component, but because once that algorithm is assumed to be within the prior art, the application, considered as a whole, contains no patentable invention."

"Even though a phenomenon of nature or mathematical formula may be well known, an inventive application of the principle may be patented. Conversely, the discovery of such a phenomenon cannot support a patent unless there is some other inventive concept in its application."

如此認為包括數學方法的系爭專利應用了不具「創造性概念(inventive concept)」的習知特徵而不具備可專利性。

my two cents:
以上案例討論僅為記錄,這個上個世紀的判決著重在應用的數學方程式是否為「已知」,整體專利是否具有創造性概念(inventive concept in its application)而論斷整體是否為可專利,這已經與現行將101列為與102/103不同的法律議題的概念不太相同了。

- 美國專利局於10月又更新了專利適格性審查方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/10/10.html

- 美國最高法院判例 - PARKER v. FLOOK (1978)(https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/437/584.html

- 本部落格相關報導:軟體專利(CAFC判決:CLS Bank v. Alice Corp.)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2013/05/cafccls-bank-v-alice-corp.html

- History of Software Patents I(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2009/01/history-of-software-patents-i.html



「結合複數前案」的動機 - 筆記


參考我國「最高行政法院106 年度判字第651號判決意旨,案件資訊:
裁判字號:最高行政法院 106 年判字第 651號行政判決
裁判日期:民國 106 年 11 月 22 日





















- 「合理成功的期待」與「結合動機」 - Endo v. Actavis (Fed. Cir. 2019)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/08/endo-v-actavis-fed-cir-2019.html

"關於先前技術「結合的動機(motivation to combine)」:
根據案例Plantron-ics, Inc. v. Aliph, Inc., 724 F.3d 1343, 1354 (Fed. Cir. 2013),所謂「結合的動機(motivation to combine)」可以從明示或暗示出「市場力量(market force)」得出,以及根據系爭專利發明當時的設計需求、相關領域已知需求與問題,加上PHOSITA的通常知識來判斷。"
- 有組合動機但沒有成功的合理期待 - Novartis Pharm. v. West-Ward Pharm. (Fed. Cir. 2019)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/05/novartis-pharm-v-west-ward-pharm-fed.html

"A. Motivation to Combine
相關領域技術人員是否有動機組合先前技術達到系爭案發明,上訴人應提出明確而有說服力的證據,就此醫藥方面的技術,其中關鍵是,判斷相關技術人員是否有"理由"或"動機"去修改先前技術中先導成份(lead compound)而產生發明中的成份有成功的合理期待。"

"B. Reasonable Expectation of Success
在地方法院階段,地院根據證據表示,上述mTOR抑制劑並不見得會抑制腫瘤生長,且當年的知識並不明朗,對Advanced RCC也沒有很明白,也就是說,不是"後見之明"地認為所述抑制劑就是用來抑制腎臟腫瘤生長,也就是說,即便有動機組合前案,對於當年的技術水平而言,系爭專利發明並非有成功的合理期待"
找到先前技術具有結合動機的事實 - Harbor-UCLA v. Eli Lilly (CAFC 2017)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/04/harbor-ucla-v-eli-lilly-cafc-2017.html

- 顯而易見性意見應證明前案結合的動機 - In Re Nuvasive, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2016)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/03/in-re-nuvasive-inc-fed-cir-2016.html


2019年10月23日 星期三


Subject matter eligibilityhttps://www.uspto.gov/patent/laws-and-regulations/examination-policy/subject-matter-eligibility

美國專利局於10月(October 17, 2019)更新專利適格性審查方針

對應今年初USPTO提出的專利適格性指導方針:USPTO的2019開年禮之一 - 適格性指導方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/uspto2019.html

這樣看來,面對35 U.S.C. 101適格性挑戰時,若仍被認為是抽象概念,是否有「具體/實際應用(practical application)」成為重要的判斷與機會。


這次公告的審查方針是根據公眾針對今年出(Jan. 1, 2019)發布的專利適格性審查指導方針的反應,共有5個主題,分別是:

I. 評估專利範圍中是否描述了法定例外的標的。
II. 列舉抽象概念事項。
III. 評估是否法定例外的標的整合在實用的發明(參照年初審查方針)。
IV. 專利適格性核駁理由的表面證據(prima facie case)與角色。
V. 加強專利審查品質。

I. Evaluating Whether A Claim Recites A Judicial Exception At Step 2A Prong One
所述在專利範圍中引述了法定例外的特徵,指的是在專利範圍中"set forth"或是"described",如何審查專利範圍中是否引述了法定例外特徵,這裡提到幾點:

(1) 評估專利範圍是否引述了抽象概念(如下段II)。
(2) 評估專利範圍是否引述了自然產物。
(3) 評估專利範圍是否引述了自然律、自然現象。

關於,如果專利範圍引述了不僅一項以上法定例外的特徵,應整體來看,應該要以以下Step 2A與Step 2B等原則來判斷。

II. The Groupings Of Abstract Ideas Enumerated In The 2019 PEG


III. Evaluating Whether A Judicial Exception Is Integrated Into A Practical Application At Step 2A Prong Two
所謂「integration into a practical application」,指的是在Step 2A的專利適格性檢測步驟中有兩個判斷方法(two-prong inquiry),prong one - 是否專利範圍描述了抽象概念、自然律或自然現象等不可專利的法定例外的特徵;prong two - 若專利範圍描述了這些法定例外特徵,是否專利範圍"整體來看"是否將這些特徵"整合"到具體的應用(practical application)上

(上述two-prong inquiry就是下圖框住Step 2A的部分,這個流程與前次提出的審查適格性流程並無實質差異)

two-prong inquiry:

(針對practical application判斷,要證明不僅是採用法定例外的特徵,舉例來說,當專利範圍描述的限制條件反映出改善電腦功能或是改良特定技術領域的技術,表示在法定例外事項上加入了有意義的限制(meaningful limit),即超越法定例外的討論,也不用繼續討論Step 2B。)


針對特別討論「當應用了法定例外的特徵影響特定醫療與疾病時」,屬於在法定例外特徵中加入有意義限制的判斷。比較細節的判斷就是查驗其中特殊性或普遍性、是否這些限制僅是無關緊要的特徵,或僅是提出額外方案(extra-solution activity)或是使用。

所述extra-solution activity,可參考MPEP 2106.05(g)的解釋,也可參考過去一點點討論:Extra-Solution Activity的發明可專利性?(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2012/03/extra-solution-activity.html)。

MPEP 2106.05(g) Insignificant Extra-Solution Activity

... The term "extra-solution activity" can be understood as activities incidental to the primary process or product that are merely a nominal or tangential addition to the claim. ...

IV. Requirements Of A Prima Facie Case
專利審查委員有責任「以最廣而合理(broadest reasonable interpretation)的原則逐項(claim by claim)解釋專利範圍」,提出不符專利適格性的表面證據(Prima Facie Case),一旦符合這樣的審查原則,接著舉證與論述責任就轉到申請人。

面對"Step 2B"核駁理由,若認定抽象概念,即需要解釋專利範圍落於USPTO提出的幾點法定例外的抽象概念項目:數學方法、心智程序、人類活動等,以及被認定是抽象概念的事項;要不然,應該要說明是否有額外元件(additional element)專利範圍將法定例外事項整合到具體應用中;更者,如果有所述額外元件,若仍認定不符專利適格性,審查委員應提出為何這些元件的個別或組合沒有造成實質超越法定例外的理由(舉例來說,應證明這些特徵為已知、常規與習知活動)。

V. Application Of The 2019 PEG In The Patent Examining Corps
針對專利適格性的審查,USPTO提出很多例子給審查委員,包括有關法定例外(judicial exception)的範例、發明是否包括「具體/實際的應用(practical application)」,或是是否有「實質超越(significantly more)」的範例。



my two cents:



2019年10月22日 星期二

2019年諾貝爾化學獎得主 - 創造商業化鋰電池的Akira Yoshino

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019


Stanley Whittingham,研究無化石燃料的能源,從超導研究開始,發現鋰電池陰極材料,以及電池的陽極由金屬鋰製成,但其發展的鋰電池有爆炸的問題,不能實施。

John Goodenough,預測電池陰極以金屬氧化物代替金屬硫化物有很大的潛力,後來證明具有鋰離子的氧化鈷可以產生高電壓。

Akira Yoshino,建構在John Goodenough所預測的電池陰極材料,Akira Yoshino在1985年製造出第一個商業可行的鋰離子電池,他發明了在碳材料(非金屬)中嵌入鋰離子而得出輕量化、耐磨以及可充電數百次特性的"安全"電池。

諾貝爾獎的宗旨除了獎勵人類各樣知識的開創外,應該也有與專利制度促進人類進步發展的類似目標,因此,應該也是有一些對應可查閱的專利,這裡就簡單列舉「可商業化鋰電池」的發明人:"Akira Yoshino"的幾件專利。

為了確保找到的專利發明人確實為Akira Yoshino,需要對照諾貝爾獎的個人資料:
"Akira Yoshino, born 1948 in Suita, Japan.  Ph.D. 2005 from Osaka University, Japan. Honorary Fellow at Asahi Kasei  Corporation, Tokyo, Japan and professor at Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan"




my two cents:


2019年10月21日 星期一

CAFC以on-sale bar駁回部分專利範圍 - Quest Integrity v. Cokebusters (Fed. Cir. 2019)

「on-sale bar」,意思是,專利申請前的「商業實施」使專利不具新穎性,在優惠期的影響下,這個「on-sale bar」需要證明專利申請前超過一年已經商業實施。然而,進一步地,這個「新穎性」的阻礙還可擴及「專利申請前的銷售合約」。

CAFC於2019年5月作出的Quest Integrity USA,LLC v. Cokebusters USA Inc.決定確立了on-sale bar的效力,先前關鍵案例為:

- 先前販售合約形成「on-sale bar」- Helsinn Healthcare v. Teva Pharma USA (Supreme Court 2019)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/on-sale-bar-helsinn-healthcare-v-teva.html
秘密販售與合約是否阻礙新穎性,答案是"看情況" - Helsinn v. Teva (Fed. Cir. 2018)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/01/helsinn-v-teva-fed-cir-2018.html
未揭示申請前合約為不當行為 - Energy Heating, LLC v. Heat On-The-Fly, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2018)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/07/energy-heating-llc-v-heat-on-fly-llc.html

判決日:May 21, 2019

本案緣起Quest對Cokebusters提出侵權告訴,被告提起專利無效請願,美國地院在簡易判決中認為系爭專利claims 12, 24, 30, 33, 40等項無效,理由是系爭專利在申請前超過一年已與他人簽訂合約(offered for sale),不符35 U.S.C. § 102(b)規定。Quest提起上訴。



列舉兩項範圍,系爭專利Claim 24(本項被認定為不具新穎性):

24. A computer-readable medium having computer-executable instructions for performing a method of displaying inspection data collected from a furnace, wherein said furnace comprises a plurality of tube segments interconnected by a plurality of bends so as to allow stacking of at least a portion of said tube segments, said method comprising:
generating a plurality of data markers each of which identifies a location of a physical feature of said furnace;
partitioning said inspection data at said data markers so as to correlate said inspection data to an appropriate one of said tube segments of said furnace;
generating a display of at least a portion of said partitioned inspection data arranged to represent said physical geometry of a plurality of said tube segments and enable visual detection of a problem area comprising one or more of said tube segments; and
wherein said inspection data is collected by one or more devices selected from the following group: an ultrasonic transducer, a laser profilometer, and combinations thereof.

Claim 40(本項被認為不在on-sale bar範圍下):

40. A system for displaying inspection data collected from a furnace with a specified physical geometry, wherein said furnace comprises a plurality of tube segments interconnected by a plurality of bends so as to allow stacking of at least a portion of said tube segments, said system comprising:
a storage device for storing said inspection data and sensor data collected from said furnace; and

a computer programmed to:
analyze said sensor data and generate a plurality of data markers based upon said analysis of said sensor data, wherein each of said data markers identifies a location of a physical feature of said furnace so as to correlate said inspection data to said physical geometry of said furnace;
partition said inspection data at said data markers;
generate a display of at least a portion of said partitioned inspection data arranged to represent said physical geometry of a plurality of said tube segments and enable visual detection of a problem area comprising one or more of said tube segments; and
wherein said sensor data comprises a plurality of readings collected by one or more auxiliary sensors selected from the following group: an axial encoder, an accelerometer, a roll encoder, a gyroscope, an inertial navigation system, and combinations thereof.

Quest對Cokebusters提起侵權告訴,理由是Cokebusters向客戶提出熔爐清潔與檢測服務,Cokebusters提出答辯,主張系爭專利在其有效申請日(申請日:June 1, 2005;provisional優先權日:June 1, 2004)之前超過一年(June 1, 2003,critical date)已經有商業服務(提供給Orion Norco Refinery),認為系爭專利不具新穎性

在專利範圍解釋時,可知系爭專利的幾項主要範圍之間有些許差異,包括專利標的(computerized method、computer-readable medium、method、system)以及內文,但地院仍判決系爭專利的幾項主張侵權的範圍不具新穎性。


on-sale bar:

先確認日期:系爭專利的critical date為June 1, 2003(在其優先權日前一年)。

更嚴肅地,on-sale bar甚至追溯到「任何使用系爭發明的企圖」,也就是討論到專利立法的理由,要求發明人在準備好要提出專利時,就要提出。相關案例為最高法院Pfaff (Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc., 525 U.S. 55 (1998))。(相關報導:申請前商業販售或約定形成的專利權障礙 - Hamilton Beach v. Sunbeam Products (Fed. Cir. 2013)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/05/hamilton-beach-v-sunbeam-products-fed.html))

最高法院在Pfaff案中提出two-part test,兩部測試是否符合「on-sale」:商業要約與準備申請專利("(1) “the subject of a commercial offer for sale” and (2) “ready for patenting.”")。甚至「秘密的販售合約」都可無效專利權:

各方判斷與主張頗為刁鑽,如法院認為系爭專利權人Quest滿足的on-sale bar是在商業要約,並沒有販售硬體或軟體,也就是認為Quest在critical date之前的行為關於系爭專利的幾個標的:METHOD, COMPUTER-READABLE MEDIUM與SYSTEM。

Quest承認critical date之間確實有商業行為,但主張提供給Norco的服務沒有「顯示」,但如各方所述,當時提供給Norco的表格已經有視覺化地檢測熔爐,也細讀了系爭專利說明書中列舉的範例,如系爭專利Fig. 3,都成為Quest無法否決的證據。

如說明書提出的Example 1,對應到系爭專利「system」範圍,也查出系爭專利審查歷史沒有對相關範圍有任何disclaimer,沒有排除Example 1,但因為核駁的關係,Quest也在相關範圍中併入「display」特徵。特別地,一般專利權人都想要得到較廣範圍的專利,但在此時卻又極力表示所限制的條件,都是為了要避免「on-sale bar」。對於解釋專利範圍而言,各方對此都有一番來往論述。

除了確認系爭專利critical date之間的商業行為已經讓claims 12, 24, 33(computerized method, computer-readable medium, method for displaying inspection date)不具新穎性之外,關於Claims 30, 40(computer-readable medium - data marker, system for displaying inspection data),這裡還有些來往討論。

Claim 30為附屬項,其中包括了「composite data markers」,Claim 40為獨立項,包括了分析感測數據的特徵。對於部分專利特徵,Quest主張在之前與Norco的服務中僅建議有這些功能,但並未提出服務,加上被告對此也沒有足夠的on-sale bar證據,無法證明Quest對Norco的商業服務中涵蓋所有claims 30, 40的專利特徵,使得CAFC認為地方法院對這兩項範圍的無效決定有誤。

CAFC結論:根據on-sale bar,認為系爭專利Claims 12, 24, 33不符新穎性規定,但否決Claims 30, 40的無效決定。(顯然新穎性為逐項判斷)

my two cents:
很多專利不見得能夠那麼準確地對應到特地產品,或僅是一個產品的某個小部件或功能,要形成on-sale bar,相對困難,但是有些產品卻很明確地有其對應專利,特別是具有視覺化功效、產品本身的專利,這些更要小心on-sale bar。



2019年10月18日 星期五

「設計選擇」為"非"顯而易知的案例討論 - Ex parte Maeda (2012)

本篇為根據USPTO 10/16/2019 標註案例之二:

關於「design choice(設計選擇)」,如果發明的特徵僅是「設計選擇」之一,表示沒有對發明本身有實質的影響,就不會因為有差異而具有非顯而易知性(non-obvious)。

- 可參考部落格文章:發明僅設計選擇是顯而易見的技術 - Ex parte Gehring (PTAB, 2016)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/11/ex-parte-gehring-ptab-2016.html


- 可參考過去報導:一件訴願先行案例報導(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/11/blog-post_17.html

- 「設計選擇」為顯而易知的案例討論 - Ex parte Spangler (2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/10/ex-parte-spangler-2019.html

PTAB designates two decisions as informative regarding design choice
Ex parte Spangler, Appeal No. 2018-003800 (Feb. 20, 2019)
This decision affirms the examiner’s obviousness rejection, which determined that claimed relative lengths and locations of two claimed components were a matter of obvious design choice because the specification did not suggest that the relative lengths or locations were critical to the claimed invention.
Ex parte Maeda, Appeal No. 2010-009814 (Oct. 23, 2012)
This decision reverses the examiner’s obviousness rejection, which determined that the location of a claimed component of a manufacturing apparatus was a matter of obvious design choice because moving the component to the claimed location would result in a different function than shown in the prior art.
Learn more about these informative decisions on the USPTO website.

Ex parte Maeda, Appeal No. 2010-009814 (Oct. 23, 2012)

此案為2012年10月23日作出的訴願決定,相較於上一篇Ex parte Spangler案,早了7年多,或許這七年很多觀念都變了,不過USPTO再次提出提醒,或許是要告訴我們甚麼吧!

系爭申請案:10/519,832 (Appeal 2010-009814)
引證案:Wilcox  (US 6,234,351 B1)、Meserole (US 6,494,055 B1)
引用法條:35 U.S.C. § 103(a)


系爭案關於裝液體的袋子以及甜點製造機。系爭案主要專利範圍Claim 6如下,所描述的冷凍甜點製造機包括了冷凍儲存區、袋身、冷凍裝置、混合物供應區、壓力區,以及其中結構描述與製造過程。(編按,本篇結構描述比較鬆散,有興趣者可以看原文)

6. A frozen dessert manufacturing apparatus comprising: 
a cold storage which cold-stores a liquid containing bag constituted of a bag main body containing a mixture and having flexibility and an outer layer member disposed outside this bag main body, capable of forming a sealed space between the outer layer member and the bag main body, and having flexibility; 
a cooling cylinder which stirs and cools the mixture supplied from the liquid containing bag to thereby manufacture frozen dessert; 
a cooling device which cools the cold storage or the cooling cylinder; 
an air compression device; 
a mixture supply passage for connecting the inside of the bag main body of the liquid containing bag to the inside of the cooling cylinder; 
a bag pressurizing passage for supplying compressed air produced by the air compression device between the outer layer member and the bag main body of the liquid containing bag; 
an air supply passage for supplying compressed air into the cooling cylinder; and
a combined passage member detachably attached to the cooling cylinder and disconnectably connected to the mixture supply passage and the air supply passage, wherein the mixture supply passage is combined with the air supply passage, and thereafter connected to the inside of the cooling cylinder by the combined passage member, and the combined passage member is disposed in the cold storage.





USPTO審查此項範圍時,引用上述前案,認為,雖系爭案發明與前案裝置設計(混合部分在冷凍區內或在外)不同,但是認為系爭案發明在所屬領域一般技術人員來說是「顯而易知」,系爭案發明將混合輸送的部分放在冷凍區的設計並沒有產生「無法預期的結果(unexpected result)」,換句話說,這是一種「設計選擇(design choice)」而已。

USPTO意見:"The location of the combined passage member 35 of Meserole is considered to be a matter of obvious choice to one of ordinary skill in the art. No criticality or unexpected results are seen or have been disclosed for the location of the combined passage member being located in the cold storage."


申請人答辯:"Changing the location of the air injection point 35 to a new location inside the refrigerated mix cabinet 40 would modify the operation of the Meserole ’055 device. If the air injection point were located inside the refrigerated mix cabinet 40, the mix and the air would be at colder temperatures when they were combined, and thus the mix and the air would combine in a different manner.  Accordingly, in view of the above, the location of the air injection point 35 is not merely a matter of obvious design choice."




PTAB委員引用最高法院案例In re Ochiai, 71 F.3d 1565, 1571 (Fed. Cir. 1995)甚至還引用到當年重要KSR判例,要求審查委員作出顯而易知的核駁意見時,應有論述來支持審查意見,而非僅作出結論而已。




my two cents:
當審委利用「design choice」核駁案件時,答辯就是「說明設計差異產生的效果非前案可預期,非顯而易知」,最好是說明書已經有解釋,加上,如果先前技術的設計更有自己的理由時,先前技術可能是TEACH AWAY本案發明。


