系爭專利:US5,987,610, US6,073,142, US6,460,050, and US7,506,155
判決日:December 19, 2019
本案緣起原告Intellectual Ventures於2010年對Trend Micro與Symantec等公司提起專利侵權訴訟,由於各系爭專利關於軟體專利,因此被告提起專利不符適格性的請願,地院在專利適格性上判斷系爭專利'142、'050不符35 U.S.C. § 101規定,CAFC另也認為'610不具可專利性。
於是地院先撤銷對Trend Micro的訴訟。被告Trend Micro(prevailing party)接著提起返還律師費用(5 U.S.C. § 285)的請願,結果地院判斷,在訴訟過程中,原告的專家證人改變了證詞,當中符合規定中的「例外情事」,因此判決原告應返還被告美金「$444,051.14」。
5 U.S.C. § 285
The court in exceptional cases may award reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party.
1. A virus screening method comprising the steps of:
routing a call between a calling party and a called party of a telephone network;
receiving, within the telephone network, computer data from a first party selected from the group consisting of the calling party and the called party;
detecting, within the telephone network, a virus in the computer data; and
in response to detecting the virus, inhibiting communication of at least a portion of the computer data from the telephone network to a second party selected from the group consisting of the calling party and the called party.
1. A post office for receiving and redistributing e-mail messages on a computer network, the post office comprising:
a receipt mechanism that receives an e-mail message from a sender, the e-mail message having at least one specified recipient;
a database of business rules, each business rule specifying an action for controlling the delivery of an e-mail message as a function of an attribute of the e-mail message;
a rule engine coupled to receive an e-mail message from the receipt mechanism and coupled to the database to selectively apply the business rules to the e-mail message to determine from selected ones of the business rules a set of actions to be applied to the e-mail message; and
a distribution mechanism coupled to receive the set of actions from the rule engine and apply at least one action thereof to the e-mail message to control delivery of the e-mail message and which in response to the rule engine applying an action of deferring delivery of the e-mail message, the distribution engine automatically combines the e-mail message with a new distribution list specifying at least one destination post office for receiving the e-mail message for review by an administrator associated with the destination post office, and a rule history specifying the business rules that were determined to be applicable to the e-mail message by at least one rule engine, and automatically delivers the e-mail message to a first destination post office on the distribution list instead of a specified recipient of the e-mail message.
1. A file content classification system comprising:
a plurality of agents, each agent including a file content ID generator creating file content IDs using a mathematical algorithm, at least one agent provided on one of a plurality of clients;
an ID appearance database, provided on a server, coupled to receive file content IDs from the agents; and
a characteristic comparison routine on the server, identifying a characteristic of the file content based on the appearance of the file content ID in the appearance database and transmitting the characteristic to the client agents.
1. A method for protecting a network from a virus contained in an e-mail message as executable code, the method comprising:
receiving the e-mail message;
converting the executable code from an executable format to a non-executable format by using an application-level process which retains an appearance, human readability, and semantic content of the e-mail message; and
forwarding the non-executable format to a recipient of the e-mail message.
35 U.S.C. § 285主要議題是,整件訴訟是否符合「exceptional case(例外情事)」,也就是一般來說,訴訟雙方各自承擔法律上的費用,但是如果有敗訴一方符合「例外」的條件,就可能會判賠勝方法律費用。
首先,要看的是「各方在訴訟中的實質力量(substantive strength of a party's litigating position)」或是當中是否有不合理的事情,當判斷是否符合需要返還律師費用的「例外」時,應逐案來審,並以整體環境來考量。
"An exceptional case “stands out from others with respect to the substantive strength of a party’s litigating position (considering both the governing" law and the facts of the case) or the unreasonable manner in which the case was litigated.”
相關案例:地方法院有決定律師費誰付的裁量權 - Octane Fitness v. Icon Health (Supreme Court 2014)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/05/octane-fitness-v-icon-health-supreme.html)
CAFC採用「濫用職權標準(abuse-of-discretion standard)」來審視地院的判斷。相關案例如「Highmark Inc. v. Allcare (Supreme Court 2014)」:
"The abuse-of-discretion standard does not preclude an appellate court’s correction of a district court’s legal or factual error."
當地院判斷原告提起訴訟是否為客觀地不合理時,因為原告證人在訴訟中修改證詞即作出「不合理」的結論,且僅以當中一部分"stand out"於其他案件(僅根據專家證詞的改變),即作出符合"例外情事"的判斷,因此CAFC認為地院這個分析並不適當。

有關35 U.S.C. § 285訴訟後是否返還律師費用的案例:
- 不願和解妥協的NEWEGG的勝利方程式 - AdjustaCam v. Newegg (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/07/newegg-adjustacam-v-newegg-fed-cir-2017.html)
- 陪審團不能判賠律師費用 - AIA America v. Avid Radiopharma (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/12/aia-america-v-avid-radiopharma-fed-cir.html)
- 東德州法官用律師費打擊Patent Troll(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/12/patent-troll.html)
- 美國法院要NPE律師自己負擔法律費用 - Gust vs Alphacap Ventures and Richard Juarez(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/03/npe-gust-vs-alphacap-ventures-and.html)
- 結合專利與商標的訴訟以及返還律師費的標準 - Romag Fasteners v. Fossil (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/11/romag-fasteners-v-fossil-fed-cir-2017.html)